come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by codene »

it was said best when brainless said "a for of power abuse". yeah i do deserve those well not all of em,the lights are legal and the monitor acts as a navigation unit which excludes it from that law. the cop was not doing his job. i wasnt complaing about the ticket i turned left for when didnt see the sign. i took that one up the a-- and figured id payattention next time. my thing was is all the cars that were doing it and he pulls over 3 imports w/rims bodykits etc.<BR>$90 for haveing a window banner? $90 for the blinkers up front? i have them on the side which are visible from the front. this cop didnt like imports and he proved himself to be a jackass. anything i deserved im not complaining about.(the left hand turn and the tag) but he writes me to tickets that wont stand up in court, a ticket for a loud muffler? what about semi trucks? theyre loud i want all them to get ix as well. anyways i said not all cops are asswholes jus ta select few as this on was. i would call the police if my car was stolen although IF i did get it back it would be minus the kit,tims,monitor and subs. theyre not perfect but it all we4 have so ill just deal with it. not trying ot make enemies here just sayin that 7 tickets in ine stop was a little uncalled for
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by Josh Fxcking Blair »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by codene:<BR><STRONG>a ticket for a loud muffler? what about semi trucks? </STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>He ticketed you for a loud muffler probably becuase it wouldn't pass emissions. Trucks over 8,000 lbs don't have to take emissions checks. Plus there are noise laws, such as having your stereo up too loud within 100 feet of a police officer.
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by codene »

we dont have emissions in florida and mufflers have no effect on emmisions
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by 5spd_GS »

ok this topic should just be killed.. your point HASNT been proven, trying to defend your original STUPID comment isnt going to happen, COPS are out to PROTECT people, people like YOU who at one point in your life may NEED a cop for something, and here you are crying like a baby about how they harrass you. <P>Stop talking about this crap, seriously<P>once again, try telling me im wrong, please.. cuz you are just gonna dig an even deeper hole.
Calen Sansom
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by codene »

all right man im not trying to make enemies here (for the second time) but how come the judge threw out all the tickets except the left hand turn and the tag if this cop was so justified? yep got only 2 now a total of $150 with no points on my license :) im happy and that cop was pretty angry. i khow everytime he sees me now hes gonna pull me over for something. oh by the way <BR>ATTENTION PLEASE ATTENTION PLEASE:::<BR>the biggest a--hole contest is over. winners will be announced below.<BR>1.5spd_gs<BR> other really...5spd won by a landslide
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by 5spd_GS »

i love how being so right about something makes ME the a--hole<P>ill take it as a compliment, thanx.<P> :D
Calen Sansom
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by codene »

no way man. if you were right the judge owuldnt of thrown out all my tix excpet the 2 i wasnt complaining about. and you thinking your right didnt make you the a--hole. the words you chose to express yourself with did.
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by DJ_X-ToNe »

I agree man, some cops are dicks. My first and only ticket..Reckless Driving..i got it decuced but had just ended, me and my friend were stuck behind a bus. My friend decieded it'd be cool to stand throught my sun roof and make a scene. So i told em' to get down, he i pulled into a nearby park to get off the road. A cop pulls in behind me and parks next to me. He makes me get outa my car to show him my linsese and registration. Then gives me this huge lecture on how people could have been hurt. I explained to him that i pulled into the park for safty. He said 'just stop talking before you dig yourself a bigger ditch'. He didnt write me a ticket there..he told me to go to the sherrifs office the next day and pick it up. So i go there and whats there?? NOTHING..there was no file of a ticket or anything. SO i had to talk to the chief and try and find out who it was. They go a hold of the cop and he was told to call my house that night. He didnt, he called 2 days later to tell me he sent out a ticket for reckless drivng. So im pissed now..thats 5 points a misdmenor and about 300$ total in fines with a criminal record!! So i talk to the D.A. and he tells me to come back next i come back and he droped it to "allowing clinging to a vechile" its 2 points and 50 bux. Which sux a-- but its better than recklesss driving. Also to a-- insult to injury..i look closely at my ticket..some of the info's wrong!! like he put it happened at 2 A.M. yet it was at 2 i learned my lesson..he was just doing his job..but he was doing it a lil' too serisoly..Just had to vent sorry LOL!

Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by Guest »

last summer i got pulled over '3' times by the cops in about 2 weeks, and why? cuz i "looked suspicious" they said, what a load of bulls---, and its come to the point in this town that cops use photo radar to do all their dirty work while they flick on their lights and speed to Tim Hortons so they dont waste any time on their donut breaks, everyone around here knows they have "quotas" to fill with the amount of money they bring in, it isnt a matter of serving and protecting anymore, its a matter of we'll do our job when we need money for our station. and if you are "somebody" around here, the law doesnt seem to apply to you either.
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by rikymaru »

DJ_X-ToNe:<P>I don't know if you know it or not but you can have the entire ticket dropped altogether. If a cop mistakenly calls your car an RS but it is a GS that doesn't mean much. But when he misses the time of the ticket by TWELVE HOURS then you have soemthing. You should just go to the local license bureua and say "Look, this cop wrote me a ticket and was off by twelve hours." If worse came to worse you could go to court and win. Youy would simply argue the cop was not in the right state of mind if he can't tell night from day. Also, I don't think an officer can wait 3 days and send yo ua ticket in the mail. If he pulls you over for something he has to issue it to you there. It would save you the points because the money won't mean much in the end.
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by MazdaGirl »

You guys (5spd_gs and Josh Fxcking Blair) need to lay off Codene for a while. All he's saying (and I totally agree with him) is that cops shouldn't bother us for driving flashy cars. What harm are we doing to them, the community or the environment? Are we endangering the lives of others by having a bright paint job, by lowering are cars a little? By having a stereo or a loud exhaust. Somehow I just don't see why it's necessary to be hassled so much, what is it that we are doing so wrong. I don't know about anywhere else, but I do know that places in and around Toronto are horrible, you can barely drive anywhere at nite in your ride without being pulled over and questioned by cops. For what? really? I just don't understand why we get penalized for having a hobby that we enjoy. I do understand that certain things done to your car are illegal, but c'mon, why is it that you get initially pulled over by the cops? Because you are a young guy/girl in a nice car! That's it!<p>[ May 29, 2002: Message edited by: MazdaGirl ]

Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by Guest »

Likw they say do the crime do the time!!<BR>u were in the wrong seriously u r polluting the environment..and for what??? to make noise??? <BR>Now u tell me was it worth it??? i mean if u had a supra or something then yeah u have something, but dood u r supping up an economy car, i bet u a 4 door sedan would blow u away..u need to grow up and be considerate to others, street racing kils!!

Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by Guest »

Oh yeah and how would u feel about cops if some other red neck like u made the illegal turn and crushed your sister..then i bet u would then turn to the cops!!!<BR>sorry for going on or sounding harsh but u deserved the tickets, and if u were not so cocky u would have got off lighter>>
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by codene »

how does a muffler pollute the environment? i dont have a catbakc or anything. just a muffler. it doesnt add any extra polusion or effect emissions. just makes noise and adds 1/2hp. i figured i did get off light since the cop threwout most of them. and i recieved a letter in the mail a few days back, this cop is in trouble for "profiling" and it is a classaction suit (meens theres more than one). i didnt join in the suit but i am gonna be a witness. the guy had been suspended with pay(i guess its just like a vacation) and it looks like hes going to be suspended indefinately. theres about 30 ppl in this that had the same prob as me. (getting alot of bulls--- tix) and its all over the papers (i live in tampa 1,000,000+ people)and for it to get in the papers its gonna be some s---.
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Re: come listen to me rant and rave about why cops suck

Post by codene »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aronmx-prec:<BR><STRONG>Likw they say do the crime do the time!!<BR>u were in the wrong seriously u r polluting the environment..and for what??? to make noise??? <BR>Now u tell me was it worth it??? i mean if u had a supra or something then yeah u have something, but dood u r supping up an economy car, i bet u a 4 door sedan would blow u away..u need to grow up and be considerate to others, street racing kils!!</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>whst ind of car do yo have? mommies civic lx? yeah and i never said anything about streetracing so thanks for throwing that in. and there is no scientific fact that cars are polutting the air(to a measurable degree) or holes in the o-zone and such. find me one report done by a scientist that says we have polltued it and i will eat my words and be raped by a pack of wild bores.
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