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Posted: December 20th, 2006, 8:16 pm
by Red Egg

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 8:21 pm
by 94blaze1.6
You are pretty ignorant to top everything off! Keep it up and I wont be surprised if you do get banned....

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 8:24 pm
by Red Egg

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 8:26 pm
by lowridah313
Are you serious those stripes on corksports mx were painted 9 years ago.
Time to update your style!

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 8:36 pm
by Boris
Who cares about his racing stripes. There's a lot worse out there.

I personally think Red Egg is sitting at home laughing his a-- off because he is making so many people really angry, on a forum where nobody can actually talk to him in person. Some people just like to create controversy. If his sole motive behind this post is seriously to convince people not to vandalise, then I think he is going about it all wrong. I also think everyone's anger towards red egg is fueling the fire, personally.

Red Egg, if you're reason for this post was seriously only to help prevent vandalism, then what's with the ridiculous poll?

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 9:00 pm
by Red Egg

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 9:21 pm
by precidian
this is not a post... just a reply... and yes there is a difference.

If you don't want people to comment on the stuff you have posted.. then don't post, it is simple as that.... Being members on this board we are free to reply to any thread that has been started or commented in. If you don't like it, please move on..

BTW... your posts in this thread... Weaksauce. Plus your cartoons/comics are neither informative nor entertaining.


ps.. what is with all the "end" posts? nothing creative to write?

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 9:40 pm
by Red Egg

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 10:00 pm
by Bochek
wow, just wow.

i have stayed out of all the FWD VS RWD bs that was going on, but this, its, its..... just getting dumb.

why post something if you dont want people to reply?

bargh, its just mind boggoling.

- Bochek

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 10:25 pm
by Red Egg

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 10:51 pm
by mitmaks
94blaze1.6 wrote:ROFL, dude look at the results of the poll, I think it says it all... Seriously though I stayed out of all you hypothetical discussions in previous posts red egg but this I had to comment on because I simply can't believe a 43 year old is conducting himself in such a way. How long did it take you to make those comics? Don't you have better things to do with your time? Your posts are out there man... You claim that mx-3 design was inspired by a jaguar then you get those stripes painted (which are cool if you like em) but you do it to imitate another vehicle (mustang?) then you go off about rwd vs fwd when clearly you have never been to a track... You claim that you are trying to prevent vandalism through this post!? Are you serious? I hope you know you are not fooling anyone with that statement.
I try to stay out of redEgg's posts too, but this one is bit offensive and idiotic. It probably took him a few hours to draw up all those cartoons. Dude should get full-time job.
Drawing monkeys & sheep and other animals as (mx-3 owners). That's very adult thing to do man, way to go!
Dissing Cobra and yet dude goes out and sprays out Ford Racing stripes on his mx3, thinks its cool. Dude, youre ricer!
Parking any car in 2 spots is stupid and yes anyone deserves to get keyed if he does so. I won't do it personally. I don't park taking up two spots either. If I've got nice car I wont drive it somewhere where I know its gonna get dinged up. Or park away from all cars in father lot/corner.

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 10:53 pm
by Josh
Red Egg wrote: The MX3 owners who dislike FWD should sell their MX3s and buy some RWD fart-box. It is so pathetic that these high-school drop-outs want to win their argument and dominate at all costs; even if they end up looking like idiots.
Red Egg

WOW! im kind of offended by that comment. But to all his own. Im sorry but you are quite ignorant if you honestly believe the comment you just wrote.

you obviously haven’t driven a RWD car have you! I think your CARTOONS are mildly entertaining, but not funny or informative more like something my 5 year old sibling wouldn’t even do. I think you’re a little too bent up over this. And everyone will keep posting in this until is gets shut down for being so stupid. I myself like to park in two spots, so I agree with you there, but i would rather walk a ways so i dont get towed. I repainted my car 2 years ago but you wouldn’t know it by looking at it. So many scratches and dings. But honestly RWD and FWD there is no comparison, FWD is cheaper to manufacture and more practical for people who don’t know how to drive, and handle a RWD car. its easier to Push than it is to pull, if its just so much better then it amazes me why major companies like Ferrari haven’t caught on yet.

i didnt even touch on the stripes. i think it looks stupid, as they are too close together. they are a nice width, but too close together.

Best of luck to you in What ever your indevers may be :shrug:

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 11:00 pm
by mitmaks
lowridah313 wrote:Are you serious those stripes on corksports mx were painted 9 years ago.
Time to update your style!
Ya, I believe current owner actually took them off

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 11:03 pm
by atlantamx3
Red Egg wrote:Recently, I was accused of being a Troll and threaten with banning because of my preference for front-wheel drive over real-wheel drive on this Mazda MX3 forum. Imagine that! Isn't the MX3 a front-wheel drive car?

Dont know when to stop, do you?

And just for the record, I never said you should be banned in the other topic. I cant threaten something that I am unable to follow thru on and have no power to do in this forum.

I DID, however, say that I would have banned you from MY forum, which I run.

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 11:29 pm
by 94blaze1.6
Red Egg wrote:I am posting because there are a lot of good people on this forum who do not want to get singled out by the low-life creeps and maniacs, and get branded like me.

The MX3 owners who dislike FWD should sell their MX3s and buy some RWD fart-box. It is so pathetic that these high-school drop-outs want to win their argument and dominate at all costs; even if they end up looking like idiots. Anyway, I digress.....I would appreciate it Bochek, if you would not post to this thread. It is not helping me at all. I will post some new comics in the future.

FROM NOW ON, NO ONE POST TO THIS THREAD! Wait for my next comic.

Red Egg
Ok, this is pathetic! First off the arguments were won by discussion what means are you referring to? In a message board there is one way to win an argument and thats by discussion. Who are you calling a high school drop out? Yourself maybe? That would explain why a 43 year old is driving a car any teen can afford. Anyway you can not tell people where to post and where not to post since you are not a moderator. The poll you set up is only proving that the majority of people do not want to see you here, I cant believe you set yourself up like that! What did you expect? I could go on and on but I am going to stop as I think I made my point.....