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Posted: October 16th, 2007, 4:13 pm
by Tommy D
Its gone quiet as usual............

Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 5:18 pm
by V8KOMX3
I take it this was another failure????????

Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 6:32 pm
by mx3optidrive
V8KOMX3 wrote:I take it this was another failure????????
Definitely not a failure. I have been really busy with my career and like I said, he has a day job as well.

He e-mailed me and said that he finished cleaning up the stock lenses I sent him and was getting ready to finish the mold and make the first set of clear lenses. He said that he would e-mail me as soon as he gets that far and takes some pics. He said he was/is really busy with other projects that have been promised before this idea was started along with holding down a full-time day job.

Sorry for being so long for an update and I hope to have more progress for you very soon.


Posted: October 22nd, 2007, 7:21 pm
by Jutzi420
Sweetness, glad to hear it's still moving.

Posted: October 25th, 2007, 9:48 pm
by Whisper
A bit pricey, but I might be down.

Although if it takes him this long to do one set, I can only imagine how long it would take when he has to make 20.

Posted: October 29th, 2007, 5:42 pm
by Tommy D
Sometimes, the longer things take to be made, the faster they can be reproduced....

I am hoping this will get done, id love an LED setup for dip beam along the bottom but hey....Ill see what we get first and mod from there....

Posted: November 10th, 2007, 2:19 pm
by mx3optidrive
Sorry for the long wait for an update, but I have been real busy with training courses for work and helping the in-laws build their new house while trying to finish renovating our own house.

I was talking to Josh a couple days ago and he did make one set of lenses but when he took them out of the mold, there were scratches in the lenses he was using as the mold that showed up on the new lenses. He is now reworking the mold lenses to get the fine scratches out of them so he won't ruin the clear lenses anymore. once he does this, he is going to mock up what the housings with the projectors and lenses will look like and take some pics. He told me to call in a couple weeks to see how it is going on his end. I will let you all know as soon as we talk again.

I would also like to congratulate Josh and his girlfriend for their recent engagement. I was actually on the phone when she got home just before he popped the question. We hung up before he asked her and he called back as soon as he got his answer and we tried to keep the conversation short because of the circumstances.

Like I said, I will post as soon as we talk again to let you all know how things are coming, good or bad.


Posted: November 25th, 2007, 4:03 am
by Whisper
Well, sounds like marriage will take priority over projectors, so it'll be a while.

Posted: December 18th, 2007, 8:11 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
Can't seem to post on the other GI thread.. I'd like to be added to the list if this will ever happen.

Re: [GI] projectors from an american company

Posted: January 4th, 2008, 9:58 pm
by claude matte
this group buy or gi was opened on aug 23 07 it is now jan 04 08
thats 41/2 months with no update pics is it safe to say this pipe dream is dead or what
i would like to see this happen while i still have a mx3 whats going on ive emailed the company asking if this is still going on and i get no reply
if this is over please close the post or is this going to go on for ever
if your trying to sell something sell it dont give me a story on how your dog died and you got gas and it burns when you pee b/s just tell us will this happen or not , so sick of peoples b/s on this board :throwup:

Re: [GI] projectors from an american company

Posted: January 4th, 2008, 10:18 pm
by Mnemonic
its not that its bs its that no one has gone to a quality company that is actually truely interested in making these for us, so they all end up being FAILS remember companies are only in it to make money

Re: [GI] projectors from an american company

Posted: January 5th, 2008, 8:13 am
by mx3optidrive
As far as the GI thread, it is still going on. The first set is still getting built because he is running into problems with the lenses.

Fitting the projectors into the housings was not a problem for him at all. When he started the production process of the lenses, he ran into some snags that is holding him up.

The material that he uses for his lenses is not cheap and he made a few sets so far that didn't meet his standards. The lenses that he was using as a mold to make his clear lenses had a lot of work done to them to make them as clear as he could before using them as a mold. If there was any inperfections on the mold, would carry it onto the produced lense. His first attempt allowed him to see that there was still some scratches on the mold, so he started buffing again. After buffing and looking closely, he thought he got all the scratches out and made another run. It also came out flawed. He tried a couple more times and they also had small inperfections on them. He is getting closer to having the lenses totally clear.

The other problem that he was having was getting the machine to make the sharp angles that our lenses have on the edges. It is hard to get a complete seal so that the machine can get all the air out and pull the lense material around the mold. When it does get a good seal and it is time to take the new lense off the mold, it is hard to break it free of the mold because of these angles also.

When I talked to him last, he told me that the inperfections on the lenses could be seen and a lot of people might have just used them and hope that the customer either doesn't see them or won't care enough to complain back. He said he can't do that because if he can see it, then someone else can and if you want totally clear lenses, then that is what he is going to send you. We won't be paying for a "good enough" product.

I don't think this is taking an extended amount of time to complete. This is the first set of mx-3 lights that he has attempted to make. Like anything that a company decides to take on for the first time, it will take longer because of problems that they run into on the first designs. I am sure it didn't take a couple weeks for the company to develope our cf hood or our altezza's. They had my lights for development for about 3.5 months, if that. They also had other products that they had to make for other customers and this is their part time project because they also have full time day jobs. I also told him that I wasn't in a hurry since my car is away for the winter and getting the motor built and dropped in, so I guess it is part my fault for this taking longer than it probably would have. Since I don't drive my car all year because of the weather here ( snow, salt, -40C, summer tires, etc...), I just thought he could take his time with the project since I didn't need them until April.

If I have time today, I will call him to see how it is going now. I will let you guys know as soon as I get off the phone. I probably won't call him until 6pm or so my time since he is on the other coast and warmer, lol.

If you want to get a hold of me to ask questions, you can add me to msn:" onclick=";return false; or aim: mx3optidrive


Re: [GI] projectors from an american company

Posted: January 20th, 2008, 5:47 pm
by Whisper
That's all well and plausible, but the bottom line is we'll believe it when we see it.

Re: [GI] projectors from an american company

Posted: January 22nd, 2008, 8:27 pm
by se7en
gaud, just make a cheapy chinese knock off and I will be happy. anything would be better than the stock crappy headlights. stop trying to be a perfectionist, and make them already!!!! :)

Re: [GI] projectors from an american company

Posted: February 23rd, 2008, 12:35 am
by claude matte
another month gone
still no lights answers or updates
im willing to put money on this never happen.......... summer comming are the lights