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Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 4th, 2003, 1:16 am
by marshmallow15
i have all 3 systems (yes im a gamer) and ive traded in my old systems for a bunch of games. i must say, gamecube is good for multiplayer games most of the time. ps2 has the rpg advantage and a few good games. xbox is good in both multiplayer, more mature games, and a few good games. out of all 3, so far ive loved the ps2 the most, but i recently got the xbox and even though it lacks games, its graphics are amazing AND you can play multiplayer on it (i know you can on ps2 also, but i dont want to spend extra cash on a multitap and almost all xbox games are multiplayer)... so so far, the xbox is pretty good and hopefully they'll get a few games.

bottom line is gamecube and ps2 had their 15 minutes of fame and are pretty old now and xbox is the new thing in. however its a competition market and pretty soon nintendo and sony will come up with something better. then microsoft will do the same again.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 4th, 2003, 7:25 am
by zilva
:) ) :2thumbsup:
for this time its the best game console :2thumbsup:

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 4th, 2003, 8:21 am
by Spydie
play a cruel practical joke and try to find a used Panasonic 3DO :laugh:

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 4th, 2003, 10:27 am
by Sonicxtacy02
I've got 120 ps2 games and 7 xbox games. There's a reason for this... :shrug:

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 4th, 2003, 10:37 am
by Custommx3
Piracy? :shrug:

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 4th, 2003, 12:23 pm
by Sonicxtacy02
lol NO its cause there arent but 7 decent x-box exclusive games to own. I save all my pirating for computer software ;) :p

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 5th, 2003, 10:39 pm
by Gro Harlem
I own all three systems and all of them have their own merits.

PS2 IMO is the overall best system ONLY because it has so much support by developers. The system has crappier technology in all areas since its over 1 year older than the GC and Xbox. Slowdown, blander graphics, longer loading times and a SLOW 2x DVD player are the culprits. the controlller is the best design controller out there. Multiple buttons, compact, dual analog, analog buttons, it is plenty for any kind of game. This system is more like the "default" system that will cater to anyone of all ages and gaming tastes.

Gamecube is cool because of how small it is. IMO the first party games are among the best quality games you can find on any system, but seem to have lost their "magic" as compared to the N64 and SNES 1st party games, with the exception of Metriod Prime & F-Zero GX. GC is obviously the loser in the current console war, but there are plenty of decent games. Zelda, Resident Evil, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, F-Zero, Monkey ball are just a few titles that are excellent, and there are numerous others. The main problem I find the GC has is the SHI TTY controller that has a HUGE lack of buttons. Games like THPS and SSX are WORTHLESS on this system since there isn't enough buttons to pull off tricks. Huge mistake on nintendo's part.

Xbox is a cool system. I just bought one in september and it has a lot of cool PC'esque games that play well on it like Ghost Recon, Halo, Colin Mcrae 3, Splinter Cell and a bunch of other ones. Definitely aimed towards teh older crowd, and has a decent amount of 3rd party support, enough to keep the system alive. I don't think the huge controller is a problem, I prefer it to the "S" controller, but it is kinda bulky for storage purposes. I hate how big the system itself is. It also weighs a lot.

All I know is if Nintendo doens't get their sh*t together, they are going under just like Sega did SOON. Their GC system hardware itself isn't bad, its the crap controller and their lack to be able to make a appealing deal with 3rd party developeers that is screwing them over. All of their 1st party "franchises" are becoming pure crap (like Mario Kart, Mario Sunshine...these games are CRAP...not worthy of the names) and too easy and short. Nintendo seems to have lost their innovative touch. IMO just having a demo disc magazine like OPM or Xbox Mag would be a great help to people sampling the systems games.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 6th, 2003, 4:25 am
by millionflame
Originally posted by Gro Harlem:
PS2 IMO is the overall best system ONLY because it has so much support by developers. The system has crappier technology in all areas since its over 1 year older than the GC and Xbox. Slowdown, blander graphics, longer loading times and a SLOW 2x DVD player are the culprits. the controlller is the best design controller out there. Multiple buttons, compact, dual analog, analog buttons, it is plenty for any kind of game. This system is more like the "default" system that will cater to anyone of all ages and gaming tastes.
I find the controllers beyond useable. They're so small I can't use them without hurting my hands and bending my fingers in odd ways to get to all the buttons. If it was a bigger controller like the XBOX then I'd like the system more.
Originally posted by Gro Harlem:
Xbox is a cool system. I just bought one in september and it has a lot of cool PC'esque games that play well on it like Ghost Recon, Halo, Colin Mcrae 3, Splinter Cell and a bunch of other ones. Definitely aimed towards teh older crowd, and has a decent amount of 3rd party support, enough to keep the system alive. I don't think the huge controller is a problem, I prefer it to the "S" controller, but it is kinda bulky for storage purposes. I hate how big the system itself is. It also weighs a lot.
The XBOX seems to get the most attention from first person shooters since it can really show off in that category. The whole system is geared for those types of games, so they just look amazing on it, whereas compared to PS2 the same game will have crappier graphics and a different way to play the game.

I think the XBOX is the best consol out there hands down. The PS2 has been around for a lot longer so it has more games, but IMO the games suck for it in general. There's too many "asian" games where the characters look like manga characters. I like more realistic looking characters.

The XBOX also has a MUCH better online gaming system too. XBOX Live beats out the PS2's online system simply because of ease of use, options, and it's high speed right out of the box - no need for a network adapter like on the PS2.

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 6th, 2003, 10:00 am
by Spydie
well at some point someone will spend the $731 USD for the new PSX coming out soon

not me.....not until the price comes down anyway

Re: Xbox or game cube??

Posted: December 6th, 2003, 2:21 pm
by killerpickle
you know that recently nintendo gamecube took the number 2 spot in the game console market share right? Thats PS2, then gamecube, then xbox. Just an fyi.