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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

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Five pet peeves:
1. Working with young little sluts. They think they're so worth it, they don't run their own food, or do any sidework. But they can complain and stay on the cellphone ALL THE TIME. They're 19, and talk about how they got smashed all the time.
2. Rednecks. No tip, but they'll run you to death on refills.
3. Stereotypical black people. No tip, they'll complain just to get free food.
4. Smokers. I go all day without a cigarette, I don't see why you should get a damned break.
5. Gay people. There's like a 50/50 split of straight people and gay people.
6. 2.13/hour. Oh, you said only five...
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by wytbishop »

I noticed that with Sluts, Rednecks, Black people and Smokers there was a particular behaviour that peeved you. Am I to understand that Gay people annoy you by their very existence?
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

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I don't like being hit on by another guy. They also are a bunch of queens, starting drama just to piss someone off.
I personally believe homosexuality is wrong.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by wytbishop »

I am genuinely sorry to hear that.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by Mx3Kid16 »

i think its really fkin weird if a guy hits on me.. eww man thats just not that way its supposed to be..
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

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Wyt, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bigot that hates everyone in the world.
I truly don't like people who think everyone in the world owes them something, because they're just worth so much. That's why I call them sluts. It's usually the teeny boppers who think they're in charge and the world has to bend to their will. That overly keen sense of selfishness.
The same with rednecks, I do live in Tennessee, and lived in Alabama for fourteen years. You've got this class of rude people who are so socially inept, it's quite disgusting.
Black people I like. I have several black friends. But those black people who adhere to the stereotype are awful. In fact, my favorite manager at Olive Garden is a black person. The people who come in and complain complain complain, make me work the hardest out of everyone for 2.13/hour, damn right I'm not going to like you. You put my job and my pay in jeopardy just for your own selfish need. I say get the hell out of the restaurant and stay out there.
Now homosexuality isn't exactly the same for me, but the concept is the same. There are the gay people and there are the stereotypical "queens"
Now I personally believe homosexuality is wrong. But that's alright, it's a personal conviction, and I'm not a judge, so I don't go around preach "You're going to hell for being a homo"
And I have some great homosexual friends. But there's a trend in what gay people I associate myself with.
First and foremost, you have the "queens" you know, more of the type who think everyone owes them something, they use the excuse "because I'm gay" just as the stereotypical black people use "because I'm black" as an excuse to demand reparations, something for nothing, etc etc.
I don't associate myself with those people, I can't stand being near them.
Then you have the "butch" lesbians who administer the same attitude. I don't associate myself with them either, for the same reasons.
But here's where I stand, and I hope this explains it:
Before my girlfriend and I got together last year, when we met, she thought I was dating this girl named Katie. We're awesome friends, always talk, I give her a back massage now and then when the trays get too heavy and cause her shoulders to hurt, and I always give her a hug every time I work with her. When my lady first saw me and Katie talking, she thought we were dating. This is incorrect, Katie is a lesbian.
Brandi is another lesbian, who tells me "I love you, Kris, you're hilarious" because I always make her laugh.

Now male homosexuals who I work with, are ALL queens. They're insulting, they think everyone owes them something, and they all seem to get fired, just because they're damned rude. They're generally unaccepting of ANYONE who sees life differently than them. That's why they're "Queens" and they call each other that.

I don't believe homosexuality is right. It's my personal conviction. Is it wrong to have a personal conviction of something?
I also have a reason to believe this way, it's not a prejudice.

My bottom line is though, you don't believe it's wrong, I'm not a judge, so I'm not here to condemn you. However, I will let you know that I DO believe, through my own personal convictions, that it is indeed wrong.
I will respect you (as long as you are a respectable person, which generally (keyword generally) rules out the queens, and the rude butch females, and the general rude stereotypes which adhere to the title) for you believing otherwise and not disrespect your choices and decisions, HOWEVER
at the same time, I will only respect you if you have the same respect for me; respect that I don't believe in homosexuality as being right. That means, don't hit on me, don't make homosexual gestures towards me, just don't do it. If you disrespect my personal conviction, then guess what, I'm not going to respect your sexual preference.

So no, it's not the existence of homosexuality that peeves me, it's those without respect.
Does that make sense, and do you believe it's me being dense?
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by wytbishop »

Well this is a can of worms isn’t it? I don’t want to start a big forum discussion on the topic of discrimination and the theological or moral merits of homosexuality. But, this is a subject on which my feelings are particularly strong so I feel compelled to offer some counterpoint.

It is clear that you have given thought to the motivations for the way you feel. With respect to rudeness and other forms of socially uncouth behavior, I agree with you whole-heartedly. I also steer clear of people who are thoughtless and demanding and for no other reason than their own sense of entitlement. Having said that, I have encountered this behavior in men and women of every description: young, old, straight, gay, black, white, smart and stoopid. I have yet to discern a pattern which would lead me to believe that social retardation, in any form, can be generally attributed to any of these groups.

I hate people that suck. That’s the only generalization I’m willing to make.

As far as your convictions regarding homosexuality I will only say is my opinion as a man of science and rational thought, that the statement “I personally believe that homosexuality is wrong” is precisely similar to stating “I personally believe that having blue eyes is wrong”. It is no less than scientific fact that homosexuality is predetermined genetically in the same way as eye color, hair color, predisposition to obesity or alcoholism and a million other things that are written on your DNA. Furthermore, the idea that a person would grow to puberty and make a conscious decision to become a member of a group which is almost universally discriminated against, hated, feared, beaten and persecuted usually with public and government support seems...well...sort of silly. Why would anyone ever choose that?

I am all for judging people based on their choices and behaviors. If you choose to act like a jackhole regardless of your motivation to do so I will judge you up one side and down the other. But condemning someone or labeling them “morally unclean” based on that which is beyond their control is just flat out wrong in my opinion. There is no justification for such a thing.

I’m not here to accuse you of being dense or anything else. I think from what I know about you that you are a good person and I trust that. I do think that attitudes are different in your part of the world than in mine and you’re a product of the world you live am I.

Let’s call it something to think about and leave it at that. I’m not going to comment further.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by 93vtecklr »

Let's chalk it up to one of those thinkgs that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by umcamara »

Yep. I've got respect for both of you guys. But Bishop's last post comprised of my exact sentiments. Although I do believe that there are the odd few who choose to persue a gay lifestyle because it is trendy, and do not actually hold the beliefs in their hearts that they project. These are the types that irk me.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by SuperK »

I admittedly haven't done hard-core research on homosexuality, but I have done homework on such.
I do understand there are two opposing camps on the view of homosexuality: environmental and biological. Those who state it's your choice to be or not to be homosexual which is impacted by your surroundings and your lifestyle, and those who say it's encoded in your DNA, such as the "gay gene" contributed by the X Chromosome.
However, Neither of these lead to a definitive answer.
I do respect those who believe it is encoded in your DNA, and I understand that there IS truth in the matter.
However, don't you think that the opposite should also be respected? That choice, environmental and social factors also have a strong precedence in the "homosexual" decision/trait?
In the same argument, why do you think so many protestants were persecuted by the church? People DO choose to take a side on which might cause pain, persecution and discrimination. No matter how silly it might be, but they still do choose to do so!
You say scientific, I say behavioral (or whatever is the right word to use) but the funny thing is both of us are possibly wrong and right at the same time.
The best part of being "Open minded" is accepting both possibilities. I do challenge you to prove to me without a doubt that it's a trait, not a choice, as I truly do want to know (just not in this thread, please)
However, to say I have no merit in my personal conviction of homosexuality is just as close minded as me condemning all homosexuals and persecuting them. You don't have to believe the same as I do, but I do ask you respect the reasons why I believe such, because I respect the reasons why people don't believe as I do.

And again, just to clarify, it's not the homosexuals I can't stand, it's the homosexuals that suck. I don't mean that in a pun, but like wyt said, "I hate people that suck"
There just so happens to be a huge majority of gay people at Olive Garden that really suck. It's like they flock there, like flies on a nice yummy pile of poop.
But even though you don't agree with me, I do ask you at least respect why I believe the way I do, as I will do the same.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by 93vtecklr »

I took two of my cats to the vet today, for their annual feline distemper and jumpers as you may call them. Upon inspecting Frankie's mouth Dr. Lomsnes found something very scary. Frankie's nerves are exposed and the toots are rotten on two of his teeth. With all the medication, treatment, procedure, and clinic care, we're looking at $2,100. So there's another head's up for you K, dental hygeine.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by edger0587 »

SuperK wrote:Five pet peeves:
1. Working with young little sluts. They think they're so worth it, they don't run their own food, or do any sidework. But they can complain and stay on the cellphone ALL THE TIME. They're 19, and talk about how they got smashed all the time.
2. Rednecks. No tip, but they'll run you to death on refills.
3. Stereotypical black people. No tip, they'll complain just to get free food.
4. Smokers. I go all day without a cigarette, I don't see why you should get a damned break.
5. Gay people. There's like a 50/50 split of straight people and gay people.
6. 2.13/hour. Oh, you said only five...
only 2.13 an hour?! That's insanity. I get 8 dollars an hour, plus tips. I have to agree with #1, though luckily they've all been let go. I think my top 5 list of pet peeves is this:

1. People who can't get the concept of sitting at a clean table. They see one dirty table out of a whole lot of clean ones, sit there, and complain to me, "oh my table is dirty"
2. People who fill up with the chips and salsa and order like the cheapest a la carte item with a glass of water.
3. Arrogant people who see that I'm working my butt off trying to give great service to everyone but complain that I don't go to their table enough. There is only one of me, darn it people
4. People wh insult me or make my life hell because their day isn't going so great. It's not my fault people!
5. Last but not least, I hate when I go to a table and they ask for something, and I take it to them, and right away they ask for something else, and I take it to them, and for something else as soon as I deliver their previous request, and the cycle repeats all over again. I'm too nice to ignore them. but why can't they just ask for a whole bunch of things at once?I do have other people to attend to as wll.
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by Inodoro Pereyra »

OK, not to stir the discussion any more, but here's my humble, honest opinion.

First of all, let me make something very clear: I like women. I LOVE women. I find them to be the most beautiful beings in the world. Difficult, but beautiful.

That said, regardless of any explanation you may find for homosexuality (and ALL of them are, so far, nothing more than theories), I believe in nature. I am, first and foremost, an animal, and very happy and proud of it. I may have opposing thumbs, a tongue and mouth structure that allows me to make words, and a more evolved brain than other animals, but I'm still one of them.

Now, it's no secret that homosexuality is very common in the wild.

Do I dislike homosexuals?

Let me put it bluntly: As long as they understand and respect the fact that I'm not one of them, I have absolutely no problem with them or their choices. I have had friends for years without even knowing they were gay.

Now, when you act, talk and/or dress like a woman just because you want everybody to know you're gay, that offends me.
I'm straight. That doesn't mean I'm continually publicizing the fact that I'm straight. So I don't want to go on the street and see some f****t looking like a Tootsie wannabee (yeah, I'm that old. :wink: ), or looking at me like I'm a piece of meat.

When working as a taxi driver in Buenos Aires, in the late '90s, I had the misfortune of being hit on by way more homosexuals that I care to remember. My reactions ranged from politely letting them know I didn't share their tastes (to the very few that asked politely) to almost breaking the arm of a guy that dared to lay his hand on me.
Then, a particularly high rank in my "dislike" list is occupied by transsexuals. Why? Because when I look at a woman, I want her to be a woman. I don't want to have to look at her fingers to make sure.

So, to finish, what you do in bed is your business. As long as you keep it that way, we're good. There are a lot of sexual choices I consider much more wrong than homosexuality, but, unlike homosexuals, the people that practice them keep 'em private.

My pet peeves are, in and out of the restaurant, 3: rude people, stoopid people and, most of all, DISHONEST PEOPLE. :evil:

That said, I don't think the problem in restaurants is that there's a lot of gay people. From my point of view, the problem is that there's a lot of PRIMADONNAS, both gay and straight.

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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by umcamara »

Well said Inodoro
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Re: New Addition to SuperK's Family! (Little Girl)

Post by Mx3Kid16 »

i cant believe you get paid 2.13 an hour.? wtf

i get paid 8.45 minimum wage?
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