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Re: An Excellent Article on Street Racing

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 3:29 pm
by Dragon1212
Daninski wrote:Just because it's been mentioned there's only one thing and one thing alone that sets us apart from other mammals or any other life form for that matter. The ability to reason. A reasoning mind once educated is more likely to make intelligent informed decisions. I say start in school, talk about the consequences of street racing, the pain and sorrow it can cause and then, talk about the alternatives.
Lets not get started on reason, all animals have it we only do it better.

My puppy has reasoning and i can prove it,

Chasing my puppy he understands that if he stays on the other side of the dining room table i cannot get him.
is that not a form of reasoning? Now he may not be able to reason that i could block one side and corner him, but thats what we are "supposed" good at. (most humans don't ever think that far)

If you count reasoning, there are 2 things, dexterity of our thumbs and reasoning. If we didn't have our thumbs we would probably have the same reasoning and thought processes as a dog. As we wouldn't need it.

Did you know if you loose your thumb the medical department will want to cut off your big toe and put it where your thumb was?
Ryan wrote:Humans are in no way failures in evolution... the human body is capable of rediculous things... we just choose not to.

Minds as well.

We're just lazy. Thats the failure, and its all ours.
Explain to me the thousands of diseases and thousands of issues made in the genetics of our species.
If any human released something with that many problems they would be fired in an instant. Yes?

I reason that this is gonna end badly....

Re: An Excellent Article on Street Racing

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 4:39 pm
by Daninski
Reason definition; The faculty of reason (sometimes also called rationality or the faculty of discursive reason in opposition to "intuitive reason") is a mental ability found in human beings and normally considered to be a definitive characteristic of human nature.[1] It is closely associated with such human activities as speech, science, art, mathematics and philosophy.

I never said animals can't learn, I said they can't reason.

Nuff said.

Re: An Excellent Article on Street Racing

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 6:38 pm
by Dragon1212
Daninski wrote:Reason definition; The faculty of reason (sometimes also called rationality or the faculty of discursive reason in opposition to "intuitive reason") is a mental ability found in human beings and normally considered to be a definitive characteristic of human nature.[1] It is closely associated with such human activities as speech, science, art, mathematics and philosophy.

I never said animals can't learn, I said they can't reason.

Nuff said.
Simplier definition

The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence.

We reason better, example: rational and analytic thought,

Animals have basic reasoning, (logical)

Logical is learn from experience yes? Though i do agree analytic thought is a higher responsibility for logical thinking, from my example earlier, the puppy's logical thought was, stay out of reach he can't get me. (or what ever stupid thing he thinks we are)

another Definition

the mental powers concerned with forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences.

the puppy formed the conclusion, stay out of his reach, and he can't get me.

My reasoning behind they have reason, is we talked about the general form of Reasoning therefore you can't deny that the ability to draw a conclusion is in any animals capability, drawing a conclusion is in itself a form of reason.

and another

Use of reason, especially to form conclusions, inferences, or judgments.

ex same as above.

because i just thought of it, Isn't learning itself connected to reasoning?

Simply because, my puppy drew a conclusion that he stay's out of reach he can't be caught, was taught to him by me catching him everytime he does not stay out of reach does not dismiss the fact that there was reasoning behind it.

Oh a math example, dolphins can do simple math, which is all reasoning, 2+2 = 4 which can be deducted from the fact that if i have one pile with 2 in it, and another pile with 2 in it, when i group them as one pile there is four when counted.

And about starting in school, (on topic stuff from your first post) the problem with that is most people don't listen and unless learned the hard way do you honestly remember it?

Re: An Excellent Article on Street Racing

Posted: December 17th, 2011, 5:33 pm
by MrMazda92
Okay, now THIS is the silliest argument I've ever seen on this forum! :lol:

There's no reason to argue this. =)

On topic though; if there was a local track that charged reasonable rates, it would be unbelievably crowded and popular. Bigtime money maker, I'd put good money on that as a sound investment.

If it were affordable, I would go. :shrug: I will be going, after I've put more of my hard earned money into my car.