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Re: Xbox live at night, truly not worth my time...

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 9:34 am
by Daninski
Move this to the 'Official Rant Thread' you moron. :twisted: (You're welcome, Dan! -Ryan) Other than that I have nothing else to say except, a lot of people simply don't like Americans. I've travelled the world and the only people more disliked are the French. So in saying that it's obviously why it always defaults to a Brit. Even XBox doesn't like you, clean up your image and stop invading countries.
I looks as though your service provider maybe throttling you. Look else where for an ISP. Are you using Punk Buster or some similar method to ensure others are playing fair?
Finally, I really have no answer as I haven't played on line for about 5 years so the best advise I can give you is "suck it up Suzie" life isn't fair and if it were the meek just might inherit the earth. Now go out and work on your car. Sheeze

Re: Xbox live at night, truly not worth my time...

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 9:48 am
by Inodoro Pereyra
MrMazda92 wrote:does anybody have any solutions?
I have one:

Just move to England!!!
You're welcome. :lol: :lol:

Seriously though, I know absolutely nothing about xbox.
Can't you just connect it through Ethernet? If you can, that'd solve your problems right away... :shrug:

Re: Xbox live at night, truly not worth my time...

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 12:00 pm
by Daninski
Inodoro Pereyra wrote: Seriously though, I know absolutely nothing about xbox.
Can't you just connect it through Ethernet? If you can, that'd solve your problems right away... :shrug:
Unless your on dial up you are connecting through,,Ethernet Inodoro.
Either via DLS or Cable. :)

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 6:04 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Hmmm... Like I said, I know nothing about it. Since he talked about "bars", I assumed the box came equipped with wifi... :shrug:

Re: Xbox live at night, truly not worth my time...

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 6:51 pm
by MrMazda92
Ryan wrote:Just pick up a different hobby.... I don't have a suggestion otherwise.

I used to play video games (Starcraft, 5 hours a day after school in grade school), and if I had posted in this thread then, I'd totally be sympathetic.

Now I do stuff like clean engine parts, build 12v sound systems in my basement, think up ways to show my VRIS working, and research brake pad compounds in my late night spare time :P
Geeze, I've spent as much as 8 hours straight drooling at my monitor while looking at decade old worklogs and researching stuff I'll never be able to afford :lol:

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 6:57 pm
by MrMazda92

I "host boot", if you can honestly call it that. It effectively boots the host, but it's really something more... sinister? Either way, it kicks their laggy arse out of my lobby.

As for the meek inheriting the Earth, I'll simply take it from them. The beauty of it, is they're meek; what'll they do? :lol:
I work on my cars every day! I've got one torn down to bare metal on the interior right now, working on peal n sealing the entire car.


I'm connected wirelessly, through an xbox wifi peripheral.
The "bars" refers to my connection to the host of the game(English kid, so far away it lags even if he has good connection).
I stream full HD movies on my xbox for days on end without trouble(Netflix, my girlfriend has an obsession), and I've regularly tested my bandwidth for years. The problem isn't on my end, it's simply that the MW2 servers auto-boot any laggy host, unless they're a Brit.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 11:15 pm
by Daninski
Wifi is fine but your speed will not be as good as it would if you hard wired your system to your router. I have a PS3 and plan to wire it up soon, I occasionally get a studdering as a result of using Wifi. Not sure if Xbox has a cable connection or not.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 1st, 2011, 11:50 pm
by Inodoro Pereyra
Daninski wrote:Wifi is fine but your speed will not be as good as it would if you hard wired your system to your router.
Precisely the point I was trying to make with my Ethernet question... :P

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 10:29 pm
by MrMazda92
Daninski wrote:Wifi is fine but your speed will not be as good as it would if you hard wired your system to your router. I have a PS3 and plan to wire it up soon, I occasionally get a studdering as a result of using Wifi. Not sure if Xbox has a cable connection or not.
I should be more specific... No American in the lobbies will have above 2 bars. They range from 1-4 bars for signal strength. On an AMAZING day, I might have 3 bars where the rest of the Americans have 2. I had a wired setup for years, with download speeds of 50 mbps+, and still had issue with this... It's the distance between the host and myself that causes the lag. The only thing that wireless noticeably slows when it comes to my xbox is my headset delay while on loading screens between games. I get about 5 seconds where I can't hear anybody, only while connected wirelessly. That's the only negative I've ever found to the wireless adapter. :lol: Beats the hell out of extra cords too, I might add...

Sport Bikes...

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 8:58 pm
by Sleeper6
As of right now I am officially sick of NYS stance on motorcycle awareness. I just spent the past week of getting cut off and ignored by harley riders topped off with a 6mile cruise at 40mph F&F style with 4 idiots on sport bikes. And yes a 6mile drive at 40 isnt bad but this was on a stretch of highway thats 2 lane, posted 55 and normal traffic cruises at 60-65 as it leads out to the thruway. The best part? The reason for these idiots exhibition can only come from the fact that 3 of the said idiots decided to speed off headed out of town and the last idiot wasnt paying attention. Now myself being in the right lane stuck behind grandmas minivan saw an oppertunity to pass said van and continue home in the right lane afterwards, sounds sane right? Nope! 3 idiots upon realizing they left there buddy behind and only seeing my lights must have assumed "stupid ricer trying to race!" and proceeded to leave 2 in front and one swerved to the right and slammed his brakes to proceed to block me in. WTF??? Now thinking they would realize, hey thats a 2500Lb car that can kill me maybe i should move, I waited a few mins only to realize that they were going to proceed to keep brake checking and swerve as close to my door as possible. At this point I was irked as we now had a line of traffic (remember normal 65mph traffic here) and these idiots kept it up, tried flashing my lights and hitting the horn to atleast get them to move but nope. Seriously wth is wrong with these people? It took every last ounce of my better judgement to keep from jerking my car onto the line right into the idiot on my right who kept swerving withing 3 in of my mirror. Only thing that kept me from spiking my brakes to take out the idiot behind me is knowing that with state laws as they are it would have put the blame on me.

And this is why I will never own a bike. Nys biker awareness, what a load of bs, it should be caution morons riding 2 wheel deathtraps have right of way. All I know is I got one plate number and If I ever find it parked hes going to need new tires at the least.

Well I feel better now, anyone else with some biker hate feel free to post it up.

Re: Sport Bikes...

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 9:19 pm
by wytbishop
It's not bikers man. It's people. Right now on bike forums everywhere guys are telling stories about ricer jackoffs who take runs at them and purposely turn into their lane pretending not to notice.

Yes those guys were total douchebags but you should here some of my stories of guys I've encountered on my bike.

It's just people man.

Re: Sport Bikes...

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 9:44 pm
by Hoodzy
Yah it's people... it will always continue unless North America stops being so greedy and simply fine people for speeding. Such a joke. Start fining people who are an actual danger and don't follow the simple rules of the road.
I'm a male.. been driving for 10 years and have avoided several accidents due to being a good driver. Yet when I go 10km over the limit and having a penis makes me pay higher insurance because I am more likely to be a danger on the road.. give me a break.

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 11:09 pm
by Ryan
Moved to rant thread :D

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 18th, 2011, 11:18 pm
by Sleeper6
Ryan wrote:Moved to rant thread :D
Lol ty ryan I forgot about that!

Re: Official Rant thread.

Posted: September 19th, 2011, 1:18 pm
by Daninski
Funny, when I use to bike it was the cars/driver total indifference that PMO. They would look in their rear view side mirror, see me there and still lane change. In saying that if someone on a bike was stupid enough to screw with me first I would slow down and let them get ahead then if that didn't deter their interest a lane change would be in order and a life lesson learned by them. :D