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Re: tiger japanese

Posted: April 6th, 2009, 5:41 pm
by mx3autozam
Daninski how do you do a compression test on an engine thats not in a car. You need to crank the engine to get proper compression test results. They buy those engines from Japan already removed from a car. They are appatently checked before removed as either good or bad and the bad ones are not shipped over. Howver not every engfine si going to be perfect. Thats what your warranty is for. Like I said my brother gota bad engine from Tiger and they returned it with no hassles.

It is buyer beware and you need to know what your looking for. Me and Fieromx3 have been around this scene for soetime now and have had our share of ZE's and we know what to look for. I love it when poeple buy straight neck motors with DE heads, and then then bash the place they got it from saying they swapped manifolds to rip someone off. Mazda is just fucked and slaps whatever manifold on whatever motor they feel like sometimes. I have seen a ZE that just came off a truck with a tonne of engines and it had Kl01 heads and a straight neck manifold. Mazda fucks up at the assmebly plant too. also with all the engines that are going in and out of Tiger and there is like 2 guys that work in the warehouse. Do you think they even have time to do stuff like that.

Think about this for a second. lets say a engine Importers swaps a Straight neck ZE manifold onto a De and sell it for the price of a DE, ok ya they will ripping someone off. butw hat are they going to do with the ZE the manifold came from. put DE manifold on it and try and sell it as a DE but its got ZE internals. they would be selling a better motor for less money. Someone would be one lukcy

As for Ian well its his fault for having them install the engine. Like me and fieromx3 say buyer beware. You gotta go there and know exactly what YOU are looking for and pick out your engine. and Yes they are the biuggest importer in toronto. me and duncan went to an importer asking for a ZE and he said he could get us one the next being nosy like I I looked over at the guys computer and saw him on tigers website. we went to another place and there was a Tiger truck there delivering an engine.

Hope this is help.

Re: tiger japanese

Posted: April 6th, 2009, 8:06 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Well, that's exactly the problem that everyone has with Tiger Japan. It's very, VERY poor buisness practices to have a business ran where you can't trust them. You go to a place of business because 1) they're suppose to be knowledgable about what they do and 2) they're suppose to be honest and trustworthy.

It doesn't matter if Mazda had 20-different variations of a KL motor, what does matter is that they're suppose to be, what does matter is that selling motors is what they do. Ignorance isn't an excuse, and of course, neither is deliberately ripping off their customers, if they do indeed do that.

It was really never a question about the motors they sell, just about how they sell them. The whole auto, auto parts and service industry is like this, and it sucks. You constantly have to watch out and be educated.