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Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 6th, 2012, 8:06 pm
by Daninski
Go ask them who their friend was and get his address then go over and check out his car. I would of called the police anyway, that is careless driving and 9 demerit points here in Canada.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 4:28 am
by ethand
Hmm their friend's car is fine, nothing on it at all, and they said it didn't get moved between the hours I was home (before I said what hours I was home for), plus I do completely trust them - they're lovely. So I'm pretty sure it wasn't them then... But this is what happens when I park it out on the street for 2 nights... Gonna phone the council some time, it has also happened to my house mate 2ce on our street, too. Only once did the offender leave details. I've also seen it happen a few times in our area where people have hit & run in on cars parked on the road, they're just not wide enough/people aren't capable enough for us to have to park on the street (the council forbids us to park on the verge, issuing fines to those who even mount the kerb)

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 1:46 pm
by SuperK
My Mazda Cousins's out driving MX-3's... and what do I get? Miata duty!

I used to be an Mx-3'er like you, but then i took an arrow to the knee..

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 3:05 pm
by fowljesse
My rant is my freaking attention span. It seems I can't ever complete

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 6:53 pm
by Daninski
Before I was born I was asked if I wanted a large,,'uhmm' or a good memory. I can't for the life of me remember which one I picked. :shrug:

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 15th, 2012, 11:35 pm
by Ryan
It seems like everytime I go to, this happens:


Usually caused by reading the recent thread titles on the front page...

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 11:37 am
by SuperK
When I was little, my parents almost lost me!

...They didn't take me far enough into the wood

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 16th, 2012, 12:13 pm
by wytbishop

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 17th, 2012, 2:36 am
by WhiteFinish
:lol: :lol:

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 19th, 2012, 11:27 pm
by SuperK
i'm about to make a HUUUGE rant.

Anyone up for some reading?

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 12:22 am
by MrMazda92
Ryan wrote:It seems like everytime I go to, this happens:

Usually caused by reading the recent thread titles on the front page...
You aren't the only one. :wink: I still chuckle to think those <insert expletive> thought banning my IP one time would keep me off the boards. :lol: Damon can be a handful, so I rarely go on anymore. I still buy and sell things there from time to time, but I'm pretty much over posting otherwise.

Edited as per the rules :P

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 2:59 pm
by Mooneggs
Just a friendly reminder from the first post in this thread:

NO cursing, NO personal attacks, NO useless comments

If it gets out of hand, this thread will be deleted.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 4:23 pm
by _-Night-Shade-_
MrMazda92 wrote:
Ryan wrote:It seems like everytime I go to, this happens:

Usually caused by reading the recent thread titles on the front page...
You aren't the only one. :wink: I still chuckle to think those b*stards thought banning my IP one time would keep me off the boards. :lol: Damon's the biggest bully in the playground, so he thinks everything belongs to him. I still buy and sell things there from time to time, but I'm pretty much over posting otherwise.

Why am I not surprised.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 4:41 pm
by SuperK
my rant is so big, I have to break it up in categories.

RANT #1:

Work toilets.
These things... Hoo man. A normal toilet you flush them, "wooosh" they go, and your duty is done.

But these things... These things right here, friends, are Kohlers. They're KOHLER! This. is. KOHLERR!!!!

after enjoying, I dunno, 5-10 minutes of relief, one usually causally sets up and goes his way (after washing his hands of course) with a hint of relief written on this face. Not here, no sir. Come out your hair a mess, shirt torn, panting and fearing for your LIFE.

Once you're done with the toilet, it's not done with you. These toilets transform. WooOOOOOOOSHHH, *initiate violent vacuum noises.

"HELP! AAAAH!" I grab on to the stall handle wrestling for freedom, "IT'S PULLING ME IN!! THE... SUCTION, NO THE BACKSPLASH HELP!"

The only thing that'll keep you from soiling your pants is there's no soil left! And sweet corn help you if you DIDN'T Finish your duty!

And the worst part is this violent whirlpool of death would ensure a clean throne, but I walk in there, and I have to flush it before use still. then it's like, "WAWAWAH-RRRRR" as it spits and spews, "Aww man, now the seat's all wet!"

Well, you ask me, what's the solution to the problem? I know what time the janitors come in. I just make it a habit if I gotta go, wait for them to finish, and be the first one in!

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: February 20th, 2012, 5:00 pm
by MrMazda92
_-Night-Shade-_ wrote:L O L

Why am I not surprised.
If you are curious about the circumstance surrounding my ban from PT, here's a brief synopsis:
There was a for sale post where the OP had repeatedly(I believe 6 times?) requested that the thread be closed, because the items had all sold.

2 posts above and below it had been locked on the same day, both by Dan[Sac], in both threads he verbally abused the poster for not following the rules. Both made the same mistake, they were long time members and hadn't checked up on the NEW For Sale section rules, specifically having a photo with your forum handle on paper by each item for sale.

One had made the "mistake" of explaining exactly this point, and was suspended for 2 days from posting. Dan[Sac] was all to happy to announce this publicly, effectively "making an example" of the member.

I made a post in the thread that was requested to be closed, saying "Why is it that threads are locked/closed every day for minor infractions, but threads requested never are?"

I was suspended by Dan[Sac] from the forums for 7 days. I made another account to PM Dan[Sac] about my "offense", and his reply stated: "I made an attempt to settle this via PM, but you were unwilling to see reason. Why should a moderator have to listen to the demands of a lowly peon? That's what you get for calling me out publicly."

Funny thing... I was online when I was suspended, and received no PM. Damon then IP banned me for "daring to question Dan's authority."
I'm just glad the Moderators on this board are even tempered, and moderate without bullying. It says a lot about this forum, and is a major benefit to all of us. I had every right to say what I did Igor, just as I have every right to buy and sell on ProbeTalk. I didn't break any rules, so why should I lose those rights?