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Radar detector question

Posted: March 22nd, 2002, 1:45 pm
by Brainless
I know they're illegal here in québec but I have a simple question. Can a cop detect a radar detector w/ VG2 protection??

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: March 22nd, 2002, 3:48 pm
by Maddbuck
Anything is possible. The cops use a 'radar detector' detector to search for radar detectors. the VG2 is supposed to detect this device and shut down/cloak your detector. :roll:

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: March 25th, 2002, 1:16 am
by zytariuk
Radar detectors are illegal in canada. When used in an automobile at least.<p>[ March 25, 2002: Message edited by: zytariuk ]

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: March 28th, 2002, 8:47 pm
by morcheeba
Actually I could be mistaken, but I do believe that they are legal here in BC.

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: March 30th, 2002, 1:29 am
by A.S.
I'm pretty sure theyre legal in Canada, at least in BC. But are Scramblers illegal? and what is a good brand?

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: April 3rd, 2002, 5:21 pm
by KWK MX3
VG2 is old news now for cops.<BR>They can detect it already.<BR>If you want a good one look at the Bell 980.<BR>It works through software programming rather than circuit boards. You need to get them from the US, but get this: They make them in Mississauga Ontario and you can call them and ask about the product and the legalities of it all. They have told me that in the Windsor Ontario area they are detectable. But the 980 can be re-programmed via their web site and and a switch box cable. So upgrading is easy. The 980 has payed for its self 10 times over already. I even wave to the cops i drive by when its telling me "laser radar detected!" While they are scrathing their heads... :D

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 14th, 2002, 3:01 pm
by Falstaff
Radar detectors *are* legal in BC.

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 14th, 2002, 8:32 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KWK MX3:<BR><STRONG>VG2 is old news now for cops.<BR>They can detect it already.<BR>If you want a good one look at the Bell 980.<BR>It works through software programming rather than circuit boards. You need to get them from the US, but get this: They make them in Mississauga Ontario and you can call them and ask about the product and the legalities of it all. They have told me that in the Windsor Ontario area they are detectable. But the 980 can be re-programmed via their web site and and a switch box cable. So upgrading is easy. The 980 has payed for its self 10 times over already. I even wave to the cops i drive by when its telling me "laser radar detected!" While they are scrathing their heads... :D</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>I heard about this company a little while ago. A friend of mine was telling me about one of his other friends that got one. He says it works great and has saved him a few times. I would really like to see one in action.<P>BTW, Radar detectors *are* illegal in Ontario.

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 14th, 2002, 11:44 pm
by Mx3Mazda
u are wrong about the illegality.. i knwo here in saskatchewan they are legal, manitoba illegal, not sure about ontario, quebev there illegal, alberta im not sure.. and bc i thought they were legal<BR>kendal

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 15th, 2002, 12:31 am
by mazda_stud
yah legal here! I know it has saved my a-- about a million times already. Best thing you can buy for your car. I leave mine in Highway mode all the time it picks up even those radar guns that supposed to be unable be detect.

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 17th, 2002, 5:40 am
by millionflame
I have the Bel 980 and it works. Cops when they FREQUENTLY pull me over for harrasments sake, and their PURE enjoyment I'm sure, see it and never have said a word, amongst other things. I also have the Blinder M-10 Laser Detrector/Jammer. It's an "active," not "passive," jammer so it's illegal, but I have it completely hidden. Anyways, this little thing makes me 100% (no joke - tried tested and true) invisible to any laser out there these days.<P>Just thought I'd put my 10 cents in.<P>~Aiden

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 18th, 2002, 2:10 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
Cobras are crap...mine never worked so I stopped using it :-/

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 25th, 2002, 12:41 pm
by KWK MX3
I have the Bell 980 and it works 100% of the time. No tickets. Once i was in Mississauga and the emergency warning went off. I was a little worried and went to the factory for some info. The factory is right here in Mississauga and they were very informative. They said around Windsor and Detroit they are detecting them but there will be new software that can be downloaded from the Bell site that will re-program the anti-radar. It is the best investment i have made since the 2.5L swap.

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 25th, 2002, 3:04 pm
by mitmaks
how does it work? radar detector? when it works what u do? u stop or what/ or it jams radar detector that cops use and they cant see ur speed? i really need to get one <BR>these asses get on my nerves.

Re: Radar detector question

Posted: June 30th, 2002, 12:40 am
by mitmaks
anyone can answer this ? ^^^