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Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 11:26 am
by Custommx3
Grants wrote:Sick puppy.

I don't like you any more if you hope what your kids are. I got 3. Never thought that. Sicko.
Sick Puppy? Grants, your an idiot.

If you look @ statistics almost ALL MEN want a son.

*Someone to carry on the family name.
*Someone who is @ your side wanting to everything daddy does, Aka working on cars, sports, ect. (Not saying females dont, but most of the time its a boy thats most interested in such)
*Being a guy, I know how guys are, and I know Id be a little too over protective if I had a daughter.
*guys are easier to raise, based on everyone Ive talked to who has had both.

I dont really care if its a boy or a girl, we just want a healthy baby.

Comments like that should be kept to yourself. Grow up a bit, thats very immature for someone your age to say.

Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 11:39 am
by Custommx3
Grants wrote:I just wanna know how he'll tell his child if it is a girl. I mean, he couldn't not tell her... he's told everyone else in the world.

That is heartbreaking stuff, so desperately sad. Not much of a way to start a family though.

But I extend my best wishes and wish everyone the best. Kids are the best thing that can happen to a couple, they make life worthwhile.
Ya know, I dont think if I found out Im having a girl that it would effect me the slightest. My mom tried for girls, but ended up having 3 boys. Do you think that bothers her? No. People have wishes, but dont always get what they want. People wanna be doctors when they grow up and end up garbage men. Basic principle is putting food on the table. Same thing. If I want a boy, and get a girl, who cares. Its not like we cant have another. And you know what, if I have a girl, I hope the next one is a boy. My wife and I want 1 of each. If we end up with 2 the same, who cares. If they are healty or not, we will still love them, Period.

Why do you drive an MX-3? Do you want a different car? Why not drive a Ford Festiva? You obviosuly wanted your car, or did you end up with it when you wanted something else? Thats just sick. Be happy with what you have and never want anything. What a stupid way to think. People have dreams of what they want when they grow up and start a family.
Some people just get what they get and are still happy.

Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 2:54 pm
by Custommx3
Aside from all the BS comments..

Wife said.. no minivans :)

We recently bought this a few months ago. Plenty of room!


Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 4:31 pm
by jschrauwen
Oh Oh, the putting green looks a little thin .... LOL.

Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 4:37 pm
by Custommx3
In spring, I killed my lawn and regrew all bermuda grass. Getting nice and thick now :)

Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 9:36 pm
by Mnemonic
I just tried to call you to wish you another official congradz! but your not home hahahaha Sooooo Congradz man, your a great guy and one of the nicest i've ever met, you'll be a wonderful father no matter if its a girl or a boy!

Posted: July 2nd, 2006, 9:50 pm
Grants wrote:
Man I hope its a boy!
If you have a girl the world will know you didn't want her and are disappointed. You wanna live with that? I got girls! They're great!

wtf is wrong with you????????????????

If its a boy he's gotta live with the threat that he was lucky or else dad wouldn't have liked it.... bad bad bad. Obviously a girl you'll love less.

maybe you're the issue?
First off Barry, as I've already told you, Congratulation's from both Lindsay and I, to yourself and Deitra, You'll both be great parents, and we wish you all the best!

Secondly, Grants, you are WAY out of line on this one. We've put up with your crap for quite some time now, and I am debating putting a serious end to this. You may have been a member for a long time, and respected on some topics, but as of lately you have turned out to be quite an A-hole to a number of people.

Yes you have donated to this help support this site numberous times with fairly generous amounts, but I nor this site can be bought. You still are required to follow the rules.

Barry was simply stating his excitement about being a soon to be new father. Just over 2 1/2 years ago, I was in the exact same position as Barry, finding out I was a going to be a new father for the first time. All along my wife kept saying it would be a girl, and that she wanted a girl. Personally, I was hoping for a boy, for our first child, it was ust somethign I felt more comfortable with at the time. Same thing as Barry.
This must make both of us terrible parents not deserving of having children? At least thi is what it sounds like from your unwarranted posts directed to Barry.

In the end, my wife was right, and we had a beautiful baby girl, who is now 22 months old. I wouldn't trade her for the world. She is now my purpose for living, and the fact that she is a girl as opposed to the boy I originally hoped for. I was just as excited to h old a newborn baby girl in my arms as I would have been to have a newborn baby boy.

As was previously mentioned, everyone has hopes and dreams. If they get something else in life, it doesn't mean that they are unhappy, or not worthy of having it.

Grants, if you have a problem with myself or any of the moderators of this forum, you should speak to me directly as all of the moderators on this site are in that position for a reason. They follow the rules as have been laid out by me. Anything Barry or the other moderators do or say, is in effect coming from me. I fully support the actions that they take to make this Forum a better place for all MX-3 members.
If you don;t like someone's opinions, speak to them directly via e-mail and keep it off of the public domain.

Grants, you are sitting on the fence right now with regards to your status on this forum. I am debating putting a ban in place against your membership. If I cannot come to a decision with the other moderators of this site, I may open up the decision to the members of this site. We'll see where you stand....

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 1:10 am
Sorry that Grants pissed on your parade Barry. Congrats and I hope you have a healthy BOY. :wink: I too hope for boys. Put what he said out of your mind and enjoy your celebration.
Don't most people you know wish for one or the other? I know my Mom tried 4 times to have another girl and we all turned out boys. Even today she will tell you my sister was much more difficult than all four boys put together. :lol: (and she really was) I don't feel upset by it and neither do my brothers. My Mom and Dad loved us all the same.

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 1:17 am
by Meep
Congratulations Barry! Also, very well said Jeff. A preference doesn't negate how much you love a child. Not having a specific gender isn't necessarily a buzz kill for a child's birth. Most people wish to have healthy children moreso than whatever gender they are (unless you're one of those cultures who believe in superiority of one gender over the other like my mother's background *filipino*).

As I said, most people are just greatful to have this precious little life. As my sister says "I made that!" and specifically in her case, her first child was born blind but she loves him just the same anyways.

I haven't had kids yet but I'll be happy with either a girl or a boy as long as they're healthy and if s/he isn't, then I'll do my best to care for and raise that child. My husband prefers to have a girl but he wouldn't be less excited if it were a boy. He'd just rather have the kid look like me I guess... :lol:

Someday (though hopefully later and not sooner), we'll have our own little Jewish/German/Filipino/Native American/White kid.... s/he'll be so confused along the ethnic lines... :lol: but being born healthy with all the fingers and toes would be an enormous plus!

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 1:47 pm
by freakyalien
Custommx3 wrote:Aside from all the BS comments..

Wife said.. no minivans :)

We recently bought this a few months ago. Plenty of room!

Dang...what is that ugly little white car? You should definatly photoshop that thing out for future postings

.... :wink:

So have you and your wife sorted out who has to teach it to drive yet? Very important decision, can't make it too early.

My parents are actually considering paying a professional to teach my siblings...

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 8:07 pm
by mazdamx3sohc
congrats brother, i unfourtunately was unable to keep my baby we had to terminate the pregnancy, my girlfriend was deathly sick with a bad problem, we both are still very upset about the whole thing, especially after i got to see my little baby kicking around sux so bad.

Goodluck man and congradulations!!!!!!! name him after me!! (nick/nicholas)

Posted: July 3rd, 2006, 8:52 pm
by nos92mx3
I cannot believe No one has Graced this thread with a woot yet.

Barry this ones for you.


Congrats you two!

Posted: July 27th, 2006, 3:18 am
by lowflyinmx3
congrats. nothing will make you prouder and more of a man than a child of your own. my daughter just turned one year old last sunday and i can't remember how i lived without her and my wife. it'll be one of the best things to ever happen in your life, and everyone here will agree. best of wishes to ya


Posted: July 27th, 2006, 9:17 am
by Custom_V6_Limited_SE
Congrats!!! One of the greatest things about having a family is that through good times and bad times they love you back :D . Thats more than you can say about cars :lol: . So, enough of my ramblings...


Posted: July 27th, 2006, 9:51 am
by Custommx3
Thanks guys. Tuesday Dee and I got to hear the heartbeat for the 1st time. Talk about moment of realization. You can know.. but it doesnt set in until you hear the hearbeat. Very memorable experience to say the least.