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Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 11th, 2012, 10:56 pm
by Josh
This is starting to sound like a wake...

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 11th, 2012, 11:34 pm
by RobMinhas

I don't know you as well as everyone else here, but I like you, and your posts are always entertaining and you contribute a lot to the MX-3 community.

Please dont go


Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 12th, 2012, 2:06 am
by kulluminati777
:crying: :crying: Yeah man don't leave!! Deep down im sure you don't want to just abandon the forum. If you REALLY wanted to you wouldn't of even warned us you would of bounced.

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 12th, 2012, 9:59 am
by wytbishop

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 12th, 2012, 8:42 pm
by Daninski
Well if the truth be know I say good riddance to him. MXers like him can only bring legitimacy to this forum and who needs that. Straight shooting, comradery, some kind of brother/sisterhood. Bla I say, double bla. I see other sites with lots of bickering, locked posts and dissension and I say bring it on. A promise of parts never delivered, ha, a lesson learned I say. Trust no one. Crappy advice, posts so badly written James Bond couldn't decipher them. You should of Googled your query in the first place. Bottom line is, fine upright members,,can I call him a member, have no place here. The only place you should find an upright member is a porn site. My 5 cents. :D

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 13th, 2012, 2:23 am
by fowljesse
Take some time, and then come back. Weigh the bad stuff against the good. I know how it feels, generally. This site would not be the same without you.

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 11:55 pm
by _-Night-Shade-_
SuperK wrote:Sometimes you know when it's just your "time to go". I think SuperK's close to that time. I've really enjoyed the forums for the years I've been part of it until recently.

I'm truly a believer in actions, not words. That's hard to accomplish on an internet forum but it can and has been possible.
Let me explain a little what I mean:

There's a guy who once sent me hundreds of dollars worth of tools from a different country to help me with a project I was working on at no charge (granted that I return it to him when I was finished) for my mx-3. I was quite shocked, and promptly took his offer! I was amazed by his offer to inconvenience himself for someone who was thousands of miles away.

I still don't think I did enough to show my appreciation but I stood up when I had the opportunity to, and helped where I could.

That's community to me. Feeling appreciated and showing your appreciation for others. Being a real person, helping each other acheive their goals.

Few years ago, I had the opportunity to ship large parcels from europe at darned great prices. sometimes it was hit or miss and a very big gamble for me. The courier would sometimes charged me oversize fees, and sometimes they wouldn't.

I used a good chunk of my time to scour european front bumpers and any other parts to go along with the package that I knew the community was interested in. I sold most of the front bumpers for 300 dollars, but even then there were several people who tried to haggle me down in price. I know I broke even but I didn't MAKE a profit off of the endeavor. I found I had an opportunity and a talent, and I used it to help the community.
There was a Knoxville MX-3 guy who wanted one of the bumpers, but he had to first get his timing belt replaced in his turbo BP with a few other things, that he coudln't do himself. I suggested he take the day to come down and pick up the bumper and I would take care of his timing so he wouldn't spend money he didn't have to. I never met the guy before, but that was OK.

When I was new and dumb to cars, there was an OldMan who came from georgia a good distance, someone I never met, and helped me with getting my mx-3 running back... several times. That was the coolest experience, having a 50-something year old guy just get up and help a barely 20 year old punk.

There's a lot of other cool stuff that's happened, I've bought the most random things for people who otherwise couldn't get out of the country or at least not as cheap... and sent it right off to them just because, never asked for extra.

... Then an incident occurred, someone tried to get me banned. It ALMOST happened... I had never felt so underappreciated by the moderating staff. i wasn't consulted when the issue began arising and was treated with little respect. Now I'm not saying I had no "fault" in the matter, no, it always takes to to tango... but I was given little to no credibility until things started getting serious and by that time I had lost most respect I had for my senior member, the damage was already done.

Now most of my favorite people have disappeared, and I just have this overwhelming feeling of frustration that I can't get rid of... and that's my clue that I've probably had enough. I'm just tired. Tired of being underappreciated, tired of people trying to flaunt their "intelligence", tired of too many commas being used in sentences, tired of hearing people talk on the forums COMPLETELY DIFFERENT then they'd talk in real life, tired of this forum being used to flatter your own ego, bragging about how you've been a mechanic for so long.. but you can't figure out how to change a belt? Or how you have such a big budget for your car when it isn't even responsible (and it never happens) or how you try to forumulate large sentences with words you'd never use in person to try to justify your "professional or expert experience"... or how you think that because you're online you don't even have to make an attempt to stop a 10 line run-on sentence. Tired of seeing snippets of people's posts being quoted just to be "disproved" to make yourself look smart. I'm tired of people not getting real and acting real, because some of you I know I can walk up and meet and be like, "dude, I KNOW you, cuzz you're the same online and offline!"
Then there's the rest of you that I'd just wanna... arrrg! *snort* You freaking frustrate me! POW, right in the kisser! You're not REAL, you're not GENUINE! You're a phoney! A big phoney!

And I know what everyone is thinking.

"Dude, SuperK, you just need to get off the internet(s) if you're tired of all that"

And you know what? You're RIGHT. There's no justification for me to stay if it doesn't improve my quality of life... and this place no longer does that.

So, to the people that appreciate and respect me, send me a message if you ever need anything, I'll try to help.
To those who don't know me... well, ya don't know me!
And to those who insist upon themselves... Learn how to use commas, you're using either too many or none at all. Get real, act real, both here and in real life.

I'll still sorta be around... still got some stuff to sell out of the garage... But for the most part, I'm out.

And for crying out loud, why the heck did you seriously sit here and read this whole thing? ... Why the heck did I sit here and type this whole thing out? AWWW CRAP I'M PINING FOR PEOPLE'S ATTENTION AND ACCEPTANCE TOO??!!

I love you man. No homo! :P

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 9:40 pm
by Daninski
_-Night-Shade-_ wrote: Image

I love you man. I'm a homo! :P


Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 20th, 2012, 11:28 pm
by _-Night-Shade-_
Dan, as much as you'd love for it to say that, I'm sorry to get your hopes up but I don't swing that way :P It's ok, we won't hate you for coming out of the closet :lol:

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 26th, 2012, 11:53 am
by SuperK
Don't be jealous of our bromance.

How I feel:


Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 2:46 pm
by Josh
^^ that explained my entire childhood...

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 3:18 pm
by wytbishop
^^^That went directly on my FB status...and was universally liked.

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 28th, 2012, 5:46 pm
by kulluminati777
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: About that time, eh chaps? *Sign off*

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 10:50 pm
by tehbrookzorz
So much nope.