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Posted: July 25th, 2005, 7:27 pm
by fry_81
why am i being insulted for posting this? im not trying to figure this place out in 1 day. theres alot of ground to cover on foot, and i dont go there everyday, and when i do go, i dont have much time before it gets dark as i get off work later in the evening. also nope, about the light behind the door, that door leads outside and it was a sunny day. so dont worry im not making this up lol. i figured all these pictures would be enough proof?
as for directions to this place, i mentioned before i will post them when i find an entrance to a road. i do not want to send people on a wild goose chase through the woods in an area they arnt familiar with.
will keep everyone updated.

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 7:39 pm
by fry_81
also the map you showed of the airfield, thats not it. the place i was was north of barrie, up highway 11. ill post later tonight when i get back... i found a satelite map of it...its not very clear at all...but i think i just may of found the way inside...ill confirm tonight...

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 8:09 pm
by nos92mx3
Let us know, I think it would be pretty sweet to have a meet up for an auto x event.
Call it Spooky town autocross.

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 8:57 pm
by jschrauwen
nos92mx3 wrote:Let us know, I think it would be pretty sweet to have a meet up for an auto x event.
Call it Spooky town autocross.
Named after the founder - Frytfull Auto X

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 9:35 pm
by GregoryChristian
Fry- Town :D

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 10:34 pm
by fry_81
lol interesting call on the names guys...well the truth is finally uncovered...i found the entrance the satellite image led me right to it...but thats not all i found....i found a chain link fence in front of the entrance along with a hut with a guard. apparently the entrance is guarded 24/7. my stomach dropped when i saw that fence and guard. i got out and said hello and talked to him for a little while, he was very friendly. heres the story of the town.
it was originally a cold war base, but then shut down until it was re-opened and redeveloped as an adult occupational center. they closed down in 1996 due to a lack of funding, and a bigger and newer center was recently built in the toronto area, so they basically evicted everyone living in the town and they all went to toronto. he says they just have a guard hired to block the entrance and stop vandals.
this was a huge let down for me, i was soo excited about this place and thought it was a forgotten town, it was really cool, like me and my friends had found a place all to ourselves, that only we knew about. this really sucks for me and kinda blew my day and my whole high on this place. i dunno if i'll ever go back...the thrill is gone.

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 10:57 pm
by nos92mx3
Do you think if we flipped the guy 50$ he wouldnt mind if we autocrossed do you? I think it still would be cool to do laps It would be a different background instead of a track setting it would feel more like breaking the law doing 90 in teh neighborhood. :D

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 10:59 pm
by fry_81
lol everyone has their price...i dont see why not.

Posted: July 25th, 2005, 11:35 pm
by GregoryChristian
did the Guard ask how you got in ? seems weird they would have someone guarding the front 24/7 , but not fence in the entire property to keep out tresspassers :shrug:

Posted: July 26th, 2005, 7:26 am
by fry_81
well i never mentioned how i got in actually i was just asking about the town then carried on. but ya i dont quite understand why there isnt a fence

Posted: July 26th, 2005, 4:58 pm
by mrspanky79
not to go of topic but is there any good web site out there for satellite pics? Would like to get some of my camp up north.

Posted: July 26th, 2005, 5:52 pm
by Grants
Google Earth - google it and download the free version

Posted: July 28th, 2005, 3:41 am
by V8KOMX3
well I ws close on the housing and ww2 or vietnam theory. That's a bummer that you found out it is gaurded and that it's not really a secret but hey at least you finally got to know what it was. I don't trust a single gaurd out in the middle of nowhere gaurding one fence seems kinda suspicous to me, have you ever seen resident evil, maybe they got underground stuff going on there? lol

Posted: July 28th, 2005, 3:59 am
by Grants
Who's read the book "Charm School" by Nelson De Mille? A charm school is a secret town owned by the Russians in the cold war where they teach their spies to adapt to the American way of life. Apparently they used to have quite a few of these "towns".

Posted: July 29th, 2005, 7:53 pm
by jschrauwen
Grants wrote:Who's read the book "Charm School" by Nelson De Mille? A charm school is a secret town owned by the Russians in the cold war where they teach their spies to adapt to the American way of life. Apparently they used to have quite a few of these "towns".
A complete mock up of a western town and people were recruited at very early ages and were taught western culture and lifstyles so as to be fully integrated for future Ops. Ya I heard of that. You'd be surprised of some of the things I've heard about in the past and seen in my numerous peacekeeping/peacemaking tours. It makes books like Charm School not so easily dismissed.