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Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 4:08 pm
by Lori Carlyle
f---ing epic ratty tbh.

Too many cars are seen by their owners as virgin's..(Pure, un-touched, as new) sometimes, you just got to go down the village bike route.

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 21st, 2011, 4:44 pm
by nightstalker
Lori Carlyle wrote:f---ing epic ratty tbh.

Too many cars are seen by their owners as virgin's..(Pure, un-touched, as new) sometimes, you just got to go down the village bike route.
Amen to that Lori eyy (cheers for the sump again btw :wink: ).

So to all the haters out there here's some more pictures taken by people at a Jap car meet recently and sent to me by the takers. The car went down well and had lots of interest and this weekend it's at it's first show with a few changes.



The next plans are to have the sump changed, the door sills cleaned up of the "REAL" rust and holes and then welded to make the car safe. Then after the show, it's big time plans with a welder turning it into a pickup :welder: . If you want to see a world renowned famous MX3 in magazines, this will be one to watch.

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 9:32 am
by chrome730
WTF. dude this is depressing.

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 3:52 pm
by nightstalker
chrome730 wrote:WTF. dude this is depressing.
Here's an easy thing to do then. DON'T LOOK AT IT YOU ARROGANT PRICK! I'm sorry if I am not doing the same as everyone else but there's a simple thing to do, if you don't like something on the TV, do you watch it?

Seriously, you guys should get your heads out of your backsides and take the blinkers off!

If you don't like it, don't say anything but I swear at the end of the day I am putting more time and effort into this car than any of you JDM worshipping fan boys!

And seriously? It depresses you? Dude you need to get help. Get a sense of humour and relax FFS!

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 4:16 pm
by nightstalker
Just to really p1ss you off some more I thought I'd throw some more pictures at you!


Look good? Wanna do it? I used parcel tape and some house paint to do this using a brush! Yeah a f**king brush! (better take your medication chrome cus there more to come and it's worse!)


Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 5:00 pm
by Lori Carlyle
chrome730 wrote:this is depressing.

A car depresses you? yikes, what does harsh words do to you?


RAT land is virgin free :)

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 7:23 pm
by youdirtyfox
Rising sun I want on my car :D
springs have settled in a bit now then :|

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 7:39 pm
by Vecia
nightstalker wrote:Here's an easy thing to do then. DON'T LOOK AT IT YOU ARROGANT PRICK! I'm sorry if I am not doing the same as everyone else but there's a simple thing to do, if you don't like something on the TV, do you watch it?

Seriously, you guys should get your heads out of your backsides and take the blinkers off!

If you don't like it, don't say anything but I swear at the end of the day I am putting more time and effort into this car than any of you JDM worshipping fan boys!

And seriously? It depresses you? Dude you need to get help. Get a sense of humour and relax FFS!
Dude, I think more people might accept your particular take on things if you weren't such a f**king complete c**k sucker in how you present s---. The way you talk to people is freaking ridiculous and now you think because no one is licking your a** over this complete f**king farce of a build, that all of "Us" that enjoy a little tuning are pricks.

In my opinion your a freaking jerk. I think you were an a** clown before you showed up here; I think your an a** clown now and you will be an a** clown the day you leave. Why don't you do us all a favor and keep your "Oh I'm a JDM hater..." attitude stuffed in that lunch-box of an "I'm so different because I buck the status quo" insecurity and let those of us that are actually having fun giving each other props, kudos and the occasional constructive criticism like real freaking people do, enjoy ourselves

You're a f**king douche bag man and no matter how much s--- you try and do that is so Howard Stern and Marylin Manson trendy to the tuning industry its not even funny, you will continue to be as such; a freaking douche. So, let go of all that pent up bull s--- you got going on. Yes, we see you. HI, Hi nightstalker! We see you, you have our attention, hi!

Now, we have seen and heard what you are doing... if you are going to do your car your own "fashionable" way then go for it but Jesus Christ; can you do it without insulting everyone and attacking anyone that wishes to display their opinion? chrome730 didn't insult you with words or curse you or anything and all of a sudden this s---. I freaking hate jerks like you man. A freaking "Keyboard Gangster"... seems like your the prick, Slick.

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 22nd, 2011, 8:03 pm
by nightstalker
Vecia wrote:
nightstalker wrote:Here's an easy thing to do then. DON'T LOOK AT IT YOU ARROGANT PRICK! I'm sorry if I am not doing the same as everyone else but there's a simple thing to do, if you don't like something on the TV, do you watch it?

Seriously, you guys should get your heads out of your backsides and take the blinkers off!

If you don't like it, don't say anything but I swear at the end of the day I am putting more time and effort into this car than any of you JDM worshipping fan boys!

And seriously? It depresses you? Dude you need to get help. Get a sense of humour and relax FFS!
Dude, I think more people might accept your particular take on things if you weren't such a f**king complete c**k sucker in how you present s---. The way you talk to people is freaking ridiculous and now you think because no one is licking your a** over this complete f**king farce of a build, that all of "Us" that enjoy a little tuning are pricks.

In my opinion your a freaking jerk. I think you were an a** clown before you showed up here; I think your an a** clown now and you will be an a** clown the day you leave. Why don't you do us all a favor and keep your "Oh I'm a JDM hater..." attitude stuffed in that lunch-box of an "I'm so different because I buck the status quo" insecurity and let those of us that are actually having fun giving each other props, kudos and the occasional constructive criticism like real freaking people do, enjoy ourselves

You're a f**king douche bag man and no matter how much s--- you try and do that is so Howard Stern and Marylin Manson trendy to the tuning industry its not even funny, you will continue to be as such; a freaking douche. So, let go of all that pent up bull s--- you got going on. Yes, we see you. HI, Hi nightstalker! We see you, you have our attention, hi!

Now, we have seen and heard what you are doing... if you are going to do your car your own "fashionable" way then go for it but Jesus Christ; can you do it without insulting everyone and attacking anyone that wishes to display their opinion? chrome730 didn't insult you with words or curse you or anything and all of a sudden this s---. I freaking hate jerks like you man. A freaking "Keyboard Gangster"... seems like your the prick, Slick.
LMFAO chill keyboard ninja.

haha, I love the way you're all getting so uptight about something that isn't yours. I don't need to put pictures on a forum to know how cool I am. I am the coolest mofo in the world. I am actually a super hero, I'm like the silver surfer, I crap ice bro!

Why can't you accept that what I am doing is actually the coolest thing in the world and I am actually the god of the car modifying world, One day you will all look back and say "hey, that guy from the UK was right" (I joke of course).

Hey, none of this BS would have come about if you guys had have just left me alone and let me get on with what I am doing. I never invited you to abuse me or the car. Like I say, if you don't like it, don't look we have a saying over here "if you've got nothing nice to say, then don't say anything" SIMPLE AS F**K!

(By the way, I love the JDM scene but for god's sake life get's boring when everything is the same apart from shoes)

This is as you say "all about doing something else" Yeah, I'm different but is there any need for all the hostility I have been given? And you wonder why I'm being such a c---!?

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 5:05 am
by Lori Carlyle
Vecia wrote: Dude, I think more people might accept your particular take on things if you weren't such a f**king complete c**k sucker in how you present s---. The way you talk to people is freaking ridiculous and now you think because no one is licking your a** over this complete f**king farce of a build, that all of "Us" that enjoy a little tuning are pricks.
and with all respect, the atatude of the members on here toward NC and his RAT have been polite? constructive? or just insulting... Option C is the winner, respond kindness with kindness... but none has been shown toward.. so why should some be shown back, oh his ride deserves better? lets slap JDM parts on it... would that be "better"?
Vecia wrote: In my opinion your a freaking jerk. I think you were an a** clown before you showed up here; I think your an a** clown now and you will be an a** clown the day you leave.
Keep up the constructive criticism, one day you might get it down to a fine art.

Vecia wrote: Why don't you do us all a favor and keep your "Oh I'm a JDM hater..." attitude stuffed in that lunch-box of an "I'm so different because I buck the status quo" insecurity and let those of us that are actually having fun giving each other props, kudos and the occasional constructive criticism like real freaking people do, enjoy ourselves
Why don't you do us all a favor and keep your "oh I'm a JDM lover..." attitude......... pah you get the idea.
Vecia wrote: You're a f**king douche bag man and no matter how much s--- you try and do that is so Howard Stern and Marylin Manson trendy to the tuning industry its not even funny, you will continue to be as such; a freaking douche. So, let go of all that pent up bull s--- you got going on. Yes, we see you. HI, Hi nightstalker! We see you, you have our attention, hi!
Every car has to be tuned? I didn't know owning a MX3 dropped you into this "tuning industry" you speak of? did I forget to pay the membership fee? It's funny that you think "rat" means attention whoring.. maybe rat never made it across the pond.. in which case, your trying to attack something you fail to understand.. but that's ok tho, one day you might understand it, you have a lot of built up rage.. are you seeing someone about it?


constructive criticism, I see none...
Vecia wrote: Now, we have seen and heard what you are doing... if you are going to do your car your own "fashionable" way then go for it but Jesus Christ; can you do it without insulting everyone and attacking anyone that wishes to display their opinion? chrome730 didn't insult you with words or curse you or anything and all of a sudden this s---. I freaking hate jerks like you man. A freaking "Keyboard Gangster"... seems like your the prick, Slick.
TBH, after reading the thread on here about the tailgate mod, most members if it isn't JDM and polished to a mirror shine like a babys rectum isn't going to be liked, that's not Nights fault, that's yours (or rather their's) being different isn't "look at me I'm attention whoring" it's that, different. if you don't understand it, don't insult it or the guy doing it.

Not every car needs to be on the cover of some car mag with a plastic filled blond whore creaming over the paint job, tbh any women that does that has an IQ of less then most of the members on here, around 6 at a guess. but hey ho, life goes on.

Now, if you have some "constructive criticism" to add, add it, if not, don't write a long a-- essay on the subject....

Something like,

Jesus, not what I'd do but hell, looks like fun.. have you done ..X I think it would look nice.

^^ Example of "constructive criticism" ^^ for you, I've seen 7 year olds need writing templates before but boy, you take the cake, I award you the gold star.

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 9:17 am
by Venari
Some of you guys are odd. You're dissing nightstalker because he's doing something different. It ain't harming you, is it? It's not even on the same continent. Some of your ancestors fought for your right to say all of these things, good and bad. Have some damned respect.

You don't know this man, you don't know his situation. Hate the car, sure, if you like. Me personally, I've seen it 'clean' and now it's not, but I think it's pretty funky: but that's me. I know the mechanicals are sound, ns has worked hard to keep 'Bert' running sweet, and he's had a bit of a fight on his hands at times. He's got more important things to spend money on, which is partly why when he mods, he does it with max VFM.

I don't even have an MX-3. I'm a technical advisor of sorts, working on a couple of different projects. Amongst others, I have a rodded '62 Corvette, a restomod fast road (not really pro-touring) '68 Cougar and an FTO which if I told you what I was doing to it you either have an orgasm or an embolism. Or both. I talked to ns about Bert, and we thought about a V6 swap (hard) and then came upon the Miata/MX-5 guys homebrew supercharger conversion using MINI Cooper S take-off blowers. Straightforward if not simple, cost-effective... interesting project... but you need the car off the road. ns can't do that at the mo, so we've shelved it. How many of you guys have the 'nads to consider a homebrew supercharger?


Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 3:25 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
I think the problem is that most of us are stuck in the mindset that rats should be classic. Yes, the mx is getting older, but its no 68'. The lines and overall look just doesnt work IMO. I agree each to their own.
Venari wrote:How many of you guys have the 'nads to consider a homebrew supercharger?
At this point in time, you have one post. I doubt that you have been through our worklog section. Many of us have one-off setups, much more involved than a supercharger mod that does not exist. I don't think you have the nads for it either.

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 4:33 pm
by Ryan
This thread reminds me of that rocket scientist kid.

Hah. I'm gonna go read that thread for giggles.

But I'm starting to agree with you, it's just that I have never seen this whole "rat" scene, so my first impression was its just a beater POS (what we call cars like that over here). I'm sorry if I came across as mean, I just don't understand.

Just a heads up, I don't really like any of the JDM parts, except I want a JDM door panel so I can have a proper handle :D. We're not all the same, I guess you just haven't looked around. From Solo's old car (clean), to Johns(kitted to the balls), to Goldmember (balls to the wall and show quality) to that other euro guy who is actually doing the JDM thing with the massive vinyls and everything, to the grocery getters, and then the SPL cars, the one off custom turbo/super/ITB setups.... AWD, Mazota, etc.... I actually can only think of that one true JDM build....

Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 7:09 pm
by Savin
Here's my take on things. Read if you wish, but you don't have to.

If I've learned anything from forums ( in particular), if you post pics of your car, you're asking for both negative and positive comments. Some people may love the look, others may hate it, but its the risk you take when you post photos of your car on forums. If you want everyone to approve of the look you're after, its best to find a forum dedicated to that "Scene" so to speak.

People gave you their opinion of the car, some are just diehard mx-3 lovers and want them to stay pure to the look of the car, (hence the hostile comments). As for me, I don't give a s--- what you do to the car. If you like it, that's what matters. But if you're doing it to be an "attention whore" (not saying you are), then you might want to simply take it elsewhere just so there isn't more pointless arguing.

Like I said, I'm not biased when it comes to what people do to their cars, but if I think its stupid, then I'll say it. I hated john's kitted out mx-3 for the longest time just cause I thought it was ugly (i even said so), but I still respect the work and the guy behind the car.

All this comes from a guy who purposely destroyed 2 mx-3's cause I deemed them "not worth it". So destroy the car for all I care. :wink:


Re: My 1.6 16v

Posted: April 23rd, 2011, 7:41 pm
by nightstalker
I'm very drunk right now....... So excuse me for any mistakes.

I've never meant to harm any one here with my actions towards this car. I'm just doing what I do best. Pristine is not my scene, I'd love it to be but I use the car daily so that cannot be! Like Venari said, we are thinking of a super charged beast, I'm thinking more of a turb'd monster!

Why do I rat? Simple. People see a piece of crap and laugh (in their pristine cars) and then cry when they get destroyed by it on the street/strip/track. This car has made a lot of fun boy racers look stupid as it is right now before I have touched the engine.

I will say one thing to alll you haters. I was going for the "pristine" look and I hated the car sooo much. Now I am giving it the rat look I love this car more than my future wife (and christ, that is saying something as she's absolutely amazing!).

So One last thing, you think I am doing this for attention, YES, this is why we are all here "look at my car". Is it your taste? Probably not, but hell, when I'm kicking out 200bhp with a rusty rocket, I' sure you'll feel it. At the moment it is all aesthetic but the future is boosty and hell yeah!