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Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 14th, 2010, 5:10 am
by ethand
haha lol... that rape alarm is an awesome idea... i'm just imagining if it went of in my driveway at home and my parents didnt know about it...... hahahahaha... i might get in trouble for that...
How about installing a few security cameras around the house? Subtly,. of course, like hidden in things/partially behind things, that would help prove for you next time he (inevitably) tries to wreck/steal your stuff...

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 14th, 2010, 8:09 am
by MrMazda92
h3xt0r wrote:
MrMazda92 wrote:Not a bad idea, but to put that on his car I would be breaking the order myself.
That's what friends are for!
That's included. Any person i put between him and us is an extension of my choices.


Posted: November 14th, 2010, 8:13 am
by MrMazda92

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 14th, 2010, 8:13 am
by MrMazda92
ethand wrote:haha lol... that rape alarm is an awesome idea... i'm just imagining if it went of in my driveway at home and my parents didnt know about it...... hahahahaha... i might get in trouble for that...
How about installing a few security cameras around the house? Subtly,. of course, like hidden in things/partially behind things, that would help prove for you next time he (inevitably) tries to wreck/steal your stuff...
The issues are light, as well as storage for the video. :( Not to mention cost... I even waited up 4 nights in a row listening. I thought about a baby monitor, since it would trip with sound... it would wake me up. Both incidents happened on occasions where I was away from the house.

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 14th, 2010, 10:18 pm
by ethand
hmm true... electric gates/fences?? hahaha
yeah... though cant you get cameras that are able to see in the dark? either that, or get a motion sensing light out front (for the sake of your car)?? and a home alarm? or something hahah i dont know...
all the best with it, though...

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 1:39 am
by MrMazda92
ethand wrote:hmm true... electric gates/fences?? hahaha
yeah... though cant you get cameras that are able to see in the dark? either that, or get a motion sensing light out front (for the sake of your car)?? and a home alarm? or something hahah i dont know...
all the best with it, though...
Maybe for nightvision cameras, probably too expensive though. As for the motion sensing light, I have 2 where she's parked.

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 2:06 am
by h3xt0r
MrMazda92 wrote:
ethand wrote:hmm true... electric gates/fences?? hahaha
yeah... though cant you get cameras that are able to see in the dark? either that, or get a motion sensing light out front (for the sake of your car)?? and a home alarm? or something hahah i dont know...
all the best with it, though...
Maybe for nightvision cameras, probably too expensive though. As for the motion sensing light, I have 2 where she's parked.
Decent Lorex cameras are about 80 bucks, plus an internal PCI capture card puts it up at around 200bucks with taxes...wait....OR....No Taxes....</3... Okay so about 180ish. That should give you a clear view at night at about 100feet or so. You could get the internal PCI capture card or snag a DVR for about 200 or so.

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 4:27 am
by MrMazda92
h3xt0r wrote:
MrMazda92 wrote:
ethand wrote:hmm true... electric gates/fences?? hahaha
yeah... though cant you get cameras that are able to see in the dark? either that, or get a motion sensing light out front (for the sake of your car)?? and a home alarm? or something hahah i dont know...
all the best with it, though...
Maybe for nightvision cameras, probably too expensive though. As for the motion sensing light, I have 2 where she's parked.
Decent Lorex cameras are about 80 bucks, plus an internal PCI capture card puts it up at around 200bucks with taxes...wait....OR....No Taxes....</3... Okay so about 180ish. That should give you a clear view at night at about 100feet or so. You could get the internal PCI capture card or snag a DVR for about 200 or so.
Ill check it out :D Thanks!

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 15th, 2010, 7:32 am
by ethand
hmm, good research, hector... hahah I just realised, most of my posts are with you mm92 hahaha :lol:

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 20th, 2010, 2:54 am
by MrMazda92
x2 for the research, I assumed it would be a lot more money for a product like that; Lesson learned, look before you assume!

It happens, I tend to post a little more often than I need to; I find myself browsing the forums for hours at a time, as well as PT and the UK MX3 forums. :P

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 20th, 2010, 4:56 pm
by h3xt0r
MrMazda92 wrote:x2 for the research, I assumed it would be a lot more money for a product like that; Lesson learned, look before you assume!

It happens, I tend to post a little more often than I need to; I find myself browsing the forums for hours at a time, as well as PT and the UK MX3 forums. :P
I am the same, I will sit and browse these forums for a good hour or so every day. I might have been here a year but I still learn something new just about every day. :-P

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 21st, 2010, 5:37 am
by ethand
haha yep, x3 to the browsing for alot of time each day and learning at least one thing new pretty much every time haha :D

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 24th, 2010, 2:48 am
by MrMazda92
I love it, I used to spend that kind of time doing other things, that I now consider far less entertaining and beneficial... I'm loving everything I learn about Engines, enough that I'm thinking about minoring in Mechanics and Auto-Body when I start college again. My major will likely be engineering... That was my dream when I was young, and my newfound love for cars has only bolstered it.

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 26th, 2010, 3:29 am
by ethand
ah, sweet as! well i've always loved cars (no idea why - none of my fam at all like them even slightly... even my extended family), and thought about engineering, but looked at the course contents and decided not to...
BUT one day I wanna buy an original MX-5 ('89 model) and take it all apart, clean/fix everything, then re-build it all again, restoring everything on it back to stock condition... i rate that'd be awesome, and I'd learn so much!! first I gotta finish uni (5 years left), then get a house, etc.... so this is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG way off :cry: hahaha.... still, i can dream!!!

Re: Shock Alarm anybody?

Posted: November 30th, 2010, 12:11 am
by MrMazda92
Yeah :) I used to have no particular preference for cars, as long as they got me where I needed to go. This was before I could drive of course, it changed slowly after that. My interest was actually piqued when I first saw the MX3, and I fell in love when I test drove one. It was a beater, without a doubt, but that beater was enough to get me hooked. ;)

I've got a '71 MG Midget in semi-permanent storage, that's a project I plan to undertake in a few years, if/when I feel I am truly ready. My dream car has always and will always be a 1970 Dodge Charger, I loved them even when I didn't care about cars. Now of course, a beater shell will cost me more than a clean 200 WHP MX3, I'll be waiting far too long for that project.