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Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 4th, 2010, 10:04 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Nah, wouldn't happen, even if they did I wouldn't...

Lol, that video has comments disabled! Guess he didn't like the ones we left!

A-Spec made a TT KL 323, I've even got pics of it.

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 4th, 2010, 10:05 pm
by solo_ryder

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 10:28 pm
by Ryan
I was thinking while at work today, and figured I'd share some of the neat tidbits I've picked up in school.

This is about smelling, yes it was prompted by that running rich thread.

Your nose smells stuff when a molecule fits into a certain receptor in your nose. Its like those little kids toys, the circle fits in the circle hole, the square in the square.... we have a limited number and shape of these receptors, and as a result, we can smell some things (say, burning plastic) but not others (say, carbon monoxide)

Now the really cool part about this, is that since smells rely on molecular structures, a lot of neat stuff can happen to our poor brains. The smells of fruits, like pineapple, apple, strawberry, are all made by a group of molecules called esters, which basically means they have a COO group somewhere in it.

So apple looks like this:


And pear looks like this:


Notice they're only different by a couple CH groups, this amounts to 300pM, or 0.0000000003 meters of length of the molecule. I believe armpit is only a slight variant on apple, like one atom replaced, but I couldn't find it.

Now, on the same note, alcohols smell like alcohol (ethanol, methanol, butanol) and alkenes smell like rot...

now, even COOLER, is a thing called chirality.

A chiral molecule is one that has two possible forms.... imagine a central carbon atom, and four different types of atoms surrounding it. Since the 4 bonds form a tetrahedral shape... damnit, here's a picture.


Now try to spin one of those around so it looks exactly like the other... you can't, thats the point. Now, the cool part is that left and right chiral molecules SMELL different... isn't that neat? You can't tell the difference between chiral molecules through a million dollar spectral analysis machine because they look the same, but you can smell the difference....

Anyway, thats all I have to say.

The underlying point is that, yes, we can smell the difference between a car that runs well and one that runs rich, you just need to know what you're smelling for

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 10:47 pm
by fillpereira
Well I just learned something I didn't think Id learn on a car forum :P

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 11:03 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
solo_ryder wrote:Picssssss
Really? You've never seen them?


Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 11:05 pm
by solo_ryder
holy shat, i have never seen this before. that car is crazyyyyy is it still around?! lol @ the honda rims, are those GSR fat fives?

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: November 25th, 2010, 11:53 pm
by fillpereira
Sleeper.... :shock:

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: December 1st, 2010, 1:34 am
by NiLLie
nice car there..

oopppsss.. yah..


Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: December 1st, 2010, 11:56 pm
by Ryan
Another cool (science related) thing to consider:

With every single thermodynamic process that has ever happened since the beginning of time, the entropy of universe is always increased.

From the sun converting O2 into ozone, to the IR radiation heating the liquid water into gaseous water, and then condensing back into rain, and the dam that converts the rain water into electricty, to that electricty heating your cup of coffee in the mircowave, and your body synthesizing the caffine, and then you peeing it into the cold toilet bowl; every single one of those resulted in a net increaes in the irreversible chaos and spread of molecules and energy in the universe.

Maybe I'm just weird, but that terrifies me.

I might not sleep tonight.

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: January 24th, 2011, 10:06 pm
by Ryan
Imagine a square, side length 1, perimeter 4.

Imagine a circle that fits perfectly inside this square, diameter 1.

We know that circumference/diameter = pi.

Now, cut out the corner of the square so that the now-inside corner is touching the circle. The perimeter is unchanged.

Now, do this to infinity, cutting the corners to the edge of the circle.

Since these cuts do not change the perimeter, eventually, as it converges to the circumference, you can see that pi is actually exactly 4.

Now, if you are failing a math exam, write that on the question on your paper and see what happens.

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: January 25th, 2011, 11:00 am
by Daninski
Basic Electrical Therory

Ok, so we all know about Electrons, Protons and Neutrons. More important than those three is the understading of Homotrons. Homotrons can cause a veritable myriad of issues least of which is their ability to Blow fuses. :P
That's all I have to say on that. :D

The richest 1 percent of Americans now earn - an extremely relative term – more than the bottom 50 percent combined. Back in the 1970s, the richest 1 percent collected 8 percent of the national income. By the year 2006, that rose to nearly 23 percent and continues climbing. At this point 99% of us are sharing about 75% of the income. Sounds fair, if you’re satisfied with being a serf or peasant compared to your rulers. And while the top 100 CEOs once averaged earning 45 times more than their workers, in 2009 the nearly incredible ratio was 1,071 to 1. But wait! That’s not all.

The 400 richest Americans have a combined wealth of more than $1.3 trillion, which averages out to more than 300 billion dollars each. How hard do those 400 work, if at all, compared to the average sanitation, bank, school, health care, transit or other worker among the millions in that 99% below them who are the substance of daily economic life? What does all this have to do with Homotrons, I have no idea. :D

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 8:37 pm
by johnmx3ze
When taking a pictures of a 2010+ Mazda, My camera falls into SMILE detection mode...

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 9:49 pm
by Daninski
Imagine having a penis transplant but your hand rejects it. :(

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 9:51 pm
by Daninski
solo_ryder wrote:holy shat, i have never seen this before. that car is crazyyyyy is it still around?! lol @ the honda rims, are those GSR fat fives?
He can't bolt his cross member back on.

Re: the biggest anything & everything thread

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 1:34 am
by johnmx3ze