I picked up a 94 2.5L probe transmission for $50... I didn't know what shape it was in but I had hoped to rebuild it... Unfortunately the whole thing is going to the trash can...
Probe transmission..

Upper case half, under 5th gear... :bash: Counter shaft chewed into the case half rendering it garbage..

Lower case half.... :bash: Toast!

Counter shaft bearing blew up...

Now on to the fun! B6T and KLDE guts on the bench...

A pile of case halves...

I'll start at the top... The back covers... KLDE on the top, B6T on the bottom... notice how much flatter the B6T is...

Inside of the B6T back cover...

Inside of the KLDE back cover..

The KLDE cover is changed to help pick up more oil and feed it to the counter shaft... The back covers are interchangeable...
Rear case halves are almost identical... There are a couple noticeable differences... But it looks like they could be interchangeable... The KLDE one has slightly different casting to accommodate a different rear mount set up..(didn't get pics) If you were to use the KLDE rear half on a B6T/BP car it looks like it would work, but you couldn't go the other way...The KLDE rear case half has extra ribbing around the diff area.. I am going to assume this is for more strength..
KLDE rear case half..

B6T rear case half..

Also different is the oil guide that feeds the rear cover(5th gear) with oil... The KLDE one is larger and more open.. more able to catch and transfer more oil... It also extends into the front case half area...

The B6T one... its metal and shaped completely different.. smaller and doesn't past the rear case half area..