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Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 2:20 am
by fieromx3
LOL never see that i like how he says stolen to keep costs low lol hmm makes u wonder.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 11:53 am
by Mnemonic
yea stole your guy's money lol

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 6:46 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
What surprises me is how you fart knockers not even invested in the BB are foaming at the mouth. I get an email from the same member asking for his BOV and wastegate. I have answered him several times why he is not getting anything further.

Duncan, you my friend are a special case. I don't have anything further to say to you.

Mnemonic, stole who's money you jackoff! I'm the one out thousands of dollars, or are you that stupid that you can't figure it out yourself?

Most of you guys dont know much about Megasquirt, so then why would I post here??? My kit is the same one I built, not a part of the BB. Im sure some of you guys know that.

Dont you guys have something better to do then try to dog me? I didnt screw anyone over, I have been more than compliant with the majority of the guys involved.

The rest of you please go jump in a lake.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 6:51 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
So now, let me get this straight. I create parts for the mx-3, both in CF and fiberglass. I hook up those members that ask. Have supported this website for many years now. All that you guys can do is attack the guy that tried.

I shouldn't generalize, but at this point you guys make me sick.I'm glad I never started any more projects for the mx-3.

You guys plain and simple dont deserve squat.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 6:55 pm
by fieromx3
im not accusing u of any stealing or anything but it seemd dumb u never posted to much in this thread for updates to everyone at the same time as alot of ppl keep looking for updates in the thread but ur out posting in other forums thats why i posted that link to show ur active in other forums but dont post that much in this one for updates and this isnt bout the money of mine i knew i wasnt gunna get it back anyway i gave up on hope months and months back its still for other members here that are at a loss of alot of money

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 7:01 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
FWIW, I'm receiveing 3 turbos from Urban hopefully this week. Not like any of guys barking at this point are going to get them. I figured I should post for those that are relevant ( Kurt, Myself and 1 left over from Tommy's PARTIAL refund)

Once again I'd like to thank those of you that have supported me through this.

The rest of you, find another hobby.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 7:08 pm
by fieromx3
if your getting stuff and shipping it out its also good to post in here to show to everyone some progress is being made its none of the others ppls buisness to know of whats happenin even if it isnt there parts but it can also keep alot of members off your back which you know alot of members are on your nerves saying nothings happening.. if you post it maybe theyd see differently and save some grief

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 7:13 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
Duncan, once again you amaze me. Do you even know who's owed what?

If you did, you would have realised only 2 members are owed either money or their kit to even things out between all of us that lost out...

1. Myself
2. Kurt, who has yet to dog me here.

Guys really, find something else to do with your time. Dont use this thread to up your post count.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 7:16 pm
by Dali
oscar, understand that im not mad at you or ever was but a update once a week on what is or isnt going on would have been helpfull, just to let us know that you didnt give up. i put myself in a hole on this and im regreting it, since i borrowed this money ive probably paid another 1500 in interest, this is no ones fault but my own but i would like to have something to show for it (someting working), not to mention the lose of the sponsor i had. as for the parts i need, pricing on these locally still is around 1000.00. i cant afford to finish this now due to a family medical condition, im working 12-16 hours a day to stay afloat since im looking after my mother now. micheal has not even responded to any of my emails, so when i hear nothing for 2 months im getting pissed, i would say 99% at abe for being such a waste of skin and if i were a violent guy and was closer to him i would have paid him a visit a long time ago that he would have really regreted.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 7:24 pm
by fieromx3
i dont think anyone knew i dun think anyone knew wth was goin on bcuz no updates were happening

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 8:15 pm
by EZ_4_FUN
I nderstand your points of view. But those interested can pm me directly. This tread is long over due and on borrowed life.

Please just email me.

Now, the one who posted on Probetalk, what was that all about? You think its fair to go and comment as you did; in an attempt to do what? Why did you not email me if your so concerned? I never received squat from you.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 8:42 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
EZ_4_FUN wrote:My kit is the same one I built, not a part of the BB. Im sure some of you guys know that.
I can vouch for that. Oscar's turbo setup has gotta be close to 3 years old now.

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 9:09 pm
by Mnemonic
EZ_4_FUN wrote: Mnemonic, stole who's money you jackoff! I'm the one out thousands of dollars, or are you that stupid that you can't figure it out yourself?
Yea and so are the members on this board, i mean i could compare this to the Lambo door group buy in which they are at least getting updates weekly.

And serious Insults really don't hurt my feelings, so call me a jack off, call me what you will, feel ill about what i said, but i will keep my comments open and to the public until this group buy is over with, and theres not much you can really do

Posted: September 3rd, 2007, 11:44 pm
by hgallegos915
Now thats some wonderful customer service!

Posted: September 4th, 2007, 1:32 am
by monty73741
EZ_4_FUN wrote:So now, let me get this straight. I create parts for the mx-3, both in CF and fiberglass. I hook up those members that ask. Have supported this website for many years now. All that you guys can do is attack the guy that tried.

I shouldn't generalize, but at this point you guys make me sick.I'm glad I never started any more projects for the mx-3.

You guys plain and simple dont deserve squat.
hey man i not in this group buy but i got to post i bought oem side skirts from you, i didnt want to send a moneyorder to canada cause i didnt trust doing that. so i went with pay pal, you told me you had to charge me extra,for pay pal fees. Man i'm in sales & i take a small hit to make things work also it was a few years ago so thE US dollar is a little more strong then the Canadian dollar @ the time. THEN they came shipped to my office. in bubble wrap, taped up. SO I really dont have a comment on this GB but i honestly think you arent innocent in this whole proceding. to finalize I have given money to this site. I didnt have to purchase anything i donated. I;m not making money off of memeber & giveing a small bit of money or paying monthly which is a right off for expenses.