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Re: Ricer mentality **rolls eyes**

Posted: April 23rd, 2003, 1:42 pm
by Custommx3
last night some girl was following my neighbors wife around ( she drove around the neighborhood 3x and the woman kept following.) She called her husband @ my place on her cell (they were all @ my place) and he told her to drive to the house and we all went outside (was about 6 of us). The lady pulled in and Jason ( the husband/neighbor) asked the lady whats her problem and why she keeps following his wife. She said she cut her off (actually the lady wasnt paying attention and almost hit my neighbor). The lady didnt like the fact that she was caught being an idiot and threated to call the cops and go get her husband(bad idea for him to show up talking trash :) ) She knew she was an idiot for doingit cause noone ever showed up. Some people are just stupid. Road rage can get u in serious trouble or even hurt. I was watching TV a while back and I saw a show about road rage. Some guy cut another guy off, and the guy who was cut off pulled the guy over and I believe shot him with a crossbow! You guys be careful, lots of morons out there.

Re: Ricer mentality **rolls eyes**

Posted: April 23rd, 2003, 1:52 pm
by 992mmx3
I just want to be safe, if someone is tailing me on an open road, I will pull over and let them go by. I just don't want ANYTHING to happen to my car. If I go to the store, I park by myself, way out in the boonies and next to a curb. I don't cut people off, I don't slam on my brakes, don't want to be involved in ANY type of accidents. I want to be as safe as possible. All body work and the paint job on my car was done by me and my friend in my garage. It took nearly 3 months to do so, I don't want to have to do it again no matter how much insurance money I can get, or who's fault it is. I just want my car how it is, and keep it that way. I have gotten into the habit of praying everyday for me and my friends to stay safe wherever we go. On top of my friend getting egged, and my friends civic getting vandalized, my friend milissa's truck had her lugnuts loosened and her wheel almost fell off, all 5 were loose. I just hope I'm not next in line. I don't know what I'd do if I got into an accident for someone being stoopid, I'd probably loose it and take it out on there face with my autolock. :p I just hope nothing happens to me or my friends or any of you guys. Stay safe guys, an a$$ beating is iminent for screwing with my car.

Re: Ricer mentality **rolls eyes**

Posted: April 24th, 2003, 3:19 pm
by Dephekt
I'm with most of you guys. I HATE it when people tail me. Some guy in a jacked up trucked tailed me once, his lights were blasting through my hatch and lighting the whole inside of the car up. Well, I slammed on the brakes (full coverage so it would be a body kit for me) but he didnt hit me. He then quickly backed off for a while and then got back up on my *** , before I hit the brakes again he got in the other lane and some girl, who liked like she was 16, flicked me off. Now I went crazy, I drove by them and yelled some pretty bad language and flicked them off. They sped up and left and I wanted to follow them so bad and just knock the **** out of them. I always hit my brakes when people ride me, most of the time they'll back off. And about the people always wanting to race, well check this. I was at a stop light and this guy and girl (looked about 21 or so) pulled up next to me and I heard this engine rev a few times, well I looked over it and was a huge SUV, I'm talking like a Tahoe or Suburban. I just laughed, shook my head no and then drove off. Pathetic idiots.

Re: Ricer mentality **rolls eyes**

Posted: April 24th, 2003, 4:04 pm
by Custommx3
heres a trick...
During the day, if someone tailgates you, turn on your headlights and continue your current speed. They'll think its your brakes and back off, you'll be on your way :)

Re: Ricer mentality **rolls eyes**

Posted: April 24th, 2003, 4:30 pm
by 992mmx3
yeah, I like the headlight idea, don't slam on your brakes guys, thats not a smart idea, why would you want to subject your car to an accident, any kind of accident. It'll never be the same car when its in one. My whole point of the post was I'm sick of my car and my safety being threatened, be safe guys.