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Posted: October 6th, 2007, 11:44 pm
by rece
please lets wait till we can confirm to all open disputes. Jarid just say the word

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 12:24 pm
by cjthor
EVERYONE WAIT ON THE DISPUTES!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to give kyle until Wednesday to contact me. At that point I give up. I will need EVERYONES ASSISTANCE on this one. Please post " I am in" to acknowledge that you understand that once we go down this road....we are all in.

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 2:36 pm
by rece
I am in

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 3:01 pm
by Spotted
I am in

Posted: October 8th, 2007, 7:38 pm
by 93_4Banger
I am in

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 12:07 am
by ovendenk
i am in.

rarely get on the forum lately. trying to keep up with the non-sense. however, i don't think you can open a dispute on the payment if you've already done so in the past like a few of us have done. also, deposits were given more than 6 months ago, so you can't open a dispute on those payments through paypal. sigh...

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 10:07 am
by monty73741
projectmx wrote:you can get the feds involved... this would be a federal case for sure
wow.......666 views...erie

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 12:53 pm
by cjthor
Anyone in London Ontario that can get me contact info for the internet fraud division??

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 1:42 pm
by monty73741
London Gets New Cybercrime Unit
By Becky Blue

Cybercrime is on the rise worldwide. With technology advancing at a torrid pace, governments and police forces are struggling to keep up. New, specialized police units dealing with cybercrime are springing up, and groups already in existence are expanding. In London, Ontario, a specialized cybercrimes policing unit will soon be launched. Read about how and why this unit is important to the city.

The London Police Service will have new crime-fighting tools at their disposal when they institute a cybercrimes unit by April 2007. This unit is part of London's response to the growing cybercrime problem worldwide.

Increased funding from both the city and the province has allowed the creation of the unit - with both parties recognizing there was a deficit that needed to be addressed, said police spokesperson Amanda Pfeffer.

"There has always been the need for investigators that can conduct cybercrime-related investigations just because of the expanse of the Internet," said Pfeffer. "It takes a great deal of investigative resources, including hours spent to conduct the investigation, and at the uniformed level, the officers just don't have that kind of time."

The new unit will be under the umbrella of the Criminal Investigations Division and Sexual Assault Section. There will be three officers working full-time in the division.

(519) 661-5515 ext 5674

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 2:43 pm
by OROutdoors
I am in.

Jarid, please make certain that you have a good, thorough and documented effort to contact Kyle.

My dispute will reference three things:
1. Incomplete kit (missing wire and air springs).
2. I paid extra to UPS delivery, but he sent it via CanadaPost (refund is due).
3. He promised everyone a $25.00 discount, which I have not received.

However, If the people who haven't received their kits yet don't want to make the disputes, then I'd say, lets defer to their judgement, since they have the most at stake.

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 3:30 pm
by OROutdoors
cjthor wrote:However if we do this i can GUARANTEE nobody will get anything else...and with no contact number, or address I cant find them. OROUTDOORS and everyone else who got kits please email me the return address on your kits.
Here is the address from my box.

Kyle Wesley
210-752 Kipps Lane
London, ON N5Y4V4

Jarid, I sent you scanned copied of the box labels, to your private e-mail. Kyle wrote a phone number on the Can Post label, but I don't know if it is any good, I PMd you with it.

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 3:34 pm
by OROutdoors
Question for everyone: Do you think that opening a PayPal dispute is the right way to go? If we think that something untoward is going on, shouldn't we be filling Police Reports, and contacting the BBB as well?

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 5:37 pm
by cjthor
OROutdoors wrote:Question for everyone: Do you think that opening a PayPal dispute is the right way to go? If we think that something untoward is going on, shouldn't we be filling Police Reports, and contacting the BBB as well?
I agree. I am almost positive kyle is watching the board...I think the BBB and London PD is the way to go. I have the info for the Criminal investigations (thanks Jason) and will be contacting them tomorrow.

Posted: October 10th, 2007, 2:15 pm
by cjthor
I contacted the fraud division at the London police department. There is someone else that has contact them for fraud against Xtreme doors as well. I was given a contact phone number for Kyle and left him a message!

Posted: October 11th, 2007, 2:52 am
by OROutdoors
cjthor wrote:I contacted the fraud division at the London police department. There is someone else that has contact them for fraud against Xtreme doors as well. I was given a contact phone number for Kyle and left him a message!
Jarid, did the London Police say anything about the other fraud complaint against Extreme Doors being all your fault too?

'Cause you know that's what Kyle will be telling them...
"we had the hinges all ready... it took them two months to pay... then when we didn't ship we demanded the PayPal disputes be removed before we would make the hinges... and three months later, we still haven't sent them all... and it's all Jaird's fault"