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Posted: February 12th, 2006, 11:43 pm
by Tunes67
Root canal.. Marriage.. same thing.. both hurt a lot and cost a ton of cash ;) LOL


Posted: February 12th, 2006, 11:46 pm
by mymx.3
:laugh: :laugh:


Posted: February 12th, 2006, 11:47 pm
by GregoryChristian
Tunes67 wrote:Root canal.. Marriage.. same thing.. both hurt a lot and cost a ton of cash ;) LOL

but at least my Dental insurance will pay for one of them :lol:

Posted: February 12th, 2006, 11:59 pm
by mitmaks
gonna be working whole week, possibly overtime, even saturday. Just like last week, work keeps me busy and distracted from realizing how lonely I am. But it pays off in long run to be able to afford things I want

Posted: February 13th, 2006, 2:20 am
by Vanished
Wahoo...well I'm defanlty alone valentines day.

The gf defantly leaves for vancouver in...4 hours.
This sucks. O well. Well celebrate 'er when she gets back. As for now, time to hang out with the good ol' boys.

Posted: February 13th, 2006, 2:11 pm
by 95 rs
see where i live we are in the middle of no wheres and there is really nothing to do... we ll probably just go out for supper and then go play pool and have a few drinks then maybe go to the bar for a few more drinks then go home.... i really dont know.....

Posted: February 13th, 2006, 2:17 pm
by Legato626
Man if your girl is going to hang out with her friends i would be like screw you and find a different girl that will hang out with you!

Posted: February 13th, 2006, 3:18 pm
by Tunes67
I would have to agree with Legato.. if I had a GF and she didnt want to spend valentines day with me.. well then I wouldnt have her as a GF much longer.. not without a dang good reason. On the flip side... If I had a GF that demanded a diamond ring or some other godawful expensive jewelry.. I would dump her in a heartbeat for being so materialistic. In my opinion.. ladies should never ask for or demand jewelry from their BF's or husbands. That should be something that he should give willingly of his own accord. She can want it, enjoy it, or desire it, but to ask for or demand it is tacky & materialistic in my opinion. Gifts should be of the heart and be it candy, roses, jewelry or anything else.. it shouldnt be cheapened by solicitation. Does that mean that ladies cant hint at what they would like? Hell no! We arent mind readers LOL But for guys.. I think its more of a timing thing. We want to present our gifts to our ladies at the right time and place. Even the tackiest of us guys wouldnt give ladies a present of skimpy undies while dining at a four star restaurant. Though there could be some humor in that I admit ;) Granted I am a idealist and an old fashioned one at that. But I think a gift means more when its something I thought of without my ladies influence. It just seems to mean more, in my opinion anyway, if I want to give her a gift because I thought to give her a gift to begin with. I think it has something to do with the look of surprise as well as the look of happiness. Ok.. I will stop rambling.. just my two cents anyway. :P


Posted: February 13th, 2006, 3:34 pm
by Bochek
fieromx3 wrote:im alone and it doesnt bother me one bit :) but then again im still young and im lovin it!! :o
I second that one, besides, GF's take time and money away from working on and spending on cars :lol:

but yet, the cars get you the girls, well atleast in my case.

So it umm... sh*t now ive confused myself.

Hmmmm... wow. ok. umm.....

**runs and hides in corner**


Posted: February 13th, 2006, 6:17 pm
by Legato626
My girl makes more money then me and loves to work on her car. We are flying to LA to pick up a new Jdm swaped 300zx!

Posted: February 13th, 2006, 7:37 pm
by 95 rs
i dont know we both arent big on valentines day because why does it have to be 1 day of the year to express how you feel for that one person? we both agree that theres 364 other day to show your love for a person and it doesnt have to be just one day. we are both happy together and well her friends are a big part of her life and i respect that. its more of a mutual thing in the end. the most important thing is that we are both happy.

Posted: February 13th, 2006, 8:23 pm
by johnnyb
well I went out and picked up a few things fomr my gf. Some chocolate roses, a box of chocolates and a diamond necklace. She doesnt even know I bought any of this for her nor did she want anything from me. In fact she gets pissed off when I do things like this because she doesnt want me to waste money.

Luckily for me, after she calms down she realizes it came from the heart and she appreciates it. It took 6 weeks for me to get her to wear the ring I bought her 5 years ago.

Posted: February 14th, 2006, 12:34 am
by happyclown

Its Valentines Day!


I think the problem with my girlfriend is that she is extreamly insecure and materalistic. Im perfectally capeable of getting her nice things and what not, she just doesnt let me do it (doesnt think I will). She ruins it by pressuring me into doing things... last year on her birthday she was so worried that I wasnt going to get her a card and a gift she planed my week (before her birthday) so that i would have time to go shopping. Little did she know I already had everything i needed, she found that out, it ruined the surprise. :cry:

Oh well, she's gettin better.

maybe I could give Doctor Phil a call :roll:

Good luck to the rest of you guys!

Posted: February 14th, 2006, 2:50 pm
by MX-3 Money
I wish I was alone, wouldn't cost as much. Spent money on a newspaper ad and a 4 day spa treatment. Ahh to be single again... :)

Posted: February 14th, 2006, 6:15 pm
by Meep
I delievered flowers for all the poor saps who couldn't/wouldn't take flowers themselves. I particularly don't care either way... overly-commercialized flower giving day has no particular meaning to me. How about really caring and just one random day decide to do something nice... without being told by the billions of commercials... "Hey don't forget! There's someone special to you and this particular day you need to buy her something or else she'll hate you" bs... :roll: