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Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: December 25th, 2003, 9:37 pm
by D_Gagne
it is for 429 usd my mom just converted it to canadian and the cheque will clear were not poor my dad and mom make more then enough money to but a lil hood for my car so yeah itll be there and hopfully by the 28th youll get it thanx again

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: December 29th, 2003, 4:01 am
by MX-West Car Club
Hey guys,

Could you either PM or e-mail one another on this transaction. It's getting a little out of hand with the 2 of you posting back and forth.

Thank you

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: January 2nd, 2004, 10:58 pm
by D_Gagne
hey dude u still waiting on my cash? it should be there and i hope u still have my hood hehehe talk to you in a bit hope we still have a deal and sorry for being slow to my bad

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: January 7th, 2004, 3:27 am
by yutik
LOL.. I think they are cute..hehe.. "in a good way" one wanting to get his hood and other waiting for his money =P. I dun mind the hood too and i live in vancouver. But i respect D_
Gagne. Let us know the update!

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: January 11th, 2004, 6:40 pm
by D_Gagne
dude u around man ? whats the scoop here havent heard from u i pm'd u and no answer am i still getting my hood or what the heck? thanx man

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: January 11th, 2004, 8:44 pm
by Damien
Originally posted by D_Gagne:
dude u around man ? whats the scoop here havent heard from u i pm'd u and no answer am i still getting my hood or what the heck? thanx man
Excuse me Denis but i dont appreciate you assuming im some sort of thief, i dont appreciate this pm just sent to me. I still have NOT got your money and i check my mail everyday. I did tell you when we were first dealing to send the money however you like but make sure it has a tracking # or is a secure method because im not responsible for you losing it. You should check with your post office or even just go to your bank and check with them, i have not cashed anything because nothing has come from you to my address. The 2 hoods i have are still sitting here, 1 waiting for you if you can figure out what yur doing. I would help you if i could but i cant, all i can do is wait. I will tell you again one last time so we dont get confused - I will not send anything out until i get your check, cash it and have my money, once this happens i will take the hood to greyhound on the same day and send it to the address you've provided me with.
Ive sold & bought before on this board and have had no problems until now.

Figure things out but please dont come on the ubb and accuse me of anything.

Another thing id like to apologize to mx-west (kevin) for keeping this post going for so long and i didnt want to post this (id rather use pm) but i have to make it clear im not scamming him.

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: January 12th, 2004, 2:36 am
by D_Gagne
yeah my bad on that one it wasent sappose to sound like i was blaming you at all and i appologize for it i bet ur a good seller and buyer i trust you and yeah ppl this was a miss understanding just so u dont go and think im a lil punk or w/e i know this guy woulnt steal my money we have a deal and like respectable ppl we will stand by our words and deals like everyone else should so all appologies to damien and members for me looking like a lil A$$ hole alrite im out damien lets keep in touch thanx again DEE

Re: FS : CF inverted hood

Posted: January 13th, 2004, 2:33 am
by D_Gagne
hey damien any sign yet? man the damn post station ppl are slow eh if ya didnt get it im getting mad at those guys for taking so long i want you to get ur money and i get my hood so u have cash and i have a hood but it aint our faults so w/e i guess talk to you soon i hope+