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Re: Comments on MX3, Mightbe buying it.

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 4:27 am
by ftonz
Allright, further talking to the chap and some mechanic friends, says the rings may be going...
I need to talk to the owner again , however, I did a lookup on the car owner history and he has owned it for 10 years. 150k is young to have engine trouble, but the guy may not know what he talking about.

I'm going to buy it, car unseen, expecting to have to put a new engine in soon, I cant pass it up. Perfect excuse to drop a KL-ZE into it and the woman cant argue :P.
The bonus is I wont have trouble finding a KL-ZE here in NZ, since all the japenese cars end up here.

Cant pass it up lol. MUST BUY.
I will be the new owner in a few days :-)

Re: Comments on MX3, Mightbe buying it.

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 9:39 am
by Ryan
Clean it up and take lots and lots of photos. We'd all appreciate it.

Re: Comments on MX3, Mightbe buying it.

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 11:46 am
by mxmikey
I envy you sir.

Re: Comments on MX3, Mightbe buying it.

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 7:59 pm
by ftonz
After much thinking and learning that mx3 smokes a pack a day.. I've decided not to buy it, which is sad, being the only Mazdaspeed one I've ever seen.
The market curently a little dry on the mazda K engne, I could only get a K8 at a reasonable price... and that's not as fun as a KLZE so I left it for now

I have bought this one instead :-) ... 642040.htm

I'll be sitting in it in a few days, this one being even further away.
Woohoo, I can call myself the owner of another Mx3
When a KLZE comes up cheap enough, I'll get one for it :-)

Re: Comments on MX3, Mightbe buying it.

Posted: March 21st, 2011, 9:12 pm
by Dragon1212
well thats a clean looking one as well,.

Re: Comments on MX3, Mightbe buying it.

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 12:29 am
by Sisko182
Honestly, who cares about the other Mazdaspeed one when you've got this good looking and super clean one. I like the one you ended up buying much more than the Mazdaspeed. The interior is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay nicer, and the body color is awesome. Good buy.