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Re: Hypothetical System?

Posted: July 26th, 2008, 9:35 pm
by Ryan
shameem wrote:
Ryan wrote:4L at 4000psi translates to 30808 litres of air....
What? 4 litres of "gas" at any psi is 4 litres of gas (given the increase/decrease in temperature). If temperature is held constant somehow then the volume would actually decrease......
The gas law is - Pressure * Volume = R * Temperature
So if one wants to increase pressure and volume - the temperature would have to drop to ridiculous levels to obey the gas law....

Increasing pressure doesnt mean volume is increased - increasing pressure increases temperature and when that pressure is released (lowered) temperature drops along with it according to gas law. That's why compressed air nozzles and spray cans always feel cold when in use.

You can see this at the output of a turbo or supercharger - as the compression is increased - the temperature increases to the point where you would need an intercooler. The intercooler transfers the temperature to air thereby increasing density which decreases volume (v=mass/density) and maintains the gas law.

I think you're just being difficult. Why can't you just know what I mean? :? If you have a 4L tank, as in you could fit 4L of water into it, and you cram as much air as you can in, to approximately 4000PSI, there would definately be more than just 4L of air in it, which could be measured as you let it out.