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Posted: December 1st, 2007, 9:05 pm
by Mnemonic
i cant believe none of you guys will pick up your phone and call the police. You do know if they get several calls about them they will do something

Posted: December 19th, 2007, 3:48 am
by Dali
hey oscar, send me abes information so i can contact him. this is absolute bull s---, i will try to get something going when i have a day off every two weeks. was there any compensation that you were offering us as well?

Posted: December 23rd, 2007, 8:09 pm
by Dali
well im glad to see everyone gave up on this, i was just on msn with abe ( ) said it wasnt him and as soon as i asked him a question he said he was running late and logged off. now im getting beyond pissed with this. oscar is never heard from, never did receive any information or compensation from him. micheal at urban imports blocked my email and wont answer the phone when i call and i finally got ahold of abe only to have him run away. so it looks like all three of them have gone into hiding on this matter. now honestly is there no one in this buy that does not live close to these guys in the states.

Posted: December 24th, 2007, 11:52 pm
by MazdaManiacMx3
Dali wrote:well im glad to see everyone gave up on this, i was just on msn with abe ( ) said it wasnt him and as soon as i asked him a question he said he was running late and logged off. now im getting beyond pissed with this. oscar is never heard from, never did receive any information or compensation from him. micheal at urban imports blocked my email and wont answer the phone when i call and i finally got ahold of abe only to have him run away. so it looks like all three of them have gone into hiding on this matter. now honestly is there no one in this buy that does not live close to these guys in the states.
Man I asked the same thing, Pakfeifer Canada's site is even down now , I was partially reimbursed with products , almost 2 years later , but I still think this whole thing is a crock , I can't believe 1 friggin' member can't go check out this situation for us. I know If I were close enough I'd be down there in a heartbeat to help you guys,
And BTW calling the authorities in matters like this usually doesn't get much resolved , although this is a felony , a face to face confrontation usually gets more in order than a call from the Police , SADLY..
Dali , let me know if I can do anything to help you .

Re: //***v6 turbo kit in production...yes!!! for the mx-3***\\

Posted: January 26th, 2008, 12:51 am
by Dali
oscar never did try to settle anything with me and when i asked about a hood he wanted full price on it...what ever did happen to oscar phoning the authorites anyways, he called and nothing else was said. again abe shut down and ran when i got ahold of him on msn, micheal still has not got back to me, so close to filling a case against them. am i the only one that didnt get some sort or compensation?

Re: //***v6 turbo kit in production...yes!!! for the mx-3***\\

Posted: January 26th, 2008, 1:47 pm
by hgallegos915
Question.. why havent you guys sued?? ...

Re: //***v6 turbo kit in production...yes!!! for the mx-3***\\

Posted: January 26th, 2008, 3:26 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
Yes, the pakfeifer Canada site is down ( Im sure it doesnt take a genius to figure out why).

Yes, I phoned Abe's local police dept and filed a complaint with the agency in charge of internet fraud a while ago. What that boiled down to was this was a civil matter and not criminal. So in esence, the only choice was to file a lawsuit.

Now, in order to file a law suit, I would either have to travel to his city of residence, or file one locally here in toronto which would yield absolutely nothing. In either case, If you guys actually take a momment and think logically about it, you would quickly realise that the COSTS involved in mounting such a case far outweigh any compensation. That is, if Abe were found guilty, there is NO GUARANTEE that he would pay anyways... he hasnt until now why would he then? Not only that, I tried to arrange a deal where I get the contact of the manufacturer in exchange for his dis-involvement from here. Even that was too much for Abe.

What was the result???? EVERYONE TOOK A HIT OF $300 give or take... Tommy from England settled on a loss of approximately $450. Some of you did not get a BOV or wastegate, thats about the $300-$400. One guy lost his deposit. I lost my kit plus several thousands which I needed to reimburse back to some of you that were left high and dry.

En fin, suing get us no where.

WRT the hood. I don't remember you approaching me for it. Was it for the inverted or OEM style?

Ive posted everything over and over. I will stop responding to this thread as there are no new developments and I don't see anything new developing. If there is any news, I will update. But as it stands, I no longer get a response from Urban Imports or abe.

Re: //***v6 turbo kit in production...yes!!! for the mx-3***\\

Posted: January 26th, 2008, 5:12 pm
by Dali
well i was after a inverted hood but you said you could not budge on the price so i picked up a used one since.

as for abe i would pay someone to visit him now just so i get some satisfaction out of this.

If someone off this buy has some parts that they are not going to use i will buy them, still looking for a intercooler, bov, fans, oil line, t-clamps, ive picked up the rest of the stuff allready that i did not get.