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Posted: September 19th, 2005, 7:54 pm
by DavidOS

Posted: September 19th, 2005, 10:56 pm
by GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se
warning: this will be a long hate list...

to start i hate that i every guy friend that i have "falls in love with me" or wants in my pants or any combination of the two even tho they can tell that im happily married. however, i do not hate that the current guy is buying me car parts (weapon r intake, neons, body kit, etc..)

i hate that after i installed the weapon r intake my check engine light comes on every few seconds...just for a minute or two.

i hate that it has taken my husband 5 days to install one neon when it takes him one day to put his motor back together and get it back in the car and running.

i hate that his car is faster than mine. much faster. AND its a honda civic.

i hate that i cant find a klde anywhere near where i live. (southeast alabama...hook me up yall)

i hate that i have an outrageous amount of transmission fluid leaking... but the fluid level never changes.

i hate that my girlfriend got drunk and broke my digital camera so i cant take pictures of my car.

i hate that she is moving out of our house and to georgia and i probably wont see her again, so i probably wont get my money for the camera.

i hate that my parents are giving me hell about having another kid when i want one and i dont think it is their place to tell me what to do when im 18, married, and out of their home.

i hate that i feel bad for accepting these gifts from the unnamed love sick puppy, and i dont know what to do about him. after all, he is a really good friend... but its just WEIRD...

ok i think thats enough for now... dont forget... LARA NEEDS A KLDE!! email me, pm me, whatever... i plan on rebuilding it so the condition doesnt really matter...within reason of course. :wink:

Posted: September 19th, 2005, 11:03 pm
by GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se
NO IM NOT DONE! you know what else i hate?! the fact that i feel i cant post any pictures of my car on this forum because i know that i will get crap about it. now isnt that just sad...

Posted: September 20th, 2005, 12:22 am
by DavidOS
GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se wrote:NO IM NOT DONE! you know what else i hate?! the fact that i feel i cant post any pictures of my car on this forum because i know that i will get crap about it. now isnt that just sad...
that sux, if its a plain mx3 we all love the stock looks.

Posted: September 20th, 2005, 1:47 am
by Meep
I have your stock MX-3 right here... unfortunately the paint's not really that color.. *sigh* Its sunbaked teal and has body damage to the passenger side. *doubly sigh* But at least my engine runs now and I just fixed my back brakes last Saturday. Slowly coming along...


Posted: September 20th, 2005, 12:58 pm
by GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se
DavidOS wrote:
GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se wrote:NO IM NOT DONE! you know what else i hate?! the fact that i feel i cant post any pictures of my car on this forum because i know that i will get crap about it. now isnt that just sad...
that sux, if its a plain mx3 we all love the stock looks.
haha, you dont know my car!! stock... mostly, plain... ummm no.

and to clarify things... a while ago someone found my car on the internet and posted it on here. lets see... i got called an embarrasment to the mx3 community, if i remember correctly a member of the staff said i had mental problems, and someone else said something that got edited for an inappropriate sexual comment. all that might not matter to some people but for a long time i looked up to everyone that participated in this forum, i thought it was a great thing, and i just wished i would have the knowledge that most of you do. dont take me wrong, ive met a few great people, and i still love this place, but i watch my back constantly and i shouldnt have to.
heres an old pic...check my cardomain for newer ones.


Posted: September 22nd, 2005, 4:19 pm
by DavidOS
i hate cancer

Posted: September 22nd, 2005, 5:34 pm
by Teal_93
GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se, Don't feel so bad.

I hate how people can be such a--holes on the internet!!! I just had quite a bit of bodywork done to my car & had it repainted & it got torn to f---ing pieces. I even stated that the car wasn't done. It had just gotten out of the paint shop to take a picture. I mean I have never heard such rude comments about a vehicle a couple of different forums. People can be such ASSHATS!!!

The other thing I hate is how people don't read the contents of a post before making a stupid comment!!!!

I hate all the guys who are married & treat their wives like crap!!! This includes my brother in law!!!

I hate women for being so damn stupid to put up with the guys that are treating them so bad. This includes my Sister in Law!!!

Posted: September 22nd, 2005, 11:07 pm
by DavidOS
Teal_93 wrote:GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se, Don't feel so bad.

I hate how people can be such a--holes on the internet!!! I just had quite a bit of bodywork done to my car & had it repainted & it got torn to farking pieces. I even stated that the car wasn't done. It had just gotten out of the paint shop to take a picture. I mean I have never heard such rude comments about a vehicle a couple of different forums. People can be such ASSHATS!!!

The other thing I hate is how people don't read the contents of a post before making a stupid comment!!!!

I hate all the guys who are married & treat their wives like crap!!! This includes my brother in law!!!

I hate women for being so damn stupid to put up with the guys that are treating them so bad. This includes my Sister in Law!!!

HEY is your sister in law cute?:)

damn i gotta s--- again!! coffee seems to make me s---

Posted: September 22nd, 2005, 11:18 pm
by relisys_3200
I HATE that it cost me $175!!!!!! for a freakin' 65 page book that i needed for one of my classes!!!!!!....and will NEVER use again :rant2:

Posted: September 23rd, 2005, 9:21 am
by Thunderstorm
Heya GoT_DaT_Mx3_Se, the old picture of your stock MX-3 SE looks perfectly fine. It is NOT an embarrasment to anybody. It is a classic.

Try to ignore the "loudmouth no brain" types who think the internet is a forum for extending their pent up agressions (against themselves mostly).

I have a stock MX-3 too. Sure, it's only an RS (1998 model though, one of the last made - sold in Europe) but I still feel part of this community, and I don't feel in anyway inferior to anybody else, just because they have an MX-3 done up to the nines.

Personally, I hate humans with the brains of your averagely retarded Neanderthal.

Peace, Respect, Out.


Posted: September 23rd, 2005, 9:56 am
by Teal_93
HEY is your sister in law cute?
Well she can be but she needs a ton of makeup!!!!! She's one of those kinds where she looks good enough to take home after a bar, but when you wake up & see her you'd get the s--- scared out of you!!!! hahahahah

Posted: September 23rd, 2005, 9:57 am
by Teal_93
I hate the $134 speeding ticket I just had to pay!!!!!

Posted: September 23rd, 2005, 7:41 pm
by cb mx3
I hate that I bought my car on a monday, got insurance on it on that wednesday and put it in the shop later that day and drove it to work and crashed it later that night

I also hate that a$$ faced cop who still gave me a ticket after i wrecked my new first car

Feels good to vent :evil:

Posted: September 24th, 2005, 1:21 am
by DavidOS
damn i hate spending 9 hours on someones elses car

at least it runs and needs only a few adjustments to idle and gas
pedal/throttle cable