Should we forgive the Terrorists?

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Re: Should we forgive the Terrorists?

Post by -=deathtrap-mx3=- »

different translations of the bible bud! not every bible says the same thing.<P>omg, if you're gonna use try and use my screen-name on aol to prove a point, you sir are the idiot! see the problem <I>is</I> any idiot can type on the internet. if you personally knew me, you'd get the joke. my sn is a joke! maybe i'd feel like killing a few terrorists if my family was directly affected, but i don't believe in killing anyone. whether they are innocent or guilty, God decides.<P>i said in the first line of 1st post, that i wasn't trying to condone why sooo many people have been killed. <P>if you'd read all my posts, you'd understand <B>my</B> reason for putting quotes around innocent<P>Stalin, yeah he was a ba$tard! not exactly communist, though. and once again, my aim sn is just a joke. he was tyrannical and autocratic WAY more than communist.<P>i'm not going to reply to this anymore. i stated that i wasn't going to keep "defeneding" my posts. so i'm not. if you don't like my opinion that's fine, but don't call me an idiot, because you don't believe the same thing. i thought most people could deal with opposing views, but i guess everyone is still in kindergarten...
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Re: Should we forgive the Terrorists?

Post by David Coleman »

Maybe research the source of your translation next time. Basing points of false information sucks, for everyone. <P> [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]
David Coleman
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Re: Should we forgive the Terrorists?

Post by Rayman »

i dont think the issue at this point in time would be trying to understand why they did it.....quite frankly (and quite arrogantly) i will say this: who cares why they hate us.....who cares about what and where in their quran that they have extremely twisted from? at this point in time it doesnt matter.....this is the problem of our society....we are too sensitive, too worried about what others think of us....too "trying to be nice cuz thats what we're supposed to be"......<P>they waged a war against us.....their lil holy war per se.....di haj or whatever the freak they try to build it up to be.....all is fair is love and war.....again i will say there are TWO sides to ONE war......allies or oppositions....and they are the oppositions. they are the enemies, and u just dont try to understand and sympathize with ur enemies. the british didnt sympathize with the colonists in the revolutionary war, the north didnt sympathize with the south in the civil war, we didnt sympathize with hilter in why the hell are we trying to learn about their culture now? if we were to, it shouldve been done decades ago......there is NO REASON for us to stoop to their level to try to learn about their pitiful lives when they are after our asses.<P>yes u may say thats ignorant, this and that, but at least im not trying to put up a front just so others would get this image of the "understanding, kind, worldy" being.....if u dont feel what most americans are feeling, the anger, the hate, the vengenance, then ur the one fooling urself. becuz we all have the right to.....we've gained that right, and theres no shame in showing it, and those who do show it i have more respect for than those who try to justify what had happened. and yes you are trying to justify what had happened by looking into where they may have this hate, how they interpret things, ur trying to find an excuse for their actions....and THAT my friend would make any normal person sick to their stomach.<P>and this reminds me of something i read in the danny glover (im sure yall know him from all the lethal weapons movies) anyways he said on the papers that even if they captured bin laden, he should not be executed, becuz its wrong......HA....suck my @$$ danny.....just lost respect for him, yea thats what i said.....someone like that.....exactly what i mean by putting up a front to be the "righteous" one....they dont mean what they say, they only say it cuz it seems to be the right things to say for their image. i can guarantee u theres at least 5000+ victims' family members would say otherwise danny......get real!<P>so my point here is what happened is in the past, and we dont need to waste our time and money is trying to understand the OTHER side.....did they try to understand OUR side before they took their actions....i think not, they were out to anihilate (sp?) us......its a war, its not a round table debate.....would u rather grab ur bible (quran or whatever) or get strapped and get even? wake up and smile the coffee buddy, even if they read what u wrote they wont spare ur life if they had the chance for one second.<P>as to the off-topic.....hmmmmm OFF TOPIC means OFF CAR TOPIC.....if u dont like the topics here about the real things in the world, then stay in the car topics.....david is the mod/admin, if he thinks this needs to be closed then he would do it.....<p>[ December 09, 2001: Message edited by: Rayman ]
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Re: Should we forgive the Terrorists?

Post by azmtbkr81 »

For me, the September 11 attack hits very close to home. My dad is in the US Army and works in the Pentagon about 3 days a week in the wing that was hit. Luckily he was not there on the that tragic day, but if he was he would most certainly be dead because many of his friends and coworkers are. I can understand what deathtrap MX-3 is saying about being more sympathetic to the arab world, because the US hasn't always been, but this is neither the time nor the place for that. Bin Laden and the Taliban are fanatics, they are not true muslims, holy warriors, revolutionaries or anything like that. They are a murdererous cult-plain and simple. Anyone can take any holy book, Bible, Quaran, Torah, whatever and twist its contents to justify their evil ways-just look at Jimmy Jones and David Koresh. Trying to understand Bin Laden's motives is like like trying to understand Hitler's motives to want to kill the Jews. America is the most powerful and visible nation in the world and a convienient rallying point for these idiots to focus their hatred on. Trying to negotioate or deal diplomatically with these characters is pointless, they don't listen to reason or respond to threats. They only respond to violence. Wiping out the Taliban and all forms of terrorism for that matter is the only responsible path for America to take, becuase if we don't, it will be open season on all Americans and American installations across the globe for any wacko with a bone to pick. So for me, personally, I would have loved to have been the one that pulled the trigger to drop that 15,000 lb. MX-3 sized daisy cutter bomb on those deranged bastards, and I would like nothing more see Bin Laden's lifeless body swinging from the end of a rope. :mad:
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Re: Should we forgive the Terrorists?

Post by Rayman »

amen brother.....they are playing game of hate....of uncivilized conflict.....then why do we need to understand them? yes the arrogance of most americans is a good part of the root of their hate.....but dammit, if they were a "civilized" culture and have a better handle on their part of the world, then there wouldnt be a need for their jealousy onto us......yes we are the better, we are more capable to do anything than they if they want to bring us down and have it their way, then they better go bring their balls in a basket<P>said it before and will say it again.......WAR is WAR.....its either them or us.....and i would not hesitate for a second to support their destruction/anihilation if they are a threat to our well-being.....cuz their sorry pitiful lives aint worth ours
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