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Posted: September 25th, 2005, 1:57 am
by fieromx3
thats so hilarious why is it that most ppl that have a neon and same with the civic owners always think there cars r the best and will smoke everyone on the streets? if he does turbo well he better build that engine up good ive seen way to many neons blow the engines from a little bit of nitrous and/or turbo boost. well if he says anythin else tell us about it this guy is funny


Posted: September 27th, 2005, 12:28 pm
by josephpun

Posted: September 28th, 2005, 6:54 pm
by 95 rs
what a dueshbag this guy is...... so i was at the parts counter and hes all saying that his neon is so pimp and everything so i grabbed him by the shoulders and told him look you drive a flucking 97 neon and its stock with 8.8 mm plug wires wow whooo hooo ur a tool ok its a neon it will never be fast or cool its a POS and ur swift would be an upgrade to the neon and just take it how u want and well my mx3 will rape u any day ok so quit lying and well he cried i was wtf? ur a cry baby cuz no1 likes your car? hes all i got a sponsor ship from a company so they think its good i was what? u said ud buy rims tires and a bunch of stupid s--- so they gave u decals and a shaved door handle kit so yah nice sponsorship . so here he is bawling while hes at work and i couldnt help but laugh same with all the other guys that work there they did say i was right cuz he does drive a neon so maybe just maybe he ll get it in his mind to sell the pos b4 he gets bugged more.

Posted: September 30th, 2005, 6:37 pm
by 95 rs
ok so i just heard the most stupidest thing ever. my ex gf went to a family reunion and well shes all bragging she made out with all these guys and i was ok thats not right ur at a "family reuinion" main word family and shes all yah so? i was ur all farking blood relatives somehow and thats just gross and shes all its not a big deal theres no problem with it and she kept going on how she was all going out with one guy and i said god damn am i happy im not with you anymore :throwup:

Posted: September 30th, 2005, 10:16 pm
by fieromx3
LOL thats really good 95rs

Posted: September 30th, 2005, 11:35 pm
by 95 rs
its funny but think about it i didnt know her past b4 i went out with her so who knows what the fark shes done. im traumatized :shock:

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 6:57 pm
by RaverChankoMX3
That's what I was thinking. You ended that post about the story like "Glad I'm not dating her anymore. . ." Happy to see you ran for the hills on that one.

Posted: October 6th, 2005, 7:07 pm
by 95 rs
yah i am also never know what cousin shes been knocking boots with :?

Posted: October 9th, 2005, 11:40 am
by Nd4SpdSe
Man, i gotta post my e-mail case questions here!

Direct copy and paste:
Problem Description: I am trying to add 4,959.10 and 2.88, and Excel keeps telling me the sum is 4961.98000000001. The result SHOULD be 4,961.98. Why does it keep giving me the wrong result?

Posted: October 9th, 2005, 1:48 pm
by GQ084
Im not sure if this was put already but I was installing a cone to the v6 and some guy came over and said, " Oh wow, I see you adding a performance filter"...I say, " Yea something like that, just looking for some extra juice"...he then says, " Yea dont worry, you are guaranteed to get like 30 extra horsepower from adding that." HE WAS DEAD SERIOUS!! So NOW my 1.8 V6 is pumping 160hp! :roll: SWEET!! :wink:
If i get an exhaust I should have like 200hp!!

Posted: October 18th, 2005, 8:00 pm
by MX3parkerGS
lol this thread is great!

"how much horsepower do you think my new muffler got me? around 10+ or 20+?"

"Yes i kno what VTEC does." "oh, then what does it do?" "uhm duh its kinda similar to a supercharger but without the boost..."


"we n the buddies were all parked at our weekend night spot and a 4bangerprobe drives up to us, gets out, pops open his hood, and then walks over to us asking if we want to race his supercharged probe. just for the giggles we walk over to his bone-stock probe and ask, wheres the supercharger? he goes..."well duh its not in the engine bay, its the exhaust kind."


Posted: March 25th, 2007, 3:57 am
by tehbrookzorz
I was working on my car at Canadain Tire today when a co-employee found me. This isn't so much about a dumb comment that I heard, but more what I'm worried about hearing. I'm worried somebody is actually going to ask me to open the display case to buy a product that the co-employee pointed out to me. Here's how the conversation went:

Tobie: Hey Cody, look.

Me: *blink*. Oh wow.

Tobie: Nice eh?

Me: *grin* Wowww...

Tobie: (starting to worry that I'm not catching on) See anything odd here?

Me: Yep.

Tobie: What is it?

Me: Haha. Wow. I can't even believe it.

Tobie: Do you actually see what I'm talking about?

Me: You mean the question of WHY they would package gas and brake pedals for an automatic with a manual shifter knob and boot?

Tobie: Yeah. That's it.

Me: This place is more f***ed than I thought. *wince*

Posted: March 25th, 2007, 10:59 am
by solo_ryder
haha yea cambodian tire is retarded.

This chick told me this once, I have not hung out with her since:

"You know how you get a tan on your one arm when you drive in the sun? Well you can tan your other arm on the way back from where your coming from!" :lol:

Posted: March 26th, 2007, 2:40 am
by tehbrookzorz
I guess... Maybe if you drive a McLaren F1.

Posted: March 27th, 2007, 11:57 am
by ScooterBovine
Speaking of expensive cars, did anyone see the celebrity wreck the 2.2 million dolar car? :D