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Posted: July 6th, 2007, 10:29 am
by mfg
Spotted wrote:Also, major retailers run on the same principle. Not a single item on the shelvesof these major retailers belongs to that store. Not a sinlge item is paid for until it has been sold to that retailer's customer.
That may be correct, but this is completely different.
A major retailer does not get the items on their shelves then change their phone number and move to a new address to avoid paying for the items that they are selling.
Also, retailers and their suppliers have agreements to do just what you are saying. This is not the case here- these parts were purchased from suppliers with an agreement to pay in 30 days. That is the only agreement, we did not agree to take payment a year later, when and if they sell their product.
I personally am out thousands of dollars that I will never get back because they are not going to pay. They have made that clear by not replying to email, postal mail, phone calls, etc.

All of the information was sent to jarid while he was sending the PM to me that you see above. I am sure he is getting to the bottom of this.

Posted: July 6th, 2007, 11:33 am
by monty73741
mfg I think this is highly unprofessional that you bring up your case on this forum. There are other ways to deal with this then put this on a public forum. First of all you should have contacted either, the webmaster, jarid or barry clark(adminstrator). Secondly memebers here have put up hard earned monies & it seems like you are trying to stop this group buy risking memebers loosing there deposits. Third you are argueing with memebers about whether these parts were stolen. Please reframe from posting on this forum publicly. Please contact jarid & he will make a decision whether to inform memebers of what is going on with you or bgracing. Also I contacted & have gotten no response on the validity of your claim.

Posted: July 6th, 2007, 3:18 pm
by RCP190
Jessica, I've left you a voice mail, a text message, and sent you 2 private messages on this forum and you have not replied.

Has everyones issues been resolved since Jessica's arrival? Is anyone else having trouble contacting her? When I call her I now get "The customer you are calling is unavailable at the moment, please try again later"

Posted: July 6th, 2007, 4:05 pm
by cjthor
IF YOU ARE NOT IN THIS GROUP BUY PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING HERE. I will be deleting all non pertinent info from this thread.

Posted: July 7th, 2007, 11:03 am
by OROutdoors
Spotted wrote:Also, major retailers run on the same principle. Not a single item on the shelvesof these major retailers belongs to that store. Not a sinlge item is paid for until it has been sold to that retailer's customer.
Not only are these items not paid for, vedors place these items on the retailer's shelves in hopes that the item will be sold.....AND the retailer charges the vendors for using that space on their shelves.....
So, in essence, he is conducting business as any other business would.
Just my 2 cents.
Well, it's not quite the same principle. The retailers have an agreement to place merchandise in that manner. What happened here, if what mfg says is true, is that Extreme-Doors purchased items on credit with the understanding that the bills would be paid in a timely manner. The arrangement is normal and honest for many transactions, but sometimes some customers who have been extended credit have problems that prevent them from paying. This is also a normal but rarer occurance. Even less of an accurance is when a customer deliberately defrauds the creditor by entering into an agreement without the intent to satisfy the debt. I am working on the premise that Extreme-Doors did expect to satisfy their debt obligations, but had problems (again, if what mfg said is true). I do not see Extreme-Doors as deliberately defrauding the company, it just doesn't add up. I am also working on the premise that Extreme-Doors is still desiring to make good on their obligations, and that they will work out some sort of resolution.

I hope, for all parties, that they can and will work things out.

Posted: July 9th, 2007, 11:38 am
by magiccowinuse
ANOTHER week gone and NOTHING heard from anyone at Xtreme-Doors...and no kits recieved. :roll: :x

Posted: July 9th, 2007, 12:37 pm
by cjthor
magiccowinuse wrote:ANOTHER week gone and NOTHING heard from anyone at Xtreme-Doors...and no kits recieved. :roll: :x
I was told things should be going out today for you. I also requested a working phone number..nothing yet.

Posted: July 9th, 2007, 4:36 pm
by magiccowinuse
cjthor wrote:
magiccowinuse wrote:ANOTHER week gone and NOTHING heard from anyone at Xtreme-Doors...and no kits recieved. :roll: :x
I was told things should be going out today for you. I also requested a working phone number..nothing yet.
I've heard that before, but i hope so.

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 2:34 pm
by cjthor
Both Hotsit and oOLoopyOo have received their kit. They didnt come with instructions or shocks. Magiccowinuse, have you received shocks yet?

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 4:11 pm
by magiccowinuse
no i have not but last time i talked to Jessica (over a week and a half ago now) said that they would be shipping out new ones when my arms shipped.

Posted: July 10th, 2007, 6:03 pm
by cjthor
magiccowinuse wrote:no i have not but last time i talked to Jessica (over a week and a half ago now) said that they would be shipping out new ones when my arms shipped.
gotcha. I pm'd her bout this.

Posted: July 12th, 2007, 4:36 pm
by djbxp
I can see that a bunch of you are having difficulties with - so we thought we would make a post!

Our entire staff strongly recommends AGAINST dealing with this company!! The Have already screwed us out of products - wasted our time and pissed of numerous customers.
Which has now led us to work with the local Authorities in Suing Chris / Kyle with

Anyone that wants to contact my staff at anytime for additional details - please free to PM us on here or email us directly.

Thank you

Posted: July 13th, 2007, 12:13 am
by mazda20
I paid in full a couple weeks ago, how long should I expect before I get my kit?

How many here have already got there kit? Has anyone else heard about the triming machine breaking?

Posted: July 13th, 2007, 1:45 pm
by magiccowinuse
djbxp wrote:I can see that a bunch of you are having difficulties with - so we thought we would make a post!

Our entire staff strongly recommends AGAINST dealing with this company!! The Have already screwed us out of products - wasted our time and pissed of numerous customers.
Which has now led us to work with the local Authorities in Suing Chris / Kyle with

Anyone that wants to contact my staff at anytime for additional details - please free to PM us on here or email us directly.

Thank you

ARE YOU STRAIGHT UP BLIND GUY? I could see if it was afew pages back but 6TH POST ON THIS PAGE READS:
cjthor wrote: IF YOU ARE NOT IN THIS GROUP BUY PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING HERE. I will be deleting all non pertinent info from this thread.
So, how about you guys stop signing onto our forum to post this SH!T its getting annoying and, Seeing as we are already dealing with this company your advise is MONTHS too late!!!

Posted: July 13th, 2007, 1:57 pm
by cjthor
magiccowinuse wrote:
djbxp wrote:I can see that a bunch of you are having difficulties with - so we thought we would make a post!

Our entire staff strongly recommends AGAINST dealing with this company!! The Have already screwed us out of products - wasted our time and pissed of numerous customers.
Which has now led us to work with the local Authorities in Suing Chris / Kyle with

Anyone that wants to contact my staff at anytime for additional details - please free to PM us on here or email us directly.

Thank you

ARE YOU STRAIGHT UP BLIND GUY? I could see if it was afew pages back but 6TH POST ON THIS PAGE READS:
cjthor wrote: IF YOU ARE NOT IN THIS GROUP BUY PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING HERE. I will be deleting all non pertinent info from this thread.
So, how about you guys stop signing onto our forum to post this SH!T its getting annoying and, Seeing as we are already dealing with this company your advise is MONTHS too late!!!
I feel your pain Kyle, XXX racing PMd me after he posted and I spoke to him on the phone. He confirmed what he posted and it seems that Xtreme bit off alot more than they could chew with numerous companies. Hopefully our group buy will be different and they will hold up their end of the buy. Have you got your arms yet?