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Posted: November 18th, 2005, 2:40 am
damn Oscar, that is exactly what I was going to say!!

I'd buy the new MX-3 in a hearbeat!!!
Looks Awesome!! 8)
Someone should do a custom MX like that.

Posted: November 19th, 2005, 1:50 pm
by Legato626
I would like to know what Mazda would think.

Posted: November 19th, 2005, 5:40 pm
by Vanished
you know how many people would be at your door step praising you if you just created the new mx3? Oh and you'd be rich. So rich infact, that i woudl force you to by us all this..2006 mx-3 lol. Tell us what mazda sais QUIck.

Posted: November 19th, 2005, 6:02 pm
by s1zzl3
n the reply:
Thanks for contacting Mazda.

I am pleased you took the time to bring your suggestion regarding
future models and concept cars to our attention. Consumer feedback is
always very important to Mazda. Certainly, we want to offer exciting
vehicles, and comments such as yours help us to achieve that goal.

Rest assured I have documented your suggestion for our corporate
record. These records are continuously being reviewed by our Product
Planning Department in an effort to provide only the highest quality
products to our customers.

Again, thank you for contacting Mazda.
im not sure wat that means but im pretty sure its a slap in the face :shock:

Posted: November 19th, 2005, 6:05 pm
by s1zzl3
u no maybe if we all send them a message saying we really want this mazda concept theyll consider it!!! :D hahaha
im my dreams! :(

Posted: November 19th, 2005, 6:24 pm
by Neil
I think if the first picture kept a style of headlights similar to the original mx-3 headlights it would look a lot better.

I think the original mx-3 headlights are some of the nicest looking headlights, other than the poor lighting.

Posted: November 19th, 2005, 7:08 pm
by jschrauwen
s1zzl3, What you recieved from the corporate office was the canned (pre-written) response that is given to most requests/suggestions/inputs as a matter of due course (meaning almost all of the time). That is to say that they've looked at it and are reserving any sort of decision one way or the other. You're not the only one that has or will send their aspiring designs to large corporations and the corporations will accumulate these for reference purposes if they warrant such. It wasn't a slap in the face but rather a pre-programmed response to similar messages. Will they give it serious consideration - who knows. Consider it a positive response since in fact they took the time to actually respond in the first place. Corporations have the luxury of not being obligated to respond to all inputs or suggestions. I'm not sure of the content of the message you sent and sometimes the delivery in itself can make a better impression or achieve better results. If you've got a few more designs, I'll gladly re-submit your "portfolio" to the address you previously used using a few choice tactics I've acquired over the years. You can email me through here or at . Just an idea I had, FWIW. Keep on sketching .....


Posted: November 19th, 2005, 9:49 pm
by Legato626
Ya do it i like how the new MX-3 would look. I would so rather get a new MX-3 then a new STI!!

Posted: November 20th, 2005, 12:39 am
by s1zzl3
yeh wat u said jschrauwen is a good idea, i can send u sum more designs, i jus have to come up wit sum more, cuz i jus started photoshopping, but im pretty sure i can throw out sum more ideas quickly in a couple of days n send those in. ill like remake an rx8 or even better come up wit a new rx7 i dunno sumthin. jus to be able to have a portfolio. but yeh i will email u sum sketches wen i have time :D . because i didnt no the car would go over this well, i thought a couple of ppl would like it but most of the comments have been positive!! :shock: soo ill think of sumthin. ill try n get this design out to mazda for sure cuz if they do produce this car i think it would be pretty popular amungst the tunners n especially the mx3-ers :D :D thnxz!!!

Posted: November 20th, 2005, 1:44 pm
by reaper of souls
i say it's sweet but honestly screw the kl-ze drop in the madzaspeed 6 engine in and then were talking turboed v6 all wheel drive hell ya now that is sexy 280hp all wheel drive mx-3 i can feel my legs shaking already

now the big queston 5-speed or paddle shift

Posted: November 20th, 2005, 1:55 pm
by Vanished
hey i got an idea. Try and make mutiple angles of the mx-3 you created, and print them off. Get about...1/2 pictures from idfferent angles. Sketch out abit of an iterior, add soome dimentions on everything. Take those pictures, and bring them in person to the mazda dealership and see what they think.

Posted: November 20th, 2005, 10:06 pm
by freakyalien
Vanished wrote:Its got an almost porch like stance...
My thoughts exactly

Posted: November 21st, 2005, 2:16 am
Don't bring pics ot the Mazda dealer... I don't think it would help any sinc the dealer's only interaction with Mazda is to place orders for parts and cars.
You might convince them to place the pic in the show room somewhere to get feed back. Maybe even place a comment card and box underneath. That would help you get more notice from Mazda. The more stink you can make with your idea the more Mazda will be willing to talk to you.

Posted: November 21st, 2005, 11:09 pm
by Jarago
can you post the pic of that car before you colored it and everything else, or even the original cars you used. I'd like to touch it up and see if I can make it look better or a little diff. Fantastic concept

Posted: November 21st, 2005, 11:44 pm
by Vanished
Man jarago that would be sweet. We shoudl get all the really good photoshoppers around here to touch it up and create some differnet angles. Also maybe, are they're any car designers around this board? does anyboyd know about any car desingers they can contact? if we get a second oppinion about it, may some suggestions, and aply them, it could be even better. They also might have the hookups to get this thing started.