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Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 7:45 pm
by onlytrueromeo
Inodoro Pereyra wrote:Two identical SUVs, one with a gasoline engine, the other one with the same engine modified to run exclusively on E100.
MODIFIED TO RUN ON E100! Stock for stock is DOES NOT give more power. It has lower energy density. The E100 engine HAS to be higher compression to get better mileage/power, and higher compression is more efficient.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:06 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
onlytrueromeo wrote:
Inodoro Pereyra wrote:Two identical SUVs, one with a gasoline engine, the other one with the same engine modified to run exclusively on E100.
MODIFIED TO RUN ON E100! Stock for stock is DOES NOT give more power. It has lower energy density. The E100 engine HAS to be higher compression to get better mileage/power, and higher compression is more efficient.
Of course it's modified to run E100! Why would you want to run 135 octane fuel on an engine designed to run 87 octane?
You would have exactly the same problem if you were to use 87 octane gas on an unmodified Ford model "T", designed to run on 28 octane gas! Don't you think that's a bit of an unfair comparison?

The point is that with ethanol you CAN run a higher compression, while with gas you can't.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:12 pm
by mitmaks
Inodoro Pereyra wrote:
onlytrueromeo wrote:Ethanol is only good for those who have higher compression engines or are running big turbos. It has been proven to lower gas mileage across the board, so the 10-20% ethanol sucks, unless it is reducing the price enough to compensate.

E85 or 100% ethanol would be good if the majority of us could take advantage of it...but since we don't all have turbo's or 15:1 CR, we're just losing power and mileage.
Nope. Engineers at a Swedish car manufacturer (I don't remember if it was Saab or Volvo) did a comparison a few years ago. Two identical SUVs, one with a gasoline engine, the other one with the same engine modified to run exclusively on E100. The E100 engine showed more power, and a 18% increase in gas mileage.
If you want to keep your engine's compatibility with gasoline, your gas mileage will go down, but if you modify your engine to run ethanol exclusively, due to the increased thermal efficiency of higher compression engines, the mileage goes up.

A 15:1 compression ratio is just a shave away. You don't need a specially designed engine.
You can either deck the block and head enough, you can use domed pistons, or you can get a crankshaft with a longer stroke. Of course it will take some experimenting, but so does any other modification you want to do on an MX-3.

EXACTLY, that's whole point is their engine was MODIFIED. We're talking about stock here, many of us still have stock k8's that run as daily drivers. Pure E85 or even 10% does not belong in my stock mx-3 or any other car for that matter as they were not tuned to run on ethanol.
If you want you can run E85 on your race car, don't run it on your stock car. Case is closed.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:13 pm
by onlytrueromeo
My point is that ethanol is pointless unless an engine is designed for it.

Further posting in this thread is useless for arguments are just going in circles.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:23 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
mitmaks wrote: EXACTLY, that's whole point is their engine was MODIFIED. We're talking about stock here, many of us still have stock k8's that run as daily drivers. Pure E85 or even 10% does not belong in my stock mx-3 or any other car for that matter as they were not tuned to run on ethanol.
If you want you can run E85 on your race car, don't run it on your stock car. Case is closed.
No, the whole point is that ethanol is a better fuel than gas on an engine that's able to handle it, and that modifying a stock engine to run ethanol in any concentration is stupid easy.
E10 is a reality in most of the U.S., and it's bound to become a reality worldwide in the near future, whether you like it or not. ANY stock engine can run E10, and most stock engines can run E20 without modifications.
I would NEVER be dumb enough to waste ethanol on any concentration higher than E20 on a stock engine. Not because it'd damage the engine, but because it would be like putting lipstick on a pig.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:33 pm
by 93vtecklr
HEY! It makes spiderpig feel sexy.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:35 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
:lol: :lol: Yeah... Miss Piggy too...

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 8:48 pm
by 93vtecklr
ya whassup miss piggy, i bet your hoo-haa smells like bacon.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 9:44 pm
by mitmaks

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 9:48 pm
by 93vtecklr
Absolutely fantastic. That image will serve me well/haunt me those lonely nights at sea.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 23rd, 2009, 9:50 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
:lol: :lol: I just saved it.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 11:28 am
by Mx3Kid16
mitmaks wrote:
Mx3Kid16 wrote:Yeah thats it. "Nitrogen-Enriched"

i seriously thinks it helps.
you think so or you know so? Really, we need proof it works. You can't really says "ya it works" unless you have data to prove it.
ever since i put it in my tank. my car quit sputtering. on take off and steady speed.

? teach me how to collect that data.

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 11:48 am
by mitmaks
Mx3Kid16 wrote:
mitmaks wrote:
Mx3Kid16 wrote:Yeah thats it. "Nitrogen-Enriched"

i seriously thinks it helps.
you think so or you know so? Really, we need proof it works. You can't really says "ya it works" unless you have data to prove it.
ever since i put it in my tank. my car quit sputtering. on take off and steady speed.

? teach me how to collect that data.
Mpg data would help. I do get sputtering once in a while also, even though I use same gas station every time. Guess what they do not have any nitrogen advertised. It really depends on your car, it has mind of its own. Maybe you have a clogged filter or your pump is going out, who knows...

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 4:52 pm
by Mx3Kid16
well when i filled it up with chevron... it started sputtering again...

bad fuel pump?

Re: Shell Gasoline?

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 5:27 pm
by solo_ryder
Could also be a bad fuel pressure reg, or a bad injector