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Posted: January 28th, 2006, 11:42 pm
by relisys_3200
been pulled over many times, but never ticketed *knock on wood*

I've also seen a friend get pulled over when I was following him as he decided to race a porsche......*cough* DAVIDOS *cough* :lol: :lol:

Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 12:18 pm
by annie2486
I had one ticket .... I've race a honda civic and the cops had see us and i got arrested ... luckily i was 17 so the ticket cost me 108$ but i had 4 points and i lost 6 ... so I couldnt drive for 3 months :cry:

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 1:03 am
by freakyalien
annie2486 wrote:I had one ticket .... I've race a honda civic and the cops had see us and i got arrested ... luckily i was 17 so the ticket cost me 108$ but i had 4 points and i lost 6 ... so I couldnt drive for 3 months :cry:
i'm confused...what do you mean by points?

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 1:58 am
by Mnemonic
yea you have to explain cause not all states do a point system and some states have it backwards

I think most states give you a total of 12 points (or allow you to get 12 points on your license) when you get a ticket depending on the type of ticket you can get a range of 0-6 points taken or added to your license. Once you've ran out or accumulated enough points they take your license away from anywhere from 90 days - 6 months depending on the offences you've had.


Posted: February 9th, 2006, 7:54 am
by annie2486
I live in Quebec and it work like this..... First you have your "temporary" drivers license it has 4 points on it and you have to drive with someone who has is "permanent" one. Then you have the "probatoire" (in frensh), it has also 4 points and now you can drive alone, but if you loose all the points ... you cant drive for 3 months. Then you have the "permanent" one that as 15 points on it but im not sure for time you loose it if you have no more points...


Posted: February 9th, 2006, 7:57 am
by annie2486
i made a mistake... its added on the drivers license....

Posted: February 9th, 2006, 10:28 am
by Aston Wards
my worst ticket (of plenty!) was in my crappiest car, the mighty 1982 1.3l Ford Laser....., 70 in a 50k area, crossing the centre line, no rego, no WOF, breach of licence conditions...... was close to NZ$1000

Posted: March 11th, 2006, 12:55 pm
by skylineracing07
ha ha well where do i start sence i live in North Dakota we can get our license at the age of 14 yea crazy well lets see my first speeding ticket ha ha at the age of 14 i owned a 1976 chevy van big old 350 in her she could spin the tires quite well yea i was burning out after two of my friends did and the cop busted me for it and i was the 3 person to spin them sadly to say we were spinning out next to his house oooopsy ha ha ended up with a $50 fine and 3 point may i add i only have 6 points

Next story i got pulled over 5 times in one day for the same damn thing supposibly have to stop at a crosswalk when the light is blicking yellow ha ha got outta that Also

Third story would probibly when i got caught ay my girlfriends i fell asleep there and i have to walk to my brothers house like 6 miles away from where i was at i got pulled over on the side of the road by the cops for breaking curfew all this ended up was i got taken back to the cop station may i add that was about 3 blocks away from where i originally started and then the bastereds made me walk to my bros house so basically i have to walk 12 miles total at 4:30 in the f---ing morning

Fourth ticket would be doing 78 in a 65 got outta that one by askign if i can see his radar of course he said i deleted it so i said see ya

Fifth ticketwell this was a close call i was in my brothers 1997 dodge neon 2 dr the thing is hella fast like 103 in the quarter and its stock well i was racing my friend in a 1997 dodge avenger were bolth 5 speeds and he was by my side and i waved bye bye and i shifted into 5th gear may i quote it governs at 122 and i was bouncing off that when i happend to see a cop up ahead so i slammed on my brakes got down to about 67 and i passed him and waved ha ha he didnt ever pull me over and i know the bastard hit me with radar close call there

Ahh lets see ahh yes in ym friends honda civic i had to run from the cops cuz i was doign 110 in a 35 got outta that too lost the stupid mofo

Now for my last story my bro that owned the neon just bought a 2004 subaru wrx sti we were cruzing to minot a town about 60 miles from where i live now this car f---ing rips we have methanol injection in it i recommend it to anyone when wants to do it anywhoo we were f---ing ripping like 140 dosent govern and we flew by this cop i Look at my bro his eyes were wide i was like s--- nate what are we goign to do he looks at me smiles and i watch the spedo just climb to 158 and we got to minot and a cop pulled us over at a gas station and was liek we know it was you that flew by the cop and my bro was liek bull s--- i dont know what ur talking about he played it cool and we didnt even get a ticket ha ha morons didnt have any proof

I also got a waring for open container yea long story made short i got outta it

Posted: March 11th, 2006, 1:25 pm
by Vanished
you are going to die for stupid driving.

oh a learn how to use a period. .

Posted: March 11th, 2006, 2:46 pm
by Legato626
Its North Dakota what else are we going to do here!!!! =) But hey we all did stupid stuff when we were young.

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 5:50 pm
by mindy2627
97 in a 50....worst part is i was driving a mini van---Forgive me lord for i have sinned

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 10:41 pm
by BatMX3Man

Posted: March 31st, 2006, 3:36 am
by fowljesse
None yet (knock on wood) but I can tell you skydiving isn't that exciting after you've gone terminal velocity for sustained periods of time on a motorcycle. Once I had a cop chase me up to about 140mph on the freeway. He was on a KZ 1000, so I lost him in traffic. They're only supposed to engage up to 100, unless you're a felony suspect, which I wasn't.

Posted: April 27th, 2006, 8:02 am
by mazdamx3sohc
i just got my first speed ticket the other day, i have nh plates and im in florida, florida cops dont like visitors.....

i was in traffic i found out at the last minute there was a paint bucket in the middle of a busy road, i had to swerve around it and i sped up to get out of everyones way, there was a cop staking out on the side of the paint bucket (he couldnt get off his lazy a-- and move the dangerous obstruction) he said he gunned me at 54, i looked i was only going 50, obviously i didnt go any faster than that cuz of the cop being there. he pulled me over, gave me 180 dollar ticket and 4 points off my lisence.
he said i was going 54 in a 35 zone. the sign RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!! said 45....b.s. i have no money for gas or food and im trying to save for my own place, and now this..eff cops.

Posted: April 29th, 2006, 9:51 am
by 92mazdaman
i have a 04 yahmaha r6 and i passed a state trooper going about 175 he had his lights flashing on the side if the road with no one pulled over. i believe he wanted me but her didnt even try to follow.but of course i didnt let off the the long run it was worth it. i got from keene new hampshire to burlington vermont in about 45 min. when it should take you about 2 hours. :D i love my motorcycle. but anyway had my license for 3 years now with no tickets.theres a time and place for everything