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Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 1st, 2003, 6:47 pm
by MazdaGirl
Wow, sorry to hear and see that. What exactly happened? There's quite the amount of damage!<p>How are you doing? Are you alright?<p>Let us all know! :) <p>take care

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 1st, 2003, 7:46 pm
by mzdspd
yeah im good. really stiff but i can live with it. i hit a ditch then rolled then slid on the drivers side for like 20ft. the 2 guys that were with me aren't even sore so i consider us very lucky.

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 1st, 2003, 7:50 pm
by mzdspd
btw i had the drivers window cracked open and thats how all the stones and stuff got in and also i don't have full coverage so insurence pays nothing.

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 1st, 2003, 10:04 pm
by Talon_66
Thats an even Bigger kick in the mommy daddy button!
Sorry to hear that man
Atleast when u crashed u didn't cuase an accident, and have the whole thing put on u... My insurance is THROW THE ROOF! thats why I am on foot right now

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 1st, 2003, 10:33 pm
by TheRedGeneral
The thing that sucks most about wrecking your car is that you know if you did one thing different you would have been ok, I hit ice and hit a mailbox, i was only going 35 mph and it was the only ice one the road anywhere, It was about a 100 yard long patch of it. But if i went any other road home that night i wouldnt have hit the mail box and fuccccckkkkeeddd up the front of my car as well as cutting my fuel line, O yeah i dont drive a mx-3 its a Firebird Trans-am it can lose control quickly

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 2nd, 2003, 2:08 am
by Mo s Ricer
dude that really sux i hit a dear with my car and it was fizable and i still cryed if that was my car id prolly still be crying at this point in time.and u said ur parting out ur car? if the driver side heald light is in good shap and not broke id be interested in it and i might be interested in the tail lights.

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 2nd, 2003, 2:52 am
by dudley
How much you bwant for the rims?

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 2nd, 2003, 2:53 am
by dudley
How much you want for the rims?

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 2nd, 2003, 12:32 pm
by 992mmx3
Looks kinda like a del sol w/out the back window, but dude!!! sorry to hear about that man, stoopid squirrels, blasted rats with fuzzy tails, i usually try to speed up when i see them crossing the streets, they always tear up our yard. :mad:

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 2nd, 2003, 12:41 pm
by mzdspd
u want the stock rims or my aftermarket ones?

Re: wrecked my car today

Posted: January 2nd, 2003, 4:32 pm
by DeEzStYlZ
Hey ppl that crash really sucked i know i was in it<p>[ January 02, 2003: Message edited by: Biggs ]</p>