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Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: June 19th, 2011, 2:17 am
by mikeinaus
i was thinking of using a 80mm computer fan grill to cover the port. 80mm is 3" 1/8" which would be more or less perfect. plus there's some with cool designs and they are made for airflow. would using a filter material on the grill restrict airflow too much? ill grab one and see how much of a difference it makes. i could also make some kind of metal screen if it affects the sound too much.

thanks for your help Neuman, i wouldnt have figured all this out without you...

im gonna try and finish the box for the end of the week. then i have to go to edmonton for work for 2 weeks and then hopefully ill have some time to wire up my new sound system and see how it sounds by the end of july... :mrgreen:

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: June 19th, 2011, 2:23 am
by neuspeedescort
you can get speaker grill cloth like that which is on home theater speakers at any fabric shop. that would be your best bet for "filter material". no prob on the help. its what i do. LOL check out my facebook. its linked in my signature.


Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: June 27th, 2011, 2:19 am
by mikeinaus
Update. test fitted the top wood today. ive decided to fill in the volume with bags of sand and see how it sounds. if its not up to my expectations im gonna install the port...

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: July 2nd, 2011, 2:40 pm
by neuspeedescort
looks good man! keep it up.


Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: July 27th, 2011, 11:19 pm
by wagZE
Looks good so far, except for that plywood?? I'm guessing you are building it out of scraps of mdf & ran out??? hope it is at least reinforced with 3-4 layers of matting.

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 12:40 am
by mikeinaus
uhm no... the mdf was cut to the shape of the box and fiberglassed in. that pic was basically a test fit after shaping the wood. the entire trunk will will be covered with a false floor of plywood with the sub in the middle. im about 80% done the project i just havent had any time to work on it. im currently working 70+ hours a week and its been hard to stay motivated let alone make a trip to the audio store to buy the carpet and speaker terminals for the box.

unfortunately the project is more then likely going to be on hold until September or October when i get some free time...

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 1st, 2011, 11:55 pm
by wagZE
Try some fleece from the fabric store, check out jo-ann fabrics if you have them around you if you sign up for their email list they'll send you some awesome coupons like half off fabrics for example. A can of 3m super 77 spray glue and some black or charcoal fleece is what I would do. If you wanted to keep a stock look it'd be cool to get the carpet from a totalled mx-3 also. Don't stop now!!! You've got all the tedious/smelly stuff done, the false floor should be mass easy if you just use cardboard & a razor to get the shape & then cut your mdf/ plywood to size. 1/2" mdf isn't much some places will even sell you half a sheet for around $20 & it would be a much better sound dampener than plywood. You're almost there.

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 4th, 2011, 11:46 pm
by mikeinaus
speaker carpet can be had for fairly cheap on ebay and i want it to look stock so ill get some of that when ever i get around to it. i got some spare time on sunday and finished the box. i also ghetto rigged it in my car to see how it sounds. i havnt had much time to play with the amp but its pretty boomy right now. when i tested it i did it without the sand bags so the volume is way too big which is more then likely the cause. im not that impressed with it right now but im thinking of adding the port (weight reasons vs sand bags) and some fine tuning of my amp and it should get better.

false floor probably wont happen until the end of september. i have a ridiculously busy job right now and the 11 hour shifts + 2.5 hours of traffic a day doesnt leave much time for anything let alone car projects.

on a side note i blew my 6.5 infinity kappas a few days after hooking them up to my amp. i guess the 75w rms they are rated at was a bit optimistic, or they got damaged from a year of use with no amp then a sudden bump to 80W. either way i grabbed some type S 6.5 components and they sound awesome.

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 5th, 2011, 11:48 am
by neuspeedescort
99% chance the reason your mids blew is to low of a cross over point. most mids i see come off the shelf unless they are mid drivers. do not like sound below 100-110 hz. alot of aftermarket decks have a setting for 100hz and 120hz high pass cut off's. use them! it wil save you money in the long run. only down fall here is your sub shouldnt play above 80-90 hz so you will have a slight gap in the frequency range. but ulness your a total SQ guy not many people will notice.


Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 5th, 2011, 11:09 pm
by mikeinaus
thanks for the tip. i was actually wondering about those values i saw on my deck. i guess another good point is i can set the front rear and sub to different cross-over values with my deck. i played with them a bit but i didnt notice any real difference in sq so i turned them off.

so ideally id want 120hz on the speakers and 80hz or lower on the sub?

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 12:05 am
by mikeinaus
Template time!

i got off work early today and had a bit of time to get some work done. i bought the plywood for the floor and pvc for the port. i also had enough time to make some templates for the floor before it got late. im hoping to get the floor and port made next weekend, then whenever i get some carpet ill finish the project in the next few weeks (work permitting).


because the box ended up being so tall ive got around 5" of free space under the floor. im planning on putting some insulation there to try and block some of the exhaust noise. all in all ive lost a bit of trunk space but im fairly confident i ended up with more storage space then having a big box in the middle of the hatch...

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 9th, 2011, 2:55 pm
by neuspeedescort
mikeinaus wrote:thanks for the tip. i was actually wondering about those values i saw on my deck. i guess another good point is i can set the front rear and sub to different cross-over values with my deck. i played with them a bit but i didnt notice any real difference in sq so i turned them off.

so ideally id want 120hz on the speakers and 80hz or lower on the sub?

sub - 20 threw 80
mid bass (if you do it) - 60 threw 150
highs - 120 threw 2500
tweets 2000 and up

these are just safety numbers. alot of people run passive crossovers on components that will set some of they peramiters for you. however if and when you can use active (electronic settings) do it and run your amp on full range. it will surprise you how it will clean up muddy sound and mids that are popping from acting like a sub.


Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 11:56 pm
by mikeinaus
almost done!

Re: sub suggestion?

Posted: September 17th, 2011, 11:14 am
by SBR
Looking very clean, nice job!