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Posted: July 17th, 2007, 4:25 pm
by Tunes67
Do you need a passport to go to canada for a day? cuz i dont have one.
No.. but you will need your birth certificate if you dont have a passport. Take at least 2 other forms of picture ID with you as well if you can. You likely wont have much issue getting into canada.. its coming back into the US that is usually the PITA from what I have heard.

(sorry for posting here when I am not involved in the group buy.. but I wanted to help if I could. Best of luck)


Posted: July 17th, 2007, 11:31 pm
by mazda20
We really need to do something here...Any suggestions?

I would appreciate it if someone goes in person they can get my kit as well.

If I paid with Paypal can I file a claim with them?

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 12:11 am
by cjthor
Ive been offered assistance by one of the moderators on another message board to assist me with contacting Xtreme. This should happen by the end of the week. I will keep you all posted. Sorry for all the drama guys.. Please everyone keep me posted directly with any contact you might have with xtreme. Thanks!!

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 4:29 am
by magiccowinuse
mazda20 wrote:We really need to do something here...Any suggestions?

I would appreciate it if someone goes in person they can get my kit as well.

If I paid with Paypal can I file a claim with them?
Yes, do it. I am about to.

Current BBB status: "Inform Business of Complaint"

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 11:36 am
by OROutdoors
magiccowinuse wrote:
mazda20 wrote:I would appreciate it if someone goes in person they can get my kit as well.

If I paid with Paypal can I file a claim with them?
Yes, do it. I am about to.
Ummm.. just to point out an inconsistancy. If you file for, and receive, a refund from Paypal, then you are pretty much giving up your right to own a kit. Ethically, you don't get both a refund and a kit. Myself, I'd rather have the kit. MagicCowInUse, if you head up there for the kits, I will reimburse some of your gas and for the shipping to send my kit to me. I would rather try that before filing a Paypal claim.


Also, as far as I know, you only get a Paypal refund if they have money in their account. If their account is cleaned out, they can't send you money. I could be wrong about this though.

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 12:23 pm
by mazda20
I would much rather get the kit, if that means be patient and reimburse anyone who can get my kit for me I am all for that as well, but remember that paypal will not even look at your case unless you file something within 45 days of the time you sent the money..

Also here is what Paypal says....
If your dialogue with the seller fails to produce a satisfactory result, you can then escalate the Dispute into a Claim that we will evaluate for reimbursement under one of the following programs:

PayPal Buyer Complaint Policy - Our best efforts program to reimburse Users for losses only to the extent we are able to recover the funds from sellers.
PayPal Buyer Protection Policy - Our program to reimburse Users for losses for up to (i) $2,000.00 USD (Top Tier Coverage Amount) for eligible items purchased on eBay and (ii) up to $200.00 USD (Basic Tier Coverage Amount) for all other eligible items purchased on eBay and for eligible items purchased outside of eBay that PayPal processed through the ATM debit network. Please see section 13.9 to determine whether Top Tier Coverage Amount or Basic Tier Coverage Amount applies to your eBay purchase.

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 2:10 pm
by ninjajim4
OROutdoors wrote: Also, as far as I know, you only get a Paypal refund if they have money in their account. If their account is cleaned out, they can't send you money. I could be wrong about this though.
thats true, as i found out somewhat recently myself. you're only protected 100% if you buy something off of Ebay and the like, in which case you get your money back regardless and they go after the seller to reimburse themselves. with these types of transactions you're not covered at all, they just try and get your money back, and if they can't then that's that. good luck to you guys.

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 2:15 pm
by bgracing
I have pm'd those who have pm'd me. I have not been on due to midterms, dealing with the break in and other things. So if you have questions pls pm me so i can answer them.


Posted: July 18th, 2007, 3:40 pm
by OROutdoors
bgracing wrote:I have pm'd those who have pm'd me. I have not been on due to midterms, dealing with the break in and other things. So if you have questions pls pm me so i can answer them.


Hi. I hope your mid-terms went well. Education is important. I'm replying in this forum because the reply mentions other people as well. I'm also sending this to your pm box.

It seems that several people would rather just come pick-up the kits, not have you send them. Once the kits get to the US via car, they'll be sent to the respective owners. As far as I know, magiccowinuse, mazda20, cjthor, and I (oroutdoors) would all like to do this. I'm sure we can help offset magiccowinuse's gas for the travel, if he is willing to do this.

If he could do that this weekend, I'm sure all 4 of us would have our kits faster than if they were sent via CanPost, and it would make it considerably easier on you since you wouldn't have to make a trip to the CanPost Office.

Since the kits have already been completed, there doesn't seem to be a need to wait for the machine to be fixed if they are just being picked up. Myself, I'd be glad to get my kit without the shocks and then wait for the shocks to arrive at a later time. So, what do you think?


Posted: July 18th, 2007, 4:37 pm
by magiccowinuse
so uh Jessica can we set this up and get this going for maybe Saturday?

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 10:23 pm
by cjthor
Kyle let me know if jessica PMs you about pickup. If she me your paypal and i will shoot you some cash.

Posted: July 19th, 2007, 11:30 pm
by o0loopy0o
Hello all,

I feel throughout this whole ordeal I have been extremely patient, as I am as well going to school and trying to run a company. I know how hard and time consuming it can be to juggle both of these things at the same time. Not to mention the delays/hassles that suppliers WILL give you. Therefore I just sat back and let thing take their course over the MONTHS, knowing that Kyle dose not need me on his a-- too. However it is finally time to talk.

I have paid (in full) and a couple weeks ago I received my 60* kit. Id like to assure everyone that does not have theirs yet that the kit does look good.

However, like some I am still awaiting my struts and instructions? How do i go about receiving them? Are they on the way? Any help would be great.


Posted: July 20th, 2007, 2:02 am
by rece
I have paid in full and have yet to hear back from them as to when they will be shipping or what to expect. guess i will just have to wait some more

Posted: July 20th, 2007, 11:44 am
by cjthor
Jessica said she is getting a new phone today and supposed to call me.

Posted: July 20th, 2007, 3:26 pm
by magiccowinuse
call me immediately after she talks to you because if i am driving up there i want to know 100% that they will be there. otherwise im just wasting 16 hours of gas for nothing.(there and back) So please either have her call me or you talk to her and figure it out because ill be at work from 5 until 10pm

If i am driving up there i will be leaving at 2 tomorrow morning/tonight how ever you look at it. If i dont know by then if they will be there and willing to do that then im not going.