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Posted: May 12th, 2006, 3:51 pm
by JWMX3
ho bag wrote:Why not build one guys?

Im willing to bet it would not be hard at all to weld up your own.
simple. first of all only a handful of people here can weld or own a welder... i can but i am not equipt to weld aluminum, have never tried, and ive heard unless your a pro its the hardest kind of welding

i bet maybe 1 member here can weld aluminum half decent, probably Yoda

if you want too see what amatuer aluminum welds look like go to probetalk and see the czt prototype manifold forsale, its absolutly hideous... i wouldnt want a strut bar with welds like that

problem number 2 - bending it

besides all that, everyone loves oem parts from across the ocean :D

Posted: May 13th, 2006, 9:07 am
by Grants
Does a factory rear bar exist?

Posted: June 2nd, 2006, 10:20 pm
by reaper of souls
you don't have to make it out of aluminum i'm making my own out of steel one for the rear and front. bending steel is not hard to do (if you know how, it's also not to hard to learn) all i have to do is take the extra step of painting the bar with rust prof paint ( even if it was aluminum i'd still paint it i'm not too big of a fan of aluminum or crome)


Posted: June 4th, 2006, 1:20 am
by Hoodzy
Grants wrote:NO!!!! NOT WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO MAKE ME SAY!!! On the STRUTS - NOT on the body / struts!

THERE ARE NO STOCK BOLTS! The strut bar should be installed on the strut studs that protrude into the engine bay ON TOP of the existing nuts. NOT underneath. It would be stupid to alter the integity of the vehicle. Just do what Mazda did. Put it on top.

I really don't care what you do. I'm a bit sick of being questioned when I carefully consider every post I give advice in. Listen to other people if you like, I don't care. Its your car. All I can try and do is help. I can't do it for you, thats down to you.
haha simmer man the way u had it worded was confusing the hell out of me... and i just asked to confirm cuz as people posted they just put it on with the original bolts and there is no oem bar in north america so inever even knew it existed

now the thing is i was in a store and i coudlnt find a freakin bolt to fit on top...

Posted: June 4th, 2006, 3:13 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Damn, I just got new ones too a few weeks ago. It was metric of course, but I dont remember the size.