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Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 10:25 am
by goldsberry1
she is hot, that what i miss most, my wife isnt. i ended up back with my wife. the ex's name is sherri. if my scanner would work i might have sent them to everyone i could think of, short of my family. i made sure she didnt have any thing on me though. the only thing she had was my yahoo password, but i changed it once i saw her sending im under it to my wife. she really makes me mad, i helped her out by paying a bil she had here at a storage place,($70) not a big deal. but she never paid me back and stoped talking to me. then out of the blue a couple weeeks ago she emails me and asks me to help again. i told her to send the money and i would take it to them insted of me paying them. and she said she would get someone else to do it.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 4:48 pm
by Mx3Chicka
I dont know the whole story or anything about you, but in my opinion i think that you should stay away from them both. The 19 year old seems too immature and just wants to use you as a doormat. Just thought Id add saying ur wife isnt hot isnt the nicest thing I have ever heard. haha... I think u should save this woman the torture of what u and this 19 year old are doing, thats not fair. Just my opinion though... seems like childish little games

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 8:48 pm
by goldsberry1
if you want to know everything i can post it tommorrow. you'll really hate me then though.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 11:27 pm
by Marlon
send me the pics :2thumbsup:

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 1:45 am
by 93SOHC
i've been in similar situations before and I can't say that its easy. I've never found a good way to fix it. But every thing will work out someday, seriously. I've been down that road a few times, but its all in the past and I'm happy now and can't wait to give my girlfriend the engagement ring I got her for xmas
good luck, stiff upper lip, man

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 6:25 am
by manowar821
Hey 93SOHC, I wish you the best of luck! :2thumbsup:

To the guy who started this thread... So, let me get this straight, you cheated on your wife for a little girl, got dumped by HER, got back together with your wife, still obsessed with your ex brat, and just called your wife WHO TOOK YOU BACK "un-attractive"?

I don't like you much.

But please do correct me if I got any of that wrong.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 8:01 am
by goldsberry1
ok, the whole story.
i went to japan july of last year. i took a computer to talk to my wife stacey. then about october i met my ex sherri online. i didnt get to talk to stacey as i would have liked too. but sherri was always there for me. i started to fall for her. we decided to meet when i got back to the states. i got home in january of last year, i met sherri in febuary and we got along really well so we decided to persue our relationship. i told my wife that i wanted a divorce, so in april she moved back home to ky. on may 1st sherri moved in with me.she left her kid with her parents who thought she was going to school out here. i was haveing problems decideing who i wanted to be with, wife or gf. that really hurt sherri, but i told her i decided to stay with her, which was true. then soon after that she started staying out all night with a girl from her work. i caught her in her car with another guy just sitting at work 2 hours after she got off. then things just got worse between us. a few times i would see her just when she came home to change clothes to go to work. then she told me that she wanted to break up. so i called stacey again. we talked for about 2 hours a night until she decided i could have another chance. i went home and she came back. during the time i was on leave sherri finished moveing out and left to go back to colorado. several times sherri has asked me to help her out. i did once and paid the 70$ to help her. then here recently she has started emailing me again. i would probably go back to her. my wife is a good person, just not super attractive. my ex like to make me mad still. i still think about her every day aven though we havent been together for like 4 months. we have been writeing almost everyday, but she doenst want to get back come back. wife found those pictures a few weeks ago. i hadnt looked at them in a while and kinda forgot how hot sherri was.
thats about everything. i know how bad of a person i look like but this is the truth.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 11:27 am
by Custommx3
Never trade a good thign for beauty. Most hot chicks are either ****s or b**chs. And if they want something, tell them know, cause they will always fall back on you and use you. If she was seeing someone else and treated you bad, she doesnt deserve anythign form you, mainly respect.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 1:24 pm
by goldsberry1
yeah i didnt think she was so bad until it was all over. if i had a scanner i would show you all what they both look like (both clothed)so you could see for yourselfs. my wife isnt so bad i suppose. besides shes bi, which is fun. but shes picky. oh well. i tried to get in touch with the ex gf's ex husband today. he might call me back later. i am going to tell him everything about her. i dont even think their divorce is done yet.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 1:39 pm
by 93SOHC
Honestly dude I think that if you can't make up your mind you should stay away from both of them for awhile until you do some soul searching and figure out what you really want. It's not fair to be with either of them if you still are confused about what you want. If you want my 2-cents, i'd say stay with your wife. If she took you back after all that bs, than that must make her a pretty amazing person, no matter how unattractive she is. My soon to be fiance' isn't the hottest girl on the planet, but shes a good person. And that my friend is a million times better than all the hot strippers and other sl#ts i've been with.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 2:10 pm
by goldsberry1
well in febuary i'm leaveing for 7 weeks to go to a school in san diego. so thats some time apart. but i will probably stay with the wife. i'm not as confused as i have been.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 3:10 pm
by 93SOHC
good man! :2thumbsup:

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 3:59 pm
by goldsberry1
i guess it would be better with the wife, i can always take her out and find another girl just for her to bring home.

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 4:07 pm
by airjordon_09
yea ditch the *****!!! *cough cough* :D

Re: ex's pictures

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 4:17 pm
by Grants
i guess it would be better with the wife, i can always take her out and find another girl just for her to bring home.
:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

This thread just gets more and more ridiculous! Shallow Hal's got nothing on you!!!