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Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 8th, 2010, 11:11 pm
by mymx.3
I am planning on leaving Ontario about the end of June ... take me about 1 week to get out to Calgary.......when I get settled or still looking for a place to live and get my stuff moved out west..I then plan on looking for another MX...

Since I'll be out there about the time of this meet..........would you guys mind if I come by?


Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 8th, 2010, 11:25 pm
by rece
the more the merrier. we welcome new comers and maybe cant find you a car, but there are many of us that can work on it ;)

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 9th, 2010, 1:19 am
by Dali
if you are interested in a car tyler and myself are always picking them up, depending on how much you want to spend, color, tranny motor etc. we pick them up pretty cheap in vancouver. just got a 94 gold gs for 400.00 but found some frame damage but runs/drives great and a 93 white gs. there is a 94 silver gs with blown timing belt for 550.00, same model in kamloops that overheats for 500.00. only thing is you would need to get it inspected when you bring it back to alberta. I still need one since mine got written on a few months car for now :( as for the meet it looks like me alone, broke up with the gf a month and a half ago.

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 10th, 2010, 1:53 am
by SteeleMX3
This sounds totally kick a$$ :2thumbsup: I guess if its cool with everyone that i tag along the new list is...

Jesse and Jacki - Both (with a pref for the later)
Shayne and Tasha - Both
Clint and Kayla - both
Jordan and Marco (Brother) - both tentative
Brandon and Marie-Claire - maybe for both
Tyler and Bobby - Both
Collin - Both
Dillon and Chelsea - Both

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 11th, 2010, 12:09 am
by Dali
Well is it official ?...Saturday July 17th is the actual meet day at city park, if this a problem speak up now. The later date's have a bunch of stuff going on that I think will make it alot busier in and around Kelowna, starting on the 21st there are film festivals, concerts, show's etc. People willing to make it out for this day are welcome (if we can pick a day), campers know the drill. As for the campsite, who wants to stay where, fintry or bear depending on which one we can book. We will also need to know what days people are wanting to camp, who is sharing site's etc. When are the Alberta people leaving, when are you planning on arriving at the camp site, is there going to be any of you tagging along a day or two behind. Once we get there we can sit down one night and plan out for next year so it will not be last minute, like we tried last year :) anyways if someone want's to add anything like event's, food or up.

Jesse and Jacki - Both (with a pref for the later)
Shayne and Tasha - Both
Clint and Kayla - both
Jordan and Marco (Brother) - both tentative
Brandon and Marie-Claire - maybe for both
Tyler and Bobby - Both
Collin - Both
Dillon and Chelsea - Both
Monte and blowup doll or crazy ex gf???

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 11th, 2010, 12:50 am
by mymx.3
Dali wrote:if you are interested in a car tyler and myself are always picking them up, depending on how much you want to spend, color, tranny motor etc. we pick them up pretty cheap in vancouver. just got a 94 gold gs for 400.00 but found some frame damage but runs/drives great and a 93 white gs. there is a 94 silver gs with blown timing belt for 550.00, same model in kamloops that overheats for 500.00. only thing is you would need to get it inspected when you bring it back to alberta. I still need one since mine got written on a few months car for now :( as for the meet it looks like me alone, broke up with the gf a month and a half ago.
Well I am going to wait till I find my new "home" wherever that place will be..probably not get one till spring of 2011. I want one that is good rust on body or is going to be hard to find..I am patient........I would like to pick up a white one..........I almost bought a white one...but anyways. I do not want one that has a ze in it...OK OK maybe you think I'm nuts but I think I'll stay with the K8. But I will keep you in mind.


Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 11th, 2010, 1:08 am
by Mr_Shorty
I like how Monte can't even add himself with the proper information...the info that he himself demanded :lol: What date are you available?? When do you have time off?? hmmmmm?

I think that since everyone can make both, we should probably pick the early date, sorry Jesse and Jacki. I also think that as long as Jesse is willing, he can do the booking, you did awesome last year. If he says that he will, everyone will need to pay the fees in advance and you'll receive your refund when we cancel the dates....same as last year. If we decide on the 17th weekend, what days would the AB crew be comming out? I would guess the 14th or 15th?? Lets get a date set by the 15th of Feb. so as we can get the bookings done.

If we have the date set by the 15th, we need the deposits in by March 15th. So be ready. My vote is for Bear Creek, as I'm sure everyone else agrees. Let me know what you guys think.


Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 11th, 2010, 1:34 am
by wytbishop
Jesse and Jacki - Both (with a pref for the later)
Shayne and Tasha - Both
Clint and Kayla - both
Jordan and Marco (Brother) - both tentative
Brandon and Marie-Claire - maybe for both
Tyler and Bobby - Both
Collin - Both
Dillon and Chelsea - Both
Monte and blowup doll or crazy ex gf???
Charlie...probably alone...sniff~~sniff

I am short vacation days this year, so I will likely come out Friday night, spend the weekend with friends in Vernon and meet you all in Kelowna for the meet...then head home on Sunday morning. I've tried to get to the last couple of these but I haven't felt that the Purple Beast was sexy enough. This year I don't care. We're coming...if nothing else for the amazing drive.

And for the record...Portland is closer to Kelowna than Edmonton. Someone should convince the portland MX-3 mafia to come out.

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 11th, 2010, 7:01 am
by Evo_Spec
the earlier date sounds good for me, and would prefer bear creek as well.

i totally agree with charlie that the portland crew should come up this year, man, this might be a huge meet this year =D

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 12:34 pm
by wyldside
Sounds like a plan. We'll have a little one along with us this year so hopefully Tracy doesn't change her mind last minute.

Jesse and Jacki - Both (with a pref for the later)
Shayne and Tasha - Both
Clint and Kayla - both
Jordan and Marco (Brother) - both tentative
Brandon and Marie-Claire - maybe for both
Tyler and Bobby - Both
Collin - Both
Dillon and Chelsea - Both
Monte and blowup doll or crazy ex gf???
Charlie...probably alone...sniff~~sniff
James and Tracy - Both

Re: Kelowna meet 2010

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 5:09 pm
by Mr_Shorty
Bobby and I will have our little one with us as well, so Tracy isn't allowed to back out. lol I think we're locked in for the 17th weekend, so lets plan around that.

Calgary ppl: when would you guys be leaving? Jesse: are you guys comming for the week before as well?? Hopefully we can work out something for food.


Re: Kelowna meet 2010 July 17th weekend

Posted: February 13th, 2010, 5:19 pm
by wyldside
Well I can't speak for all of us, but I would imagine that some of us may head out early Thursday Morning (July 15th). Us Alberta people work too much... or at least our employers are slave drivers and don't like giving time off.

Re: Kelowna meet 2010 July 17th weekend

Posted: February 14th, 2010, 1:54 am
by rece
Well I guess it has been decided. We will be booking for the weekend of the 17th ( the official date of the meet). What I need to know to start with the booking is what days around the meet that you want to camp if any. Please take the list as you are on it and add from to dates (ie. check in check out). These dates can be tentative for now but must be confirmed and payment submitted by May 15. I will do the booking again as I am comfortable doing it again.

As for cost, it will be the same as last year.

Will work out to approximately $30/night (can have 2 sleeping units on the site so can share) and we need to book the advanced week to actually get in to Bear Creek. This unfortunately means that you need to give me extra money to cover booking 2 weeks, but I will get it back to you once the changes to the proper dates are made. Same as last year.

if there are any new that are hesitant, I think that all that participated last year can vouch for my honesty in getting the money back in as timely a fashion as I can.

The best way to get me the money is email money transfer or cash. If paypal is used I will give you the rate according to the 3% fee that I will have to pay.

Jacki Has also proposed to do the cooking, but this year due to the logistics of cooking for such a large group, we will do group dinners, but breakfast and lunch is on you. I'm thinking that we can do 1 group breakfast maybe for the meet day???

WE MUST ALSO BOOK for the second annual mx-west mini grand prix at Westside Go Carts!!!

FYI it will be easiest if the last night is the same for everyone, so please let me know if Saturday the 18th will work for the last night of the trip. (ie we pack and leave sunday)

Jesse and Jacki - 8 nights, tentatively in july 10 out july 18 (Jacki will be leaving july 17)
Shayne and Tasha -
Clint and Kayla -
Jordan and Marco -
Brandon and Marie-Claire -
Tyler and Bobby -
Collin -
Dillon and Chelsea -
Monte -
Charlie -
James and Tracy -
Curt and Jen -
Darcy -
Mark -
Steve -

Re: Kelowna meet 2010 July 17th weekend

Posted: February 14th, 2010, 4:12 am
by Evo_Spec
Jesse and Jacki - 8 nights, tentatively in july 10 out july 18 (Jacki will be leaving july 17)
Shayne and Tasha - 8 nights, tentatively in july 10 out july 18
Clint and Kayla -
Jordan and Marco -
Brandon and Marie-Claire -
Tyler and Bobby -
Collin -
Dillon and Chelsea -
Monte -
Charlie -
James and Tracy -
Curt and Jen -
Darcy -
Mark -
Steve -

Re: Kelowna meet 2010 July 17th weekend

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 1:12 am
by wyldside
Okay, we are going to plan for July 15th - 18th (leaving morning of the 18th)

Jesse and Jacki - 8 nights, tentatively in july 10 out july 18 (Jacki will be leaving july 17)
Shayne and Tasha - 8 nights, tentatively in july 10 out july 18
Clint and Kayla -
Jordan and Marco -
Brandon and Marie-Claire -
Tyler and Bobby -
Collin -
Dillon and Chelsea -
Monte -
Charlie -
James and Tracy - 3 Nights tentatively - July 15th - Leaving July 18th
Curt and Jen -
Darcy -
Mark -
Steve -