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Posted: August 2nd, 2005, 1:05 pm
by rsroadkilla
i just read this post. I've been missing out!!!!!

Would it not be easier to just flatten the place though, rather than pay a gaurd to be their 24/7.

Gotta be a pretty freeky job though! All on ya own in a ghost town, in the middle of the night!!!

That would be sooooooooo cool having a big meet their though. Mx3's from all around the world lining the streets!!!

Make our own fasr and furious!! :P

Posted: August 2nd, 2005, 2:26 pm
by jschrauwen
rsroadkilla wrote:i just read this post. I've been missing out!!!!!

Would it not be easier to just flatten the place though, rather than pay a gaurd to be their 24/7. Crown property - you should know how they like to hold onto that stuff
Gotta be a pretty freeky job though! All on ya own in a ghost town, in the middle of the night!!! Fry probably had his ugly stick with him .... LOL

That would be sooooooooo cool having a big meet their though. Mx3's from all around the world lining the streets!!! I'd much prefer to do something like that in one of your old castles, now that would be sweet.

Make our own fasr and furious!! :P Could probably do that at the other site where the runways are ... who knows. If a RC club can rent it out, why not a car club for a psuedo meet/slalom. That would be very do-able considering it's within 1 hr of Toronto.

Posted: August 3rd, 2005, 9:43 am
by cdngrl420
time for a car meet out there im up for one regardless of the long drive up, seriously a meet out there would definately bring our meet numbers up haha
^orignal post

ok i was really hyped about the find then i read the last of the pages and realized we are not gonna get in, here are my questions->>>>
*have you checked where the fence ends see if theres any signs on the fence prohibitting entrance, government signs, is there barbwire anything on the fence making it hard to scale?
*If the crown really cared so much about protecting this land they would have fenced it all in either the gaurd told you a phony story to get you away from there or theres something else going on.
*I'm sure the gaurd would have came after you if he seen you snooping around (im sure there is cameras in some spots) something just doesn't seem right to me
*Why have running water/electricty if no one lives there?
*The grass in the pictures looks like its maintained, why if no one lives there?
*Ask the gaurd if the general public are allowed in there as a tourist attraction.
*Did you check every building, if you go back check around the outskirts not in the core if theres something going on I think it be in buildings along the edge, along the forest or whatever as most wanderers would think like u and try to find a city hall or something in the core of the town

My theories are:
Government land for producing medicinal marijuana, see if it smells like skunk around there
Private property for some crazy rich bastard
Government land that has no meaning and im crazy

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 1:53 am
by _-Night-Shade-_
Bump to revive an old, intersting topic (yes, this is what happens when I'm bored :) goes to show you there's plenty of interesting info on this forum).
All the pics are down now and I'm dying to see what this place looks like. Is it still there? I would love to sneak in through the forest just to check it out.
Also my heart skipped a beat when I saw that airfield, if it's accessible that means racing with no consequences :D I wanna hear more details about this espeically considering there are still some active members from back then (Mike and John).
Great thread in general, was a very interesting read. I'm gonna look into this ontario ghost town business now :)

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 3:04 am
by Daninski
Usually it's an issue of hazardous contamination. Rock fracture releasing natural gas, radon contamination, possible infecious agent but not ususally. Lastly, primevil spor creature living in the towns sewer system waiting to consume human flesh.

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 2:07 pm
by Mooneggs
I would like to visit as well... the pics aren't gone just the linking..." onclick=";return false;

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 2:09 pm
by JWMX3
i wanna go raid all the houses.

things to bring :

gas mask
rubber gloves
(2) .22 caliber pistols with plenty of clips
hockey bags to carry all the free stuff

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 2:30 pm
by Mooneggs
there are no decent satellite maps of this area :?

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 2:35 pm
by tripleMX-3chicMS
BE carefull.... there might be some underground flesh eaters living there or a kids only no adults like on star trek... LOL!

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 1:54 am
by fowljesse
I'm so jealous! I love a mystery lke this.
I broke into the Oregon State Hospital (Looney Bin), where they filmed "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest", and got some souvenirs.

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: December 20th, 2009, 3:41 am
by Flyer
IT's all good until you find the town covered in thick fog...if you hear an air raid siren, run...

Re: Interesting Pictures You Guys Might Like...

Posted: October 30th, 2011, 8:40 am
by Daninski
Probably a military property and anyone who enters is terminally contaminated with agent XXX toxic bioagent. :(