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Re: ~$50 Ebay underdrive pulleys OK?

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 2:32 pm
by marcdh
I recently installed a Cosmo UDP on my k8 car as my crank pulley frisbeed half of itself off!

I have been running it for 2 weeks. No bearings have exploded yet... I can quite honestly say I have noticed the difference. It's more responsive for sure, my highly inaccurate stopwatch 0-60 indicates maybe half second+ gain*. Also the car seemed more keen to shred my tires throughout 1st gear, which is where you really notice it (and a bit in second).

I wrote a guide on my UK local forum Shows what parts you what parts you have to cut off.

*maybe suffering from a placebo effect :lol:

Re: ~$50 Ebay underdrive pulleys OK?

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 9:21 pm
by Aston Wards
8WHP is a decent amount, especially when it costs so little to get.
But personally, i feel the biggest gain is the responsiveness of the engine, that is GOLD! :D

with that said, i've only experienced an ud pulley on my Zed's, but i'm sure it would be the same in an MX-3