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Shortshifter Recomendation

Posted: May 5th, 2002, 5:41 am
by millionflame
For those who have a short shifter, or know a lot about them, which is the best of the two? Pacesetter, or the B&M?? Or, is there another one that works better???<P>Thanks a lot.<BR> :D

Re: Shortshifter Recomendation

Posted: May 5th, 2002, 1:56 pm
by SmokyMcGee
a while back... alot of people were saying the pacesetter is better.

Re: Shortshifter Recomendation

Posted: May 5th, 2002, 2:54 pm
by RayRay
Actually from what I heard the B&M was better and less notchy but its also about 2x the price of the Pacesetter. The pacesetter is $60 from jcwhitney and some other places. I think the B&M is about $120-140. Its your choice [ and $$$ ]. BTW I went cheap and bought the pacesetter, I like it.