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Posted: March 12th, 2007, 9:26 pm
by mx3stylez
7 kits x 2900 Can is ALOT more than 10 g's. these guys have thier pockets full of our money

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 10:14 pm
by Tommy D
This has gone on so long now......Its such a shame that this has happened. I have lost all confidence in buying from the U.S now even though it is not anyone in particulars fault on here.

Oscar i think the time has come to call it a day and either give Abe a deadline for completion or make him pay us our money back.

Im not being funny but this is just a pipe and turbo kit, the rest is off the shelf parts

As we have been constantly let down i feel a full refund is in order. Abe has not kept up his side of the agreement, if he finishes the kits he can then put them on sale and recooperate his losses, or we can go to the courts....

Put simply im fed up of waiting, i have had 2700USD out of my account for too long now.

The Complete Product (as told pre payment) or Full Money back, i think this is extremey fair given the situation which is now causing stress.....I will be happy to accept 2700USD with no extra costs for inflation or stress caused...which we are by law entitled to with a doctor signed report....who is going to foot the bill as the International Sale of Goods Act has been broken and im fed up being passive as no results have materialised.....

Posted: March 16th, 2007, 7:50 pm
by Tommy D
My argument is that if there was a messup with quotes not covering the cost of parts in the full kit, why not simply give us our money back, this will ensure he does not miss out and we are refunded.

Why isnt this happening or any replys being given as this is now serious...

Posted: March 17th, 2007, 9:26 am
by MazdaManiacMx3
Has anyone atleast talked to Oscar about this lately, A $20k incident is a big incedent .. Even bigger than the Marshmallow claim , and everyone was all over that deal . Whats up with this ?
This needs to be resolved ... !!
Oscar also said he was going to send pipes and whatever parts he can to me and never did ?
I'm still waiting on that ?

Posted: March 17th, 2007, 10:01 pm
by Tommy D
I spoke to Oscar on msn 3 wks ago when he had his last exam. He said he was going to concentrate on resolving things after the exam, yet i have heard nothing since then....

If i do not hear back within next week i am reportng International Money Fraud to my bank as i feel this situation is now worthy to support the claim. If suppliers dont meet agreements they must at the least offer a refund. Abe can actualy do time for this!!! I cant see why he is f'ing about....

Please can all in on the BB list their names with parts that they have recieved? I just want to have the facts straight when informing the Fraud Dept...Thanks

Posted: March 18th, 2007, 12:06 pm
by Red Rocket
I can pretty much guarentee that nobody is gonna get there money back, the mastermind behind this may end up doing some jail time for fraud, but your civil suits against him, once you've won them, will be very problemattic to enforce. He cant just send you back your money cuz hes already blown it. I'm sorry to say, but I've been following this thing for a while, and nobody seems to be pursuing anything, everybody seems to be just trusting oscar who in my oppinion hasnt done a thing for any of you, exept help get you into this mess.

Posted: March 18th, 2007, 10:02 pm
by Tommy D
You may be right, im going into my bank later. Oscar is not replying to my emails now, even though he is logged onto his pc as his msn is signed in.

I fear the worst...

Time to start legal action....

Oscar, if you are following this, now is a good time to give feedback.

Posted: March 18th, 2007, 10:53 pm
by MazdaManiacMx3
I emailed Oscar , I still haven't heard back from him yet ??

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 12:06 am
by slimmyslim1420
This is what I have heard

From:"PAKFEIFER TUNING CANADA" <oscardevesa>
[Add to Address Book]

Subject:Re: Fw: Parts
Date:Sunday, March 18, 2007 1:02:39 PM
[View Source]

Its upsetting how poorly this buy has gone. I feel that im fully responsible for all this which sucks.

I have not heard back from anyone regarding the 2500 that was mentioned.

I cant even believe that the officers have not been in touch with me since I filed the report. Ridiculous.

I called the cop yesterday and left a message on his voice mail asking why nobody has called me regarding the matter since I filed with and that ive left numerous messages but no follow-up from him. Lets see if that pissed him off enough to call me back.

Urban imports was closed on the weekend. So nothing there.

I'll try again to see if I can arrange to have the 2500 spent on specific parts in an attempt to complete more kits.

At this point, I no longer have any BOV's or wastegates. Only 2 more turbos and 2 sets of piping kits and 1 intercooler.

Oscar Devesa

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 8:53 pm
by Tommy D
Finally got hold of Oscar, seems like he is doing all he can so my worries although tense at time are now more relaxed.

We will just have to wait and see what Urban Impots can arrange with Abe, fingers crossed

Posted: March 22nd, 2007, 9:50 pm
by mazdaspeedmx_3
why don't you guys keep on the cops........sorry to break it to you prbably aren't getting your kits ....really this post was started 0ct 07 2005...2 and a half years later....honestlty follow through with the legal actions

P.S I have an mx-3 turbo kit for sale $1500Us
turbo,BOV,FMIC,IC piping,kl01 cams,WG hot pipes

Posted: March 22nd, 2007, 10:19 pm
by Custom_V6_Limited_SE
Umm, that's more like one and a half years :wink: .

Posted: March 23rd, 2007, 7:42 pm
by Mnemonic
Custom_V6_Limited_SE wrote:Umm, that's more like one and a half years :wink: .
He has a point, still to long, abe shoudl be focusing on nothing but this, and so should oscar, you guys have invested your money and trust into them and really nothing is being done, everytime its the same story. I deal with these same situations as a freelance designer, people will get things done when actual legal actions are taken, talking to a lawyer will help alot, remeber this isnt a small claims case, this is class action, individually your money may not seem that much but all togeather its not a small chunk of change. If the local authorities wont do anything, its your only other options besides sitting there and waiting hoping that your not at a loss, and that everyone is going to make good.

Posted: March 26th, 2007, 8:11 am
by EZ_4_FUN

I recieved a couple of emails the past week from Michael. He apparently spoke directly with Abe and not the usual thrid party (brother).

Claims that $5,000 US is available by wednesday to put towards the outstanding.

Some other details were mentioned; I'll post the relevant parts of the email shortly.

Officer Penny finally got back to me with some good and bad news.

Bad news: this is a civil matter and not criminal.

Good news: he would be calling both Urban imports and Abe to intervene within his power. He did mention its tricky because he cannot act as an enforcer in this matter, but would do his best to help out where he can.


Posted: April 2nd, 2007, 3:10 pm
by Dali
any new updates, thanks.