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Posted: October 21st, 2006, 11:47 am
by cjthor
Wow one of the best episodes EVER!! Excellent special effects, GREAT storyline...and finally some good comes out of all the chaos!

Posted: October 21st, 2006, 1:20 pm
by Tunes67
The special effects were awesome.. decent story line as well.. And now Baltar is seperated and hanging out with the Cylons just like in the original series. :lol: I knew the Pegasus would be lost eventually.. but damn good battle and she took a few billion toasters down with her as well. And did I see that right? That little girl at the end wasnt after all Starbucks daughter? Or was the woman who took her one of the unknown cylon agents? ;) Hmmmm Hopefully Galactica will be able to benefit from the now doubled compliment of vipers and pilots. And maybe they will finally get back to looking for earth now ;)


Number of Cylons

Posted: October 26th, 2006, 6:31 pm
by JapesMooney
Just replying as to the number of Cylons - we have only 'seen' 7 so far. And I fall into the camp that expects Baltar to eventually turn out to be a cylon as well - it would explain his 'psychic connection' with the '6' model pretty well.
Also interesting that there are the same number of cylon models as their were colonies. Coincidence...?