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Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 17th, 2008, 10:10 pm
by seboroth
I'm helping I'm helping!!!!

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 17th, 2008, 10:24 pm
by Savin
Derek, its fine with me that you're contributing to the community, but look at it from our perspective: We see a new person enter the boards and we watch to see if they're worthwhile. Those that ask questions that have been answered several times before are "quicky" members. Them being people that just want help and don't want to give help. We look negatively on them hense forth. You have contributed, but in an untimely matter. Not often is a person post-whoring with useful info. When we click on the 'View New Posts' thing all we see is 'PushnFords'. And being new and clicking on this thread just to get your count up to 30 is looked down upon as well. I might have done it too. Thats why It took me a while to get credibility up, I think. Also, most that spam post just want access to the For Sale forums just to be in and out, similar to yourself. We do not know if you're just here to sell things then leave or stick around. My mx-3 is at a stand still, slowly rusting away. I have done little to it since I'm STILL not done with my Thunderfird. I still remain on the forums and offer what I can, even if its just telling people to use the search, or asking legidimate questions so those in the future have access to the answers that others have posted.

All in all, welcome to the boards. Hopefully you remain in the community and be a positive group member unlike the mentioned "quickies".

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 10:17 am
by PushnFords
Nice looking Thunderbird there. If you need any parts the local salvage yard just got one in that is really similar. I've been hitting the yard hard on Saturdays and pulling parts for the cars I'm fixing and other guys as well. The more I buy the cheaper the prices are! I can throw them on eBay or something if you'd want to go that route. My wife had an '84 Cougar when I met her with a 302...I'd love to have another one of either version. Her friend tried to tell me that car restoration would die after all the old cars was gone. I argued with her that the Cougar/Thunderbirds would some day be fixed up and popular and she didn't believe wife really didn't either. Now it is 9 years later and I occassionaly send her links to guys fixing them!

**That was meant to be a PM...sorry.**

Take care,


Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 7:26 pm
by Ryan
You guys have a pretty good atmosphere, I thought... mature yet still fun. I think most of you are in your 30's but you still act like kids :P Yeah you might bash someone when you say something stupid(like me :P), or abuse the forum but whatever, I understand the importance of keeping the forum on track and not just a dump.

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 7:30 pm
by Kirk95gs
PushnFords wrote:Nice looking Thunderbird there. If you need any parts the local salvage yard just got one in that is really similar. I've been hitting the yard hard on Saturdays and pulling parts for the cars I'm fixing and other guys as well. The more I buy the cheaper the prices are! I can throw them on eBay or something if you'd want to go that route. My wife had an '84 Cougar when I met her with a 302...I'd love to have another one of either version. Her friend tried to tell me that car restoration would die after all the old cars was gone. I argued with her that the Cougar/Thunderbirds would some day be fixed up and popular and she didn't believe wife really didn't either. Now it is 9 years later and I occassionaly send her links to guys fixing them!

I hit 30 messages but this forum pretty well turned me off. I've never seen another forum run so strict and by such pissy people. I'm a member of Dodge truck, Grand Am, and Ford Torino forums and never ran into problems like this. I'm not going to post my GS parts here...I'll stick with eBay...doing fine selling stuff there anyway.

Take care,

Sorry for upseting you, If you think this board is strict then you should try

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 7:38 pm
by Savin
At least he went out in a more mature way then other people. I think I did a good job explaining why we get 'pissy'. Maybe my explaining eased it some?

It beats him yelling at us and saying some negative things...

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 7:45 pm
by umcamara
Yeah PushnFords... When you first joined a week or so ago, I'd come on here, and click on "view new posts", and wow, there were like 20 or 30 new posts in about half a day. It's quite annoying to click on each one, and find that it's just a resurrected post from months ago, that everybody has basically dealt with and moved on from. Now I'm not saying that you were saying completely pointless things, but you come on here telling us all these little anecdotes after being on here for one day. I was like, "so... who cares. We've all got our stories to tell, but we don't just go spewing them out at a mile a minute, like verbal diarrhea. I could tell at the time that you were just making a B-line for that 30-post count.

And to say that you're doing the ebay thing because you'd hate to see a good car go to the junkyard is a load of crap. Follow the money trail man... everything leads back to money. Not for most of us on here though, we have an ernest interest in our cars.

Don't be so shocked and put-off that a couple people finally said something. And don't give me some smart-a-- retort either. If you do, you know where to find me, it says right under my username.

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 7:56 pm
by Savin
Well said. Maybe we should make some guideline rules for those that don't follow the unwritten/unspoken yet implied rules of conduct. Like if you post-whore to build up your count just to sell, consider yourself ignored etc...

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 9:10 pm
by PushnFords
Sorry to offended all of you. I was simply trying to help people out while I made a few bucks. I didn't plan on having the car long enough to generate 30 posts on new topics so I went the route I did.

Good luck with your cars. Some of them look really nice and they look like they would be a blast to drive. Unfortunately the one I have was beyond repair to enjoy.


Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 9:13 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
Is it getting cold in here?

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 9:40 pm
by Savin
Is it getting cold in here?
I believe so. This arguing back and forth is pointless. I've tried to be sensible and be the calm middle man in this but enough is enough. End this now. Our maturity ratings are going down with each post we make in regards to this.

Derek, like I've said, its cool that you wanted to help, but maybe you should've just stuck to ebay. We would have discovered the parts for sale eventually. Yes we are strict on these forums but that is only so this doesn't turn into a full out nonsense board. we're all here to gain something that we didn't have before (knowledge, parts, life long friends etc). If we continue this ranting then this will turn into a honda forum, NONE of us want that.

Kirk, maybe you could have made your spam posting comment a little less harsh to avoid this in the first place. I understand why you did it though.

umcamara, I support how you feel, but Derek did have good intentions in a way, even if it didn't seem like it. He would have been gone from these forums after he sold his parts anyhow.

Now, so nothing like this happens again, i'll start a new thread on the "unspoken rules" but this time they will be spoken. Maybe newbie members will follow those guidelines hense forth.

*is done now I hope*

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 9:50 pm
by ElectricEnergy
+1 post from me :)

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 24th, 2008, 10:56 pm
by se7en
heh, is this the longest thread ever?

I guess I am just a post whore too.

Re: Lets make the longest thread EVER!!!!!

Posted: April 25th, 2008, 1:58 pm
by Custommx3
Post closed. People using it to up postcount.