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Re: supra inspired kit on our MX? Possible?

Posted: November 28th, 2004, 12:06 pm
by atlantamx3
Originally posted by Gro Harlem:

an alternative would be to have veilside come out with a kit for the MX3.......(its worth a shot!) all of their kits look amazing.
Uhh I saw pics a few years ago with a Veilside kit for the MX-3.

It was in Australia.

It DOES (or DID... LOL)exist.

Re: supra inspired kit on our MX? Possible?

Posted: November 28th, 2004, 12:52 pm
by Flashpoint2
those final pics didn't show for me.. :(

Re: supra inspired kit on our MX? Possible?

Posted: December 13th, 2004, 3:55 am
by tocixxx
Yeah an "Veilside" - Kit exists.
Just look @ my cardomain page

Re: supra inspired kit on our MX? Possible?

Posted: December 13th, 2004, 7:36 am
by fry_81
that is sexy :2thumbsup:
i remember you posting that a few months back, forgot about that car, awsome car man. :2thumbsup:

Body kit is on its way.

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 11:47 pm
by marsinner
Hey all, sorry for not posting in a looong time.

But well. Been busy.

On top of that i got in a freakng accident on the snowstorm last week when it hit Toronto. And ya it ripped off my new DRIFT FRont bumper!, i was sooo freaking pissed off, its tied up with freaking wire and plastic ties.

So i decided to start building the new one on my xmas brake, have a couple of days off. I started the project much earlier. I did the design in 3d, although im not going to post those pics. i do have the half of the front bumper done.

It's not yet fibreglasses, im building the frame out of strong sheetmetal and certain pieces out of double sided cardboard. its lightweight, although its going to be prolly 4lbs heavier than the original bumper, no biggie, its not going to crack EVER!. only chip and dent. And wont fall off, the way ill make it.
I tried to make this kit functional as well as esthetically pleasing. So let me know if there is anything else ud like me to consider in making the kit.
The copies of this kit wont be made of sheetmetal like mine, but will be reinforced.

The good:

I made the front almost 2 inches higher than any other aftermarket bumper. Which means , thats right, drive over bumps a little faster!.
Up from drift kits low 4.5-5" from the ground to 6 3/4" ! (It still looks hot)

The Kit is about 2.5 - 4" wider then drifts, not sure exactly how wide ill make it, thatll be decided as i fibreglass. Maybe you guys have an idea how wide you want it to taper.

The Side Fenders will have a lower gap between the wheels, which means it'll produce a look of a lowered car. Im not quite sure how low, but at least 1.25". Dont want to have it look too low in case some people have lowered cars. Everyone that wants a front won't have to sacrifice braking the front cuz its so low and wont have the ugly huge gap between the fender and wheel.

The side fenders will have a souble small vent built into the rear, so near the door. This will give it a little air over your brakes, so little cooler, at least i hope i get the right positioning, if not, hey still looks good.
They will also be much wider than they are now, they are pretty much flush to the side, ill make them stick out at least 3-4 " out and taper in towards the mirrors, this will give me room for the vents.

The mesh that will go in will be VERYYYY easy to install, Im basically making a cut in both sides of the inside center and youll be able to just slide the mesh in through the little cuts and bend the mesh in place.

And the final neat thing, im thinnking of creating a snap on BUMPER with some sort of a lcoking pins under the car. So instead of mounting it with CRAZY RUBBER GLUES and screws to match the fenders and front bumper. ud basically have some sort of snapping or guide .This is the final thing, i dont know if itll be possible since the guides would be thin and fibreglassed.

So now for the pics.

this is what it will look like in the end with the whole kit on hopefully, may be slightly different.

Its wide, but No worries im not going to go crazy since im not displacing my wheels in any way, its all going to blend in quite nice.
This is a better front image, as you can see ive done the first set of vents, the sizing is correct, and both sides are exactly perfectly mirrored. II already have the side blinker lights, they'll be on a slight angle just like on the pic 3.
I ordered my fog lights from ebay, they are very nice as well, come off a nissan pathfinder. (i think they are 4" so the opening will be generic so allow any other 4" light in there) If not then nissans will be the way to go. Ill post anohter pic once i receive them and mount them in there for the frame.

Again ill definetely make the mold. I havent figured out the pricing, but its going to be up there, more expensive because of the materials ill be using and the details that are going into this. Im sick and tired of the
S%itty bumpers that dont even hold up, just snap like twigs. Im thinking about $450 US - $700 with the reinforced galvanized metal / metal tape and the side blinker lights included. I stil have to see how long and difficult itll be to add the extra material into the fibreglass plugz.

Since the front is wide, the fenders will have to be purchased alongside as a package or itll look strange. Ill make sure that the fenders and front looks and fits good with the rest of the body being stock, that way people wont have to buy the door panels and the wrap around rear fender attachment. I may still build a new wing for this as well. Its been going quite well.

The front will look a little different on a side then the supra, im adding another very small inverted vent on a bottom to blend it with the fog lights, something like JADED did on his.

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 11:32 am
by fry_81
great to see the progress, well done :2thumbsup:

Posted: January 2nd, 2005, 6:30 am
by tocixxx
man, if you are going to make this happen, i´ll have to buy another MX-3 to put that kit on !!!
God i love the Abflug supra :)

Posted: January 3rd, 2005, 3:43 am
by Neil
Glad to see your working on it and its coming a long. Looking forward to see how things progress. :2thumbsup: Keep it up

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 9:00 am
by MarkMoore
wonder how things are comin' along the last 2 1/2 weeks


Posted: January 15th, 2005, 11:27 am
by marsinner
I havent had much time to devote the project,Ive been extremely busy in my new business ventures and at work.

I'm actually in the proess of purchasing a new Beamer. But im not selling my baby. Ive already started this and im not a quitter. So, Ive added the final area where the foglights will be , I received them in the mail a week ago. I will fibreglass again this saturday if nothing comes up. And post a picture of the bottom part glassed and looking like a bumper.

I've already talked to a friend , and he will install the lambo doors on my mx, it looks tight, his kit that is. I'll install the doors sometime in march. Before I place the side door panels and vents on.

Once all is on. I'll worry about the molding process. Until then, its lots of work.

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 11:51 am
by fry_81
how much is he charging for the doors?


Posted: January 15th, 2005, 11:54 am
by marsinner
we have a business arrangement, he will do it for free.

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 10:58 pm
by jschrauwen
I'll have to stop by this spring on my way to A-Spec to have a look at your project. Looks very aggresive and promising. Good luck.

Posted: January 23rd, 2005, 11:58 pm
by ClutchedMX
i'd pay triple for a well down wider body kit for my mx3

Posted: February 10th, 2005, 11:11 pm
by prototype
ClutchedMX wrote:i'd pay triple for a well down wider body kit for my mx3
I have to agree with you clutchedMX...

One of my fave cars is the Abflug supra... and that in my opinion looks EVER BETTER. KEEP IT UP! I would definitely purchase.... Even if I never have money to buy anything else for my car, I would be happy going slow and looking like that. ^.^