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Posted: April 28th, 2005, 5:05 pm
by mymx.3
The smallest car I was in was my Triumph Spitfire .. I fit fine in it and in the MX ... I fit great ... well I'm only 5 ft. tall ... LOL

Posted: April 29th, 2005, 4:21 pm
by snellgrove
lol I'm about 5' 7" or 8 or something ...small in other words lol, but yeah.. I love my MX-3 LOL no issues with head-room!

Posted: April 29th, 2005, 5:28 pm
by Gro Harlem
6'4" and its ok. My legs are the main problem as they hit the dash & stereing wheel if I move the seat anywhere besides "all-the-way-back"

BTW: i got a 323 too and it has more head room. The mx3 roof is at least 2" lower than the protege & 323, hence why its seats & dash are mounted lower.

Posted: April 29th, 2005, 5:30 pm
by Ricksmx3
I'm 5'8 220 lbs. Not problems at all except when someone is in the passenger seat and try to use MY center console as their arm rest. Dosent happen that is where my arm goes.

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 10:17 am
by jschrauwen
mazdubber wrote:However, when I put my helmet on and adjust the seat to 'racing' position, it's pretty damn close to the roof.
Helmet might sit lower without the mullet...LOL :laugh:

5'8" and I'm quite comfortable most of the time. I think because the seat cushions are getting a little tired, that and I like to have a little extra cushion added for longer trips. But sitting position is great. More space than was in my 69 MG Midget.

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 11:14 am
by snellgrove
yeah, have to say the MX-3 has an amazing driving position..

hmmmmmmmm washed mine earlier.. feeling the urge to take it out for some 'exercise' :D

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 2:31 pm
by I_love_my_MX-3
6'3" I never had any problems fitting in my old mx

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 4:52 pm
by mazdubber
jschrauwen wrote:
mazdubber wrote:However, when I put my helmet on and adjust the seat to 'racing' position, it's pretty damn close to the roof.
Helmet might sit lower without the mullet...LOL :laugh:

5'8" and I'm quite comfortable most of the time. I think because the seat cushions are getting a little tired, that and I like to have a little extra cushion added for longer trips. But sitting position is great. More space than was in my 69 MG Midget.
Bahaha...I WISH I had the patience to grow a mullet! I just keep shaving it off. :P

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 10:53 pm
by ratkon
Tunes67 wrote:I am 5'9" and for my height there is no issue with getting in or being comfortable in my MX-3.. now if I could just get my gut to be a midget.. all would be right with the universe ;)

I have the same prob as Tunes,it must be a old guy thing :D

Posted: May 1st, 2005, 11:15 pm
by neutral
jschrauwen wrote:5'8" and I'm quite comfortable most of the time. I think because the seat cushions are getting a little tired, that and I like to have a little extra cushion added for longer trips. But sitting position is great. More space than was in my 69 MG Midget.
5'9" & the MX-3 is good fit. 1st ride was a 69 MGB roadster. That car fit perfect too but I was a skinny guy then. Classmate had a Midget & not sure a Midget would hold my arse comfortably today. :oops: MX probably is better at accomodating my "average grown up" size now. :D


Posted: December 18th, 2005, 6:24 pm
by neumann
This is an old thread but I found it because I was looking for answers, as to whether there was any way of lowering the seats on my MX-3.

I am 6 feet tall and have trouble with headroom in many cars. The issue is that I really have the torso of someone 6' 3" on the legs of someone 5' 9"

I have to recline the seatback two positions to avoid my head rubbing. I like an upright driving position so this is not my preference. I always like to sit in the "Italian" driving position with back upright, arms almost fully outstretched and legs bent.

The car is still new to me and I am still balancing the factors of headroom, seat back angle, distance from steering wheel, distance from pedals and distance from the gear shifter to try and get the right mix.

Am interested in others' experiences.

Posted: December 18th, 2005, 11:14 pm
by 95 rs
6'4 and find it nice and comfy. my brothers sunfire i feel more cramped in then the mx3. seat all the way back and reclined a tad and im good for pimpin dem hoes...

Posted: December 19th, 2005, 12:04 am
by Hoodzy
yah its rather awkward for me cuz i have small legs and so i gotta be up close and then i like to have the seat pretty upright so i feel nice and tight in my seat so i can reach the shifter so i have like no headroom lol

u'll get used to it

Posted: December 19th, 2005, 12:05 am
by Vanished
hahah yeah i'm 6' 3"...and i'm only 16.5 years old. ouch hey? The room in the front for me is good acculy, but the back..welll..thats a different story.

Posted: December 19th, 2005, 5:53 pm
by Drewation
Vanished wrote:hahah yeah i'm 6' 3"...and i'm only 16.5 years old. ouch hey? The room in the front for me is good acculy, but the back..welll..thats a different story.
ya and im 6' 4" 1/2 and im only 16 lol i find those little shitty hatchbakcs they made like the firefly of that chevy one those i have to duck in lol