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Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 3:11 pm
by shameem
Anybody have any choice words for 16 year olds in minivans?
Since this is summer i have come across quiet a few of these nutjobs joyriding in their parents suv s ...

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 5:14 pm
by tmac4t4
just simply ask them why their mother chose the color they did :lol:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 5:32 pm
by fowljesse
When I was 12, my best friend and I took his parent's minivan out, after drinking Vodka. I let him drive for 5 minutes, and he launched us into a concrete ditch.
Stupid, stupid kids.
Those "black box" things are a great idea!

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 5:35 pm
by tmac4t4
lol i was with my buddy in his moms 98 ford explorer sport all hammed doin fishtails in the snow, we were clippin along at about 60 fishtailin down the street when he lost control and put driver side into a light post..truck was done, windsheild was smashed frame was bent could barely open the door,,cops were never called and he drove it home..2 hour drive at 2am :lol:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 24th, 2008, 8:38 pm
by Savin
The best story I have is when my brother and I were fishtailing/doing donuts in a geo metro convertible this past winter. That geo has just recently gone to the wreckers... :cry: That little car was soo flippin cool, lol, I never got to drive it with the top down. :( The frame rusted out like all other metros...
I almost forgot to mention, the cops that live on the street saw us and just died of laughter,lol.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 5:51 pm
by tmac4t4
okay, this gettin rediculous, im a magnet for horrible drivers!!! yesterday, after picking up my girlfreind from work, we started heading to a friends house,,now i was jus cruisin along right at the speed limit 50km/h, since police are trained where i live(cops everywhere), now its a 4 lane road im on,,2 lanes each way, not many cars around, and i look in my mirror to see 2 girls in a black saturn with some "cool" racing stripes jus riding my a--,,now clearly she COULD have jus went around, but she decided to ride my a-- for a while, till i got very annoyed, she then floors it and goes to fly past me, so i stomped on it :D ..she never had a real chance to pass me because, well, shes in a d--- saturn..i just did that to prove my point though, and right away let off,,but what does she do?! without signalling, she just starts rollin over into my lane and completley cuts me, now, f--- being annoyed, im pissed!! i noticed the light was turning yellow and that we both were goin to hafto stop at this light, and i wasnt looking to be side by side havin her tryin to race me, so swerved into the other lane, passed her,,hammered on my brakes while simultaniously swerving back into my original lane,,i did this and locked all 4 tires up, filled the air wit smoke and blinded that stupid b----,,i then poked my head out the window and simply said, we're even :) i try and try to drive like a civil,responsible human being (most the time, but there is a time and a place) but i just cant understand how/where people get issued a liscence,,i swear they got it from the bottom of a cereal box :shrug:

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 10:24 pm
by npspears
tmac4t4, next you could try a break check or a half-hearted brake check to keep her off ya.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 7:53 pm
by tmac4t4
npspears wrote:tmac4t4, next you could try a break check or a half-hearted brake check to keep her off ya.
thats what i did..except i sped up to go around her and the light was red..i made my point, and she had enough room to stop safely,,ill admit it was a lil excessive, but if its one thing i wont take, is being tailgated, then cut off without even a curtosy signal.

Re: The Shame List

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 2:46 am
by Juans_93_MX3
Dont race in a K8 engine dude lol

Re: The Shame List

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 2:51 am
by Juans_93_MX3
tmac4t4 wrote:okay, this gettin rediculous, im a magnet for horrible drivers!!! yesterday, after picking up my girlfreind from work, we started heading to a friends house,,now i was jus cruisin along right at the speed limit 50km/h, since police are trained where i live(cops everywhere), now its a 4 lane road im on,,2 lanes each way, not many cars around, and i look in my mirror to see 2 girls in a black saturn with some "cool" racing stripes jus riding my a--,,now clearly she COULD have jus went around, but she decided to ride my a-- for a while, till i got very annoyed, she then floors it and goes to fly past me, so i stomped on it :D ..she never had a real chance to pass me because, well, shes in a d--- saturn..i just did that to prove my point though, and right away let off,,but what does she do?! without signalling, she just starts rollin over into my lane and completley cuts me, now, f--- being annoyed, im pissed!! i noticed the light was turning yellow and that we both were goin to hafto stop at this light, and i wasnt looking to be side by side havin her tryin to race me, so swerved into the other lane, passed her,,hammered on my brakes while simultaniously swerving back into my original lane,,i did this and locked all 4 tires up, filled the air wit smoke and blinded that stupid b----,,i then poked my head out the window and simply said, we're even :) i try and try to drive like a civil,responsible human being (most the time, but there is a time and a place) but i just cant understand how/where people get issued a liscence,,i swear they got it from the bottom of a cereal box :shrug:
I am not against street racing. If someone is on your a--, just tap the brakes a bit. Keep doing it. Ignore whatever hand gestures they have for you.

You dont do dumbass stuff like racing in a K8 engine MX3 or driving like a moron. You can kill someone

Re: The Shame List

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 2:53 am
by Juans_93_MX3
double post

Re: The Shame List

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 2:56 am
by Juans_93_MX3
tmac4t4 wrote::lol: thats awsome
He was being sarcastic...
Uncle Ben is from Spider man

Re: The Shame List

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 3:01 am
by Juans_93_MX3
fowljesse wrote:Once, I was driving my Chevy van that had a built 350 (destined for a small car), and some kids in a Honda pulled up and revved, since they could hear that it was strong. So when the light turned, I did a little burn out to the speed limit, and let them go. After that, I stayed at the limit, predicting traffic, while they sped up, and slowed down, in the wrong lanes, until they ended up behind me. They kept trying to pass, almost hitting people, as I cruised at the speed limit. They were so preoccupied with getting ahead, that they didn't notice that I had slowed down because the car ahead was turning. He thought he saw an opportunity, and was speeding up to shoot past when he rear ended me. He slammed the brakes @ the last second, and dove under, so his hood peeled back about 1/3 of the way, and his lights & everything with it. I pulled into the parking lot, and waited a minute, for dramatic effect, and put on a mean dissappointed face, like I was going to punch all 4 of them (I was laughing on the inside). They looked terrified, and the driver looked like he was going to cry. I went to his door, and he was frozen, so I looked at the damage, and at my lack thereof. I had scratches under my metal bumper. I stood there until he mustered the courage to get out. I paused again for effect, to let him sweat a bit, so that he'd be elated when I said "I don't have any damage, so we don't need to get the cops & insurance involved." We exchanged info, and I drove off. The kid was very happy, tinged with the fear of what his dad was goping to do.
You should of called the cops to teach him a lesson

Re: The Shame List

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 11:36 am
by Stablo87
Juans_93_MX3 wrote:
tmac4t4 wrote::lol: thats awsome
He was being sarcastic...
Uncle Ben is from Spider man

Yes, i was being uber sarcastic