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Re: Thought i'd share the love

Posted: August 24th, 2009, 12:29 pm
by wytbishop
You're not the first guy to cut up a perfectly good MX-3. Dan[Sac] has done that a few times to build his monstrous ZE creations. The guys an artist. You don't hear anyone raggin on him.

Re: Thought i'd share the love

Posted: August 24th, 2009, 12:45 pm
by onlytrueromeo
93vtecklr wrote:Oh most definately. I've perused other message boards on other sites, and a simple question (Albeit a dumb one, even if the poster was legitimately in need of help and ACCEPTED the possible solution), or for instance as Jesse said. It turns into a "whip-it-out and measure that sucker" situation. This will measure our willingness to live and let live, to crush and let crush. I didn't read so many of these statements on Tmac4t4's [FS] thread. And he beat the bugs out of his car. Just think, makes our cars just a little bit more on the rare side....
He was trying to sell his car for a good month or 2 for a really reasonable $600 obo.

Re: Thought i'd share the love

Posted: August 25th, 2009, 3:09 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
fowljesse wrote:Imagine if you cut up a 240sx, or whatever he's getting next, and posted it on a typical tuner forum :lol: You'd have hardcore gangsta death threats by now (16 year old white boyz). The thread wold be 18 pages long, and degenerate into a pissing contest.
This thread is a testement to the civility, and intelligence of this site.
I couldn't agree more. So far I've been a member of seven forums, besides this one. That includes the Mythbusters forum, 3 soapmaking forums, a biodiesel forum and 2 FTA forums. Right now, this one is the ONLY forum I'm actively posting on. That is a testament not only to the civility and intelligence of the members on this site, but also to the civility and intelligence of the mods and admin on this site (and yes, I know that sounds like a lot of shameless a$$ kissing, but it's true).
On the other forums I've been a member of, you can find anything, from differential treatment to "some" members, to a complete absence of moderation, to even moderators getting into flame wars with members.

So, yeah. At least as far as I know, this forum has no parallel on the net. :love:

But what they did to that poor shell is wrong. :lol: :P

Re: Thought i'd share the love

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 9:57 pm
by Dark_Rider2k3
Must agree with you all. Other forums would have went crazy, but we are so civil it's like "oh.. interesting" or "oh that's wrong.."

It was a perfectly good shell, and I think the car deserves a proper burial (LOL) but.. that's impressive getting it crammed in how you did.

Re: Thought i'd share the love

Posted: August 31st, 2009, 4:54 pm
by 93vtecklr
One more comment, last I swear... I just took my hood to the scrappers, and jumped all over it. And I think that when I'm no longer able to own this car, in the most selfish gesture I can mustre, I'm parting then beating the piss out of her!

Re: Thought i'd share the love

Posted: February 16th, 2010, 1:04 am
by hellcreig
This quotes tells much to our life.

Man asked GOD to give everything to enjoy life.
GOD replies I have given you life to enjoy everything.