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Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 8:34 pm
by SuperK
Are you really overseas gro?

It's really sad that you've been outta MX3's for such a while now... and you still have more posts than I... by a long shot.

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 9:22 pm
by im2bad4ya
Nd4SpdSe wrote:1) friends 2)knowledge 3) bonding with my dad 4) many, many stories and experiences 5) reputation 6) connections 7) jobs 8) a life, oh, and she did get me my Rx-8. Maybe I'm lucky, I got in at a good time and got out at a good time.
one life to live, good reasons. you know what they say, money's only good if you're not dead tomorrow.....or something like that :D

Gro Harlem wrote:O iz every1 :freak:
back from the dead! :shock:

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 9:55 pm
by fowljesse
Hi, Gro! Well, this really is a Lazarus thread!

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 5:41 am
by MrMazda92
Gro!! Hello!! Been a while!

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 10:49 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Hi Gro, ya...I'm still around :lol:

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 5:58 pm
by Josh
gro gro gro ... nice to see you are still alive :) kidding

anyone remember Marshmallow15... that punk that took hundreds from many in the community to make CF hatches.... crazyness so glad I did not get in on that one.

What about Yoda! he was the GOD for years... then there was babyblue...

so many have come and gone. hell ALL OF MX-West... I am takling about the BC guys, Calgary is still nice and strong :)

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 6:56 pm
by Gro Harlem
yea I'm TDY at Patch Barracks until July. Driving this baller-a$5 Audi A4 TDI 6-speed wagon, god i wish i could bring it back with me but they don't sell an equiv model in the states for some idiotic reason. i hope they at least offer the new passat wagon as a TDI & in manual form but i doubt it cuz Americans have retarded car taste. "ADERP I WANT GAY LOOKING CROSSOVERS AND SUVS AND SH!T"

Everyone in Europe drives a hatchback or wagon, suv's are considered "high end" and you only see the Mercedes/BMW/Audi variants occasionally & you see the American garbage sometimes near the bases since we are allowed to ship our cars here when deployed.

Stateside i have a tinted/slammed/scion tC rimmed pottyac vibe beater (excellent fvckin car btw....) and scoobydoo wrx stage-4ified with 16g and a bazillion other mods. its stupid fast but kinda clunky to drive with super-sexy exhaust note (but still doesn't beat my old mx3's exhaust :( )

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 7:16 pm
by MrMazda92
Hey hey, hate on newer American cars all you want, but hand me a '68-70 Charger any day. I'd tolerate pretty much any 2 door Muscle from that era...

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 9:48 pm
by RS_OBD'oh_2
Josh wrote: hell ALL OF MX-West... I am takling about the BC guys, Calgary is still nice and strong :)
w00t, go Calgary!

Although I have not been to a meet since mazda in the mountains 08'

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 10:09 pm
by SuperK
I remember babyblue! Yoda was a bit before my time. he was just becoming inactive when I joined. Oh man, I wish he was still around though. Total respect for that guy's knowledge.

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 12th, 2012, 1:41 pm
by petiec
im 37 years old and still not even thinking of getting rid of my car. i remember the days l would see 3 or 4 mx3s on the road a day. Now l would be happy to see 3 or 4 a year.

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 12th, 2012, 1:58 pm
by Gro Harlem
MrMazda92 wrote:Hey hey, hate on newer American cars all you want, but hand me a '68-70 Charger any day. I'd tolerate pretty much any 2 door Muscle from that era...
i don't hate American cars, i hate SUV's and trucks and useless crossover vehicles that further solidify the worlds viewpoint that "America wastes the worlds resources".

Muscle cars over here get more attention than any exotic car. You see Porsche's as much as you see camry's stateside & seeing lambos or ferrari's isn't that uncommon. But seeing restored American muscle turns heads like no other. One of the guys i hang out with imported his orange Challenger (new one) and we get tons of attention when rolling through towns.

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 12th, 2012, 2:17 pm
by SuperK
Gro Harlem wrote:
i don't hate American cars, i hate SUV's and trucks and useless crossover vehicles that further solidify the worlds viewpoint that "America wastes the worlds resources".

I often get frustrated driving to work and I literally am surrounded by large trucks and suv's, all empty, all with one driver, all clean as a whistle inside. Truly wasteful, indeed.

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 12:05 am
by ethand
Gro Harlem wrote:i don't hate American cars, i hate SUV's and trucks and useless crossover vehicles that further solidify the worlds viewpoint that "America wastes the worlds resources".
This is an extremely valid point!! Speaking from the perspective of an "outsider", many see "Yank Tanks" as a useless, gross waste of resources both in building, but also with how much petrol they guzzle. That said, Australia is hardly much better! We also have tons of SUVs with only one person driving them, and the biggest 4x4s are usually owned by families with only one kid. Its like they think that as soon as they have one kid, they need a fricking truck as a safety barrier - who needs an 8-seater Land Rover for one 6 month old baby?!?! My parents managed to pack us (5) kids & all our crap into a Ford Falcon Station wagon, with two seats installed in the boot, facing out the rear window!! Haha
[/rant] haha

Re: I wonder how our forum members turned out...

Posted: February 13th, 2012, 6:26 pm
by MrMazda92
I agree about SUVs and Trucks... they have a purpose, and those who drive them because "Men drive a Truck, so I must be a man!" crap... Almost as bad as the 16 year old city girl who's handed the keys to a brand new pickup, so she can take her friends to the mall on weekends.

If you need a truck, drive a truck. If you don't, don't. Why drive around getting 8 MPG so you can imagine your balls hang lower than the guy in the car next to you? Ya know what I mean? :lol: