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Posted: May 11th, 2005, 3:04 pm
by Gro Harlem
wtf :shock:

u all are shittin right?

u aren't 40 and 50

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 5:29 pm
by jschrauwen
Gro Harlem wrote:wtf :shock:
u all are shittin right?
u aren't 40 and 50
Sorry to burst your bubble Wil (Gro). I guess this puts a whole new twist on things wrt preconcieved notions, ideas and visions of how one percieves someone else based solely on what we say and hear on this BB. M I bad??...LOL

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 5:39 pm
by neutral
Gro Harlem wrote:wtf :shock:
u all are shittin right?
u aren't 40 and 50
Yup, it's true. Figure I work on building my ride up cuz it compensates (a little) for my aging body breakin down... :? I fig Yoda's around there too and Pelado used to be the oldest MX'er I'd see active on the BB but haven't seen him around in some months.

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 5:48 pm
by Grants
Funny thing - I ran into a bloke a couple of weeks ago I hadn't seen for 20 years. So we sit down and have a few beers and catch up. He's got a fridgie business that employs about 30 guys and has 5 kids. He says - "you know, one of these days I gotta grow up. I look around and still feel like I did when we were kids. I look at my kids and think s--- I must be getting old. Wonder what they'd think of me if they knew what I'm really like. But hey I don't feel old at all." Thats how I feel too although you never say it (it's different with old mates).

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 6:00 pm
by Tunes67
Old is as old does.. age is a state of mind.. I was so screwed up when I was 20 that there is NO way I would ever want to be that age again.. unless of course I could know then what I know now ;) Since landing on the internet back in 95 or so.. I have met folks from all over the world, from all walks of life and from every age group. Most were very cool.. some were morons.. some were clueless and more than a couple were geniuses, but they were all people the same as anyone else. National pride IMO is dying.. the internet and technology in general are making the world smaller everyday and its just a matter of time before we as a race do away with borders and realize that its time to grow up a bit. Besides.. the Kanucks have better beer anyway ;) And that Pabst Blue Bear is my bloody idol.. anyone that can give a chick a giant pez beer dispenser to a chick and get that kind of response is a god LOL (I hope I am not the only one that has seen that commercial.. and yes I am at work and damn bored) ;)


Posted: May 11th, 2005, 6:20 pm
by Grants
the Kanucks have better beer anyway
Better than what? Dishwater??? :lol:

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 6:28 pm
by Tunes67
Heh.. ok ok.. better beer commercials ;) LOL


Posted: May 11th, 2005, 6:47 pm
by johnnyb
Grants wrote:
the Kanucks have better beer anyway
Better than what? Dishwater??? :lol:
I can see you've never tasted american beer. If you had then you would know the horror these people go through everytime they crack one open

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 7:27 pm
by Ricksmx3
johnnyb wrote:
Grants wrote:
the Kanucks have better beer anyway
Better than what? Dishwater??? :lol:
I can see you've never tasted american beer. If you had then you would know the horror these people go through everytime they crack one open
I dont understand why people drink anyway. I mean really the only thing you are doing is paying to throw up and for a headache in the mourning. You say it taste nasty so you cant want it for the taste so that must be what you want. I could save you alot of money and when you want the headache and the throwing up i will feed you some rotten eggs then punch you in the side of the head. lol!

Posted: May 11th, 2005, 7:37 pm
by JWMX3
Ricksmx3 wrote:
johnnyb wrote:
Grants wrote: Better than what? Dishwater??? :lol:
I can see you've never tasted american beer. If you had then you would know the horror these people go through everytime they crack one open
I dont understand why people drink anyway. I mean really the only thing you are doing is paying to throw up and for a headache in the mourning. You say it taste nasty so you cant want it for the taste so that must be what you want. I could save you alot of money and when you want the headache and the throwing up i will feed you some rotten eggs then punch you in the side of the head. lol!
i dont think most people drink beer to the point of throwing up :roll: ...... they like the taste

Posted: May 12th, 2005, 1:47 am
by 93SOHC
...age is a state of mind...
Well put as usual, Tunes!

Posted: May 12th, 2005, 5:59 am
by jschrauwen
93SOHC wrote:
...age is a state of mind...
Well put as usual, Tunes!

I never was much of a drinker but I am intimately familiar with the abuse of, why do you think I'm single. I stopped drinking 5 years ago.

Posted: May 12th, 2005, 6:18 am
by Grants
why do you think I'm single.
Why oh why didn't you put a question mark so I could put forward my theory??? Look - they're free! ??? see??? :?:

Posted: May 12th, 2005, 8:41 pm
by jschrauwen
jschrauwen wrote:
93SOHC wrote:
...age is a state of mind...
Well put as usual, Tunes!

I never was much of a drinker but I am intimately familiar with the abuse of, why do you think I'm single?????? I stopped drinking 5 years ago.
Used all 6 too..LOL

Posted: May 12th, 2005, 10:27 pm
by Grants
Now its a question I'll give an answer. :D

Lemme see, where your living, the work your putting into the place, the car you drive, the Duke as well, your general attitude..... I'd suggest that YOU WANT TO! Or even if you didn't initially, you're making the best of it and enjoying life.

Close?? (I added that extra? cause they're still free)